The Death Panel are oncology experts today.

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Jesse looks like he’s going to bust out into his rendition of “The Trooper” at any moment.
Btw rewatched Rockstar after it being mentioned. Didn’t realize Timothy Olyphant was his bandmate. Hilarious movie.
hello based cupcake department
Look at the Milky Way and understand your place within. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t focus your ire on anything but the JQ. Just saying.
Ngl if you guys actually got Stefan on the show I’d pay an extra month just for that alone.
Does Molly actually have White Nationalist takes? Also, he seems a bit self-centered.
Thank you Sven for actually clearing up the Delta smelt stuff because that has been fucking catnip for rightoids because it not only scratches their “owning the tree huggers because I’m a fucking creek shitter” itch while avoiding talking about actual issues that threaten California’s water supply like Stewart and Lynda Resnick.
Sven you gotta wear a leather jacket with that haircut.
Sven’s Biden impression is getting too good, sad Orange Faggot is taking over soon
That and the fact that we will longer get Kirb stomps sucks
They need to bring in Shane for that one
Orange man stained.
Listening to your show is not HARD! I was a conspiracy nut in my early 20s when in cringe New Zealand, but always sniffing around for the Jew connection. Connected it in early 30’s. Now early 40’s and listening to you is my personal bliss. Yes, sometimes I fall asleep on my bed in your 3-hour podcasts, like I do with any long podcast but every few days, I enjoy turning on my computer and loading you up at home or at my desk job.
the myth of assimilation is easily the worst thing, there’s no way to measure “assimilation” so if you say “it’s okay for non-whites to come as long as they assimilate” you’ve already lost because it can’t and won’t be measured so it’s just a free pass for them to go forward with unlimited immigration
Assimilation to Jewish power is the current standard.
They talk as though 1) the “American culture” as it now exists is a good thing, and 2) that assimilation is a one-way street, ie that they will assimilate to us, and not us to them. Neither is necessarily true.
Oh no! Not you too Sven with the ponytail!
Sven’s Peter Zeihan era
The Lady MAGA thing is definitely a “gay” op/rear guard shit.
I see that Sven is copying Peter Zeihan’s style
From oven dodger to medbedazole
Immunotherapy is actually a game changer for many stage III and IV cancers. I personally know people who went through surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, ect and were basically out of hope with less than a few months to live and immunotherapy drugs saved their life. The one drug in particular two of the three people took and it put them in remission was Keytruda(Pembrolizumab).
I’ll probably get attacked for it but I had never even heard of Fenbendazole before and the first thing that comes up when googling it is a paper where they talk about its potential to treat cancer. I doubt it’s a “miracle cure” that is curing people with stage 4 cancer obviously but it does look like it has some research into it at least unlike ivermectin which i only ever heard of in relation to covid and without any real evidence of its effectiveness.,primarily%20by%20disrupting%20energy%20metabolism.
I am begging you, please read the study and understand the mechanism of action before you retread something we already covered.
By itself Fenbendazole does nothing, it’s about reducing the drug resistance of cancer cells, meaning it’s used in conjunction with something else, like traditional chemo.
I posted before I got to that part in the show and that was basically my understanding of it, it’s not a topic I’m heavily invested in it just seemed like, and still does seem to me, to have more validity than ivermectin posting.
There are studies on ivermectin for off label use, I read about it years before covid, they were going to do more studies. It does seem like an interesting drug as a powerful anti-inflammatory at least. Who knows, maybe it is promising and they attached it to “right wing” conspiracies to make people advertise to it. Or maybe someone just wanted to sell a lot of it. I agree that they would repackage it and charge more if they find it did work. Not saying it cures cancer, I just don’t care if they want to study it or if… Read more »
My specific gripe is how it’s a motte-and-bailey. Gibson gave the bailey position, which is ivermectin cures everything including reversing stage 4 cancer. The motte position is what you guys are doing to try and rescue Gibson and arguing for the limited efficacy of its use. Thats not what was being debated. The guys already addressed this on the show and what these studies mean. And as long as the bailey position is “ivermectin reverses stage 4 cancer” then you’re going to have to deal with some fire hitting your motte and casualties like judicial_notificer who hides his position behind… Read more »
I accept that Mel Gibson went on Joe Rogan to sell his most recent movie to Joe Rogan listeners– who swear by psychedelic drugs, NPS, and horse and pet dewormer. NPS refers to synthetic designer drugs produced on an industrial scale: cannabinoids, opioids, methamphetamine derivatives, etc. Novel Psychological Substance or NPS also means “we don’t know what this is, and it would take us months and unlimited funds to discover what this is so we could tell you what drugs this is like.”
