Mike and Borz return to discuss Hanania and Destiny's gayrace physiognomy, examine Dr. Avi's accusation of Hamas having a feeder-fetish, update on the absolute non-state of Occupied Syria, and deconstruct how Musk and Batya "The Whore of Babylon" Ungar-Sargon are controlling the discourse around the Rotherham discussion.

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Batcha ungar sargon is such a caveman sounding ass name
Keep rattling the solidarity saber. That is why whites lose. We dont have it. Ill never forget the rage and contempt I had with the OJ simpson trial decades ago. Auditoriums, schools, gatherings of blacks going total apeshit with the outcome had me in terrible consternation for years. Decades later it has finally sunk in; it is just pure grug, allegiance, unconditional solidarity with their race.
We have been mindfucked into quixotically wondering, gee wtf is wrong with them, don’t they see the difference between right and wrong? It doesnt fucking matter. Solidarity is all that matters
Thank you for bluntly calling out the new Syria for what it is: an ISIS puppet state run by Israel and the US. I totally agree that the idea of Turkey going rogue in Syria is ridiculous.
Turkey is a reliable NATO client rewarded with a temporary revanchist playground like Ukraine was, nothing more. It’s one of Israel’s closest military allies and trading partners. (Erdogan’s “boycotts” were just stunts.) It was the first Muslim state to normalize with Israel in 1949. Israel and the US are also fully prepared to toss out the Kurds because ISIS is more useful now.
I guess it’s very similar to the Bush years in the sense that while “rightoid” are “in power” the entire media apparatus and tone of things is generally still very “leftist” or just really anti-white. Somewhat similar, the way Musk is acting is basically just Tommy Robinson-ism in that he’s going to bitch about “muslims” but then simultaneously talk about paki’s being the worlds greatest people and that we need all of them to move to white countries as long as they aren’t muslim
Not only are we objectively the best looking, our race is also the only one with actual, genuine diversity.
Literally every other race looks almost identical.
We have a broad range of beauty.
Out race is the only one that’s actually human – northeast Asians come close but everything else is just a weird hominid that unfortunately didn’t go extinct.
100%. Don’t let jews trick you into thinking the fact that Sub Saharans are the most genetically diverse means they are also most phenotypically diverse.
Please sign for this L.
Thank you Mike for shitting on libtards and their stupid “Israel are Nazi’s!” rhetoric. Their terminal ww2 brain is worse than boomers and it’s gotten to the point that their stupidity is malicious and results in more people being victims of Jewish violence. I hate these people with every bone in my body and don’t let Sven talk you out of shitting on these people. They are pure evil.
“I don’t buy the whole ‘rape is about power, not sex’ thing. Rape is for sexual gratification.”
As usual, jews are the exception. Jews absolutely rape to overpower and humiliate their racial enemies. We saw this when those male Israeli prison guards raped male Palestinian hostages, and Israelis rioted in support of the rapists. (Brings a whole new meaning to #metoo!) We also saw it when both male and female Israeli prison guards raped female Palestinian hostages.
In both cases and as explicitly bragged about on Israeli tv, the rape was about power. Jews aren’t sexually attracted to Palestinians.
As a crime, it’s much more grave than theft, but in terms of motive, for 99% of rapists, rape is theft of sexual intercourse.
All sex is about power hence all the dominance and submission shit.
Love is war and sex is a battle, basically?
Love is the battlefield, sex is just weird psychological shit for most people. Maybe for well-adjusted people sex is some kind of egalitarian affair, but I’ve never watched well-adjusted people have sex, so I dunno.
Also, instead of getting autistically distracted by irrelevant “refeeding syndrome” studies, simply deflect to the documented ways that jews have starved Palestinian hostages for 80 years.
We have before and after videos of Palestinian hostages emerging from prison as barely living skeletons. We have documented Israeli prison policy of giving Palestinian hostages only the bare minimum nutrition to stay alive (and many still die).
Instead of wasting time poring over irrelevant data, we need to learn to reflexively say, “no you.” Bitterman wants us to autistically examine *hypothetical* Hamas (gentile) behavior, when we should be talking about *proven* jewish behavior.
Good point. How come the jews never apply these miraculous “refeeding” techniques to the Palestinians they keep in captivity? Why not just do it for propagandistic considerations? I think with jews the propaganda they want to put out is whatever will terrorize the Palestinians.
I didn’t buy a desk. I made my own. Bigger and cheaper. Also an L. 😀
A colossus of 2,10m x 2,10m, or 82.6 inches x 82.6 inches for you guys. I love it. Loads of space.
If you want to think about LGBT as a race, it kind of works. Just as races have distinctive behavioral phenotypes mediated by the interaction of environment and genetics, so to do fags; except mental illness and personality disorders are what mediate the LGBT behavioral phenotype, not shared ancestral lineage.
Homophobia is an evolutionary trait.
Homosexuality is determined by behavior. There is nothing which legitimizes it as a peoplehood. The fundamental claim of LGBTism is that an otherwise heterodox collection of individuals holding in common only their predillection for myriad erotomanias and aberrant sexualities can comprise a legitimate social identity to which political rights may be ascribed. This is as absurd as supposing that potheads or people who get a lot of tattoos have identity in a serious political sense. The term “gayrace” flatters this absurd demand.
