Shane and Spectre say goodbye to 2024 and start the new year off with a cozy discussion of narrative and character in games and pop culture, and Spectre finally talks about the Massa Effect trilogy and its idea of racial conflict, enmity and cooperation, as well as a whole bunch of other stuff just for you. Come and try it. First one is free. (All are).
~Third Rail is a Borzoi/Spectre Joint~
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
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The Youtube channel Spectre blanked on the name of
Mortal Kombat Defiance was fun. It had a story, and you could learn different martial arts styles.
Also during the week of Christmas my two oldest boys and me took turns playing through Batman Arkham Origins because it’s a Christmas game.
I’ve been playing a lot of the old Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis games lately, thanks to my 5 year old deciding he likes Sonic.
Btw Hell Let Loose is free on Epic Games Store atm
Great episode. Somehow I never realized Specter got his name from Mass Effect. One of my favorite games that i can never seem to stop talking about. I always assumed he got his name from Bond or some book because he never struck me as a video game guy. Now I want Specter to do a NIGR episode with DK and Louis. One thing thought. I think Mass Effect 2 has the worst combat from the trilogy. Mass Effect has the most amazing and well thought out world building ever done in a video game. Even the infinite ammo has… Read more »
I kept thinking James Bond
I’ve actually beaten a game of Rogue, grabbing the amulet of Yendor and ascending to the surface. Only ever done it once.
Turians are the coolest alien race. They’re like…socialist velociraptors with laser rifles in space.
Hell Let Loose is free to own on the Epic Games Launcher. Free until the 9th.
It’s been a long time meme which race is the jews of mass effect. Though the volus definitely fit in many ways, I’ve always just been disgusted by the quarians. The predicament they’re in is entirely their fault and they act like the victims.
I’ve always like how in ME3 a civilization threat comes to the galaxy and they respond by trying to destroy the geth. Let’s me honest, if aliens invaded tomorrow, Israel would totally start genociding their neighbors even harder while everyone was distracted.
Also, the next ME game should just be the humans and turians enslaving the rest of the galaxy for being such treacherous cowards when the reapers came.
The Asarians are the real kikes. Subversive, gene thieves, deeply involved in finance and organized crime. Their race have a genetic disease that makes them in to cannibal psychos. They are also somehow the head/ruler of the Citadel council, Yet they have no real military might to begin with, how did that happen? OY VEY! The Turians have a warrior culture and a real military, They are the rightful rulers of the galaxy after us. The Salarians are hyper intelligent and enjoy a technological superiority to the rest of the galaxy. They also reproduce faster then most of the other… Read more »
I’ve had similar discussions about Elder Scrolls.
Babylon 5 was planned to be 5 seasons with a 5 season story arc, but they were cancelled during season 4 production so they hurriedly rewrote season 4 to finish the story arc. Then they got picked up for season 5 by a different network so they had to rewrite that to fill out the final season after the conclusion of the main story arc. Season 1 is very slow going. Not every episode is good but it is getting you slowly into the story arc. Things get really good in season 2 (this is where I got hooked on… Read more »
I’ve tried watching it, but I can’t get over that hairstyles are ehat separates species….
GREAT SHOW GENTS!!! I love the video game analysis from spectre and the Shane’s hilarious commentary. Also great CRiTIcAl dRiNkER impressiob 😂🫶🏾
For me, fighting games are a social affair. They’re incredibly fun to play with friends. If you’re playing by yourself or only with people online, it’s not half as fun. More the merrier, too, because fighting the same person can get old. But having three or four people taking turns and getting better against eachother as they play provides serious entertainment.
Binging O&A supercuts while playing old videogames? Now I’m wondering how many of us have been down that road…
Who the hell does Borzoi think he is missing shows? I need to hear a manic depressive bibliophle and a drunken Irishman try to out pun each other for 1.5 hours and I’m already paying $14.88 a minute for it!
I hope Borzoi’s enjoying time off with family.
I finally know Spectre’s Twitter handle, thanks to Leonid Svartsson. It’s just unfortunate that Shane has been banned.
Sunday chores with Big Pun and Spatula.
YES mass effect gontent! cant wait, thought i have to wait to listen to this as i need it for work tomorrow night.
The curse of the low-time-preference.
If we all clap loudly enough, tinkerbell, I mean the third rail, will make it to the trs mainpage
We did it fam
The Rail beckons
Thank jaysus