Lady Faga
Yes more Medbed content. Dunking on boomer and Gen X rightoids is the best.
Sir, you are ignoring at least half of the med bed users, although leftoid med bed users have more social status and disposable income.
I had to use levamisole on my aquarium once, a bad case of callamanus worms, killed all my guppies.
Fme. Gibson comes off like an absolute clown. he’s in his 60’s. Boomer neoteny. Gibson ~Rogan pretending to have a subversive conversation .
Mel Gibson’s dad was up in the VIP section of Sedevacantist heaven going YES MEL TELL JOE TELL THE WHOLE WORLD WHAT HAPPENED IN VATICAN 2 AND WW2!!! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE LET ER RIP. And then Mel proceeded to talk about ivermectin and generic evil forces for two hours. If your a trad Cath I expect to hear the term judeo Masonic at least 33 times in a two hour period of talking, very shameful display my man. But I have a slight shimmer of a plan trust. I think Mel might let it rip in the Passion 2… Read more »
Since everyone on Twitter is dunking on The Misfit Patriot, I decided to as well. He recently wrote that both Putin and Zelensky are dictators. That is true, but not for the reason he thinks. Putin is a dictator for the benefit of Russia, while Zelensky is a dictator so that he can loot and turn Ukraine into another Israel: That is the only thing he is correct on. The other stuff he is wrong on, so I replied ”What a rightoid you are!”. I would again like to thank Mike for following me on Twitter again,it means everything to… Read more »
Quick well actually, the claim is that pre-DDT agricultural insecticides, usually arsenic based, were to blame for polio. DDT was the first effective insecticide that was also non-toxic to humans, and started seeing widespread use post war which also happened to coincide with the use of the polio vaccine and polio being more or less eradicated in the civilized world. The anti-DDT stuff came decades later, when someone said it kills bald eagles or something.
I’ve only listened to one Joe Rogan show, it was the one where Sargon was on in 2017. Even back then I thought he was a retard because Sargon was trying to talk about real things but suddenly the whole talk turned to the Göbekli Tepe archeological site in Turkey, ancient history and aliens. Sargon was pushing back on his conspiratardism and Joe was getting annoyed. It was probably a rightoid op even back then and Sargon was too ignorant to understand that he was being inducted to this rightoid grift sphere.
I’m surprised no one has noticed that bullying me about “aspect” was so thoroughly successful that not only do i not use it anymore even when appropriate you can hear me stop and stutter to think of a different word. I’m the Pavlovian dog of TRS
Who I Broke
🎶Twelve thesauruses couldn’t save your life, boy!🎶
There are many aspects of this personal problem that you are still recovering from.
Bullying works.
I was just thinking about medbeds last night lol. I was mentally on a boomerhate tangent. I was actually thinking how sad it will be when all the boomers are gone because there’s no other group that you can so easily laugh at (in the same way).
Gen X are pseudo-boomers
Zoomers will be the next Boomers
I’m sorry you are wrong Mike, Joe Rogan is that fucking stupid
Methylene blue is like antidote for fucking cyanide poisoning lmao
It causes organ damage but at least you don’t die. Although I don’t know who gets that treatment because a lethal dose of cyanide can kill you very quickly. Within minutes or even seconds depending on the dose.
Twenty years ago I had a mild case of cyanide poisoning, received no treatment, and was fine within an hour. I wonder how many people got sublethal doses, went to the hospital because they felt bad, then got fucked up by methylene blue they didn’t need.
The thing they tell you about your life flashing before your eyes is very real btw.
If Mike is still saying “methylene blue” he’s
making an innocent mistakelying with an agenda. The tint left behind by Zyklon is a compound called iron blue.The christcuck hate right from the beginning of the show pleases me Mike 👌👍👍🤣🤣
Around the 58:35 mark, when Mike says, “Jews are not demons,” the look on Jesse’s face is priceless; subtle raising of chin like, “wait what?…ok hang on, let’s hear him out”
you’re imagining things. I agree 100% they’re not demons, they’re just people. Demons don’t exist.