Time for my status check comment, I just received a copy of the album of color signed and wrapped up in cigar paper. This is extremely appealing to my high status hipster signaling priors and I will definitely be displaying this at a conspicuous angle on a surface in my home so everyone knows that I have very unique and refined tastes and also I’m racist.
I’m waiting for the download file so I can listen at 2x speed
F5 intensifies
Listening at 2x speed is TIGHT
RIP Jean-Marie Le Pen.
For Mike when he talked about the political cycle.
Time is a flat circle – True Detective (HD) – YouTube
Aaron McGruder‘s work on the Boondocks comic strip and by extension the cartoon was also another obnoxious example of educated lane niggas trying to push black grievance politics into post 9/11 aughts libtard discourse.
The return to post 9/11 neocon feels makes me question what Jew is now doing the Roy Cohn level cultural shifting similar to what he did in the 80s.
To quote Van Morrison
“ why are you on Facebook? Doo-doo, doo-doo.”
Murdoch Murdoch got it right
So ISIS is now George Floyd because they couldn’t “breathe” under Assad? That adds up.
They claim that Iran beats the shit out of them before apologizing but honestly I wouldn’t be upset if that was the case. They deserve it.
They’re not tricked, Iranian zoggies do it for free
The only thing as loathsome than an Iranian ZOG enjoyer is a White South African libtard/antiracist
Ah, so you are South African!
“Wuz up with that, ya’ll cowards dont even smoke crack”
I scrolled Dr. Avi’s twitter. He seems like a desperate guy clamoring for attention from popular tweeters. Such a shame. He should just be a jacked successful doctor in real life and leave this clout chasing to the weird losers.
I wonder if the jews ever considered that maybe Hamas didn’t have a steady stream of food for the POWs maybe the POWs didn’t eat for a few days then ate a lot when food became available. (of course they don’t care about this explanation they just want to push a narrative.)
As proven by WW2, Jews absolutely will destroy food supplies and starve people to death including Jewish POWs and prisoners.
The whole “hostage” situation is a Jewish ego thing. They could care less about rescuing them, its the knowledge that Jews are being ordered around by “filthy Arabs” and being made to occasionally do menial tasks like washing dishes. They’d probably rather starve the POWs to death than suffer the indignity and humiliation of not being in total control and power.
It’s always with conflicts with Jews, that the enemies always do these elaborate torture schemes. Not surprisingly, you never get this as much with conflicts between other peoples or tribes.
Israel knows the hostages are being kept healthy and fit, that is why they are in no rush to get em out
….this would be good to have go viral
With the October 7th shit, they’re basically doing what Joseph Goebbels said they do more than 80 years ago. Just repeating the same goddamn lies over and over again without ever backing down.
Narcissist gaslighting on the jewish racial level.
Dr Avi backed out because he knows the truth. It would be interesting to be on the other side and see how many of these Jews actually believe in the Holocaust.
Been wondering this a lot lately
Dear Abby (newspaper)
jews suck.
Jews always talking about rape as a torture tool is complete projection.
Jews talking about almost everything is complete projection. It’s their favourite trick.
Hostage girl looks like madame Blavatsky
wypipo smell like wet dog! …as apposed to smelling like death, fungus, shit, piss or curry.
I would fucking love a deep dive from Mike about Ancient Judaism especially in comparison to the Classical Greco-Roman or the Celtic-Germanic Barbarian world especially with those like Joel Barry desperately try to staple the fan fiction of inbred desert perverts to Western Civilization.
“Accelerationist tranny” u/a
Never tire of Mike’s nrx tranny story. It obvs scarred him permanently
At least that wound scarred, unlike the tranny’s axe wound
Of course the record holders for man- eating animals holding the largest body counts are always from India whether they’re tigers, leopards, or crocodiles.
The most dangerous big cat is the leopard because they evolved to hunt hominids. They love to take out Jeets btw.
There’s been numerous cases of leopards just straight up racking double to triple digit kill counts of Africans and Jeets, leopards are a top tier cat
Coyotes like snakes help with rodent control. Oh Gawd ((rodents)))!!
Coyotes would walk right up to us soldiers in the barracks during field exercises. They were absolutely harmless
Idi Amin’s mistake was letting the Jeets leave Uganda imo, should’ve turned the place into a Sarajevo style black cauldron to boil them out
Mode gay is a walking bio hazard with incontinence, “kenboy” would be a great example of mode gay.
Hanania looks like the Big Lots version of Wishmaster or the Brainscan guy
Sweet, I’m catching a show live for once.
Listened to episode 44 over Christmas and that girl is hot. Shame about the nose tho.
Hanania’s brother killed puppies by throwing them off a building iirc
Hope everyone had a great holiday break
Hello from Southern California.
Hello from also Southern California, home of the best racists
Nice to hear you again Borzy. Hope you and the family had a great Christmas break.
Sincere welcome back from Holiday to the long snouted canine.
Triumphant return of the borzzz