Just funnin my dude
Race gas slightly increases death rate in the chamber.
Part of praxeology’s appeal is the fact we are living in the empire of lies.
to add to tds theory of political identity selling as a profitable aspect now in capitalism, is i believe due to whats called whaling. whales are the main profit creator to many modern capitalist companies, such as gaming, especially gacha gaming. whales are the most fanatical absorbed buyers, true fanboys. many mobile games get 80 percent of their revenue from a tiny group of whales. this is likely now evolving to every aspect of the culture because the wealth from whaling is just so immense compared to standard users. so yea, we will see politics in this system go ever… Read more »
This slop slaps
Public service announcement; if you didn’t hear the recent episode of the TRS retard greeters, please do so. I’ve just listened and I haven’t laughed that much since Ricky Gervais’s “there’s been a rape up there” episode.
i know of a case of a rightoid farmer injected himself with penject 90 to fix his knee issue.
its a quite ‘agressive’ pencillin, he had a heart attack from it.
another happy individualist landing.
About 15 years ago this hometown high school football player accidentally killed himself by chugging too much Gatorade too quickly
I don’t want to piss anyone off but the same logic used to “verify” the eyewitness ivermectin cancer cures closely resembles the defenses of the resurrection narrative
As scathing as a Sven rant might be, I’m not sure it compares to crucifixion.
Or rather Holocaust testimony imo. They act more like jews than anything else. If the kooks ever got real institutional power they would arrest anyone who challenged flat earth and snake oil and extrajudicially execute people instead of just getting the mockery, deplatforming, and debanking which is the worst they’ve ever suffered.
I hear you but I feel like when Goys do it, it comes from a place of guileless earnest retardation; holocaust “evidence” to me always stinks of conscious deception. But then I guess they do convince themselves in the end (“it was real in my mind”)
I definitely agree with that Flat Earth drooling Retard vs. hand rubbing Holocaust affirmer
I really liked Sven’s performance in kobra Kai
This is a dumb reference to the terry silver character btw…but actually if you watch it there’s some subtle digs at Jewish power (or so I chose to interpret them) in the treatment of his character (who is Jewish though not, I believe, the actor)
Literally lol’d.
you’ve betrayed their mythos, and without they have no world, no concept of it.
you thereby deny their very moral self image in their arrogant individualist headcanon.
CHRISTOLOGIKAL BRO. Sven clearly has a crystallized 3rd eye. Decalcify your pineal gland an Christ consciousness will be revealed. 🙏🏻✝️😵
Dude Jesus going to hell and being the doomguy is awesome. I bet it won’t be that cool but imagine.
sven one minute in already hitting on reactionaries, i know its already gonna be content for me.
Judicial_noticing gonna set you fellas straight. 🍿
no he wont
Not anymore
Ooooooo did we finally get a ban? His nonsense isn’t even entertaining anymore
The guys basically addressed what he was doing with doing tactical study reading, but included in that was him JAQing off and being a pseudoskeptic. He wanted to smuggle “ivermectin cures stage 4 cancer” without seeming to actually adhere to it (same thing he did with flat earth, pretended he actually wasn’t a flat earther but just a skeptic in spite of the fact his twitter header is using the 1595 mercator map as a flat earth signal). I have no more tolerance for this. He can email sven to try and get it undone
All heil Borzoi 🤚
I never claimed Ivermectin cures stage 4 cancer. You’re seemingly so upset you refuse to be good faith and it’s making it so you can’t even be accurate about what I said.
I hope that was in Hannibal Lecter voice after he made multiple miggs swallow his own tongue
He was politely warned to not do Stage IV cancer quackery but he apparently just lacks the social awareness and impulse control to keep his dickbeaters off the keyboard for two Goddamn seconds.
If he had just stuck to Stage III quackery, but nope, he just had to push it.
OMG, what a way to start the year. Finally, the glorious Sbenbun
🤣🤣🤣 Nazi bun man
Joe Chodegan
I enjoy Sven’s 80s/90s corporate villain hair style.
New year… still same ole F5 champ inna haus
Early bird gets the worm 🤘
and the dog de-wormer