The Death Panel are back from a few days off just before another few days off.

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- The Lithium Ionist Agenda
- This Is Not Operating Operationally
- What If Autist
- The Rotherham Window
- Gunt Style Rogan
- So the Madagascar Can Happen
- Warmommy 40 Rape
PO Box 867
Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
sven’s profile only sometimes looks like an old sorcerer clicking on a crystal ball
So how often do EVs start burning after a car crash? I would imagine it is pretty common but I do not know.
Also given their weight and torque, are EVs killing more people in collusion accidents? One mitigating factor for this is that rich white people are mostly driving them therefor is less likely to get in to serious accidents. But on the other hand given how shoddily built the majority of them are do the crumple zones even work as they should in EVs?
Hearing Mullah Omar took me back.
When we first deployed to Afghanistan we had a familiarisation with an American ‘civilian’ (probably an intelligence jew) who talked us through the background and history of the Taliban and what we were doing there.
I wasn’t a virulent anti-semite then (and was only early 20’s) but despite that the whole story still sounded like a crock of shit to me.
if you have a diesel engine charging the battery, then you literally my dude, just reinvented the german submarine efficiency increase design plan during ww2
Voice clones are really good now, Elon could definitely use his voice. I hear they’re also using it for pajeets in call centers to make them sound white too, also phone scammers. Anyone with a few seconds or a minute of you speaking on an insta reel can clone your voice well enough to fool your grandma into thinking you need her to wire you money in mexico. Watch out for your loved ones.
I’ve not read all the comments yet to check if this hasn’t been raised already but the DP, courtesy of Alex, almost got to the point i’m about to make anyway but discussed it apropos fat tissue in the human body burning. The reason ICE vehicles are so much more inherently efficient than a BEV (battery electric vehicle, just in case) is that 95% of the energy they require is just floating around them all the time. So only 1 part of the fuel required to burn the 15 parts of ‘energy’ to propel the vehicle is being carried by… Read more »
That’s a novel way to conceptualize the fuel an automobile needs to operate. Does the transition to electric cars mean Earth’s atmosphere is being privatized in the sense that its energy production potential is being off-loaded entirely onto privately produced batteries? With electric vehicles, all that free-floating potential energy in the atmosphere is no longer the public good it once was, being replaced by a private good.
Shawn Ryan is 100% a glownigger. He is an admitted “retired” CIA asset….
Jesse, check your TG dms… there’s a lot more to Shawn Ryan’s story…
is the voice supposed to be jim norton?
@1:05 in, roughly, that’s Shawn Ryan. Not only is he a former SeAL, but for much of his career he worked for a few PMCs and was and admitted CIA field agent… He has a YouTube channel now, which for the past few years, he has called other glowniggers to come on, tell harrowing stories, and goad people into taking hallucinogenics lol.
Remember, there’s an old saying about glowniggers: “You never really leave ‘The Company'”
Jesse clearly just watched the Galaxy Quest review from RLM lol. It was decent, tbf. I loved that fuckin movie as a kid.
Criticizing EVs lets you alog leftoids and Muskoids at the same time!
Hating Musk is bipartisan now.
Unfortunately Musk being universally despised only hurts Tesla, it doesn’t hurt EVs as a category. The koolaid drinking EV cult is still impervious to reason.
“rightoids” Just call them Christians.
I mean, why not just put the jews on shitty boats, sail them off to Madagascar and if the British sink them, oh no, how awful, anyways…. Honestly seems cheaper than secret industrial genocide.
If the Axis won, moving the Jews to India would make the most sense. India unlike Madagascar had the infrastructure and population to take in millions of Jews without even really noticing, plus Indians would quickly figure out how to neutralize Jews since they don’t have any Western liberal hangups about playing fair or not engaging in ethnic nepotism.
Imagine the rape.
The What if autist – who btw, you forgot to put on Vivaldi for – is literally someone who talks like a fag and his shit’s all retarded
The only people I trust these days are the Houthis I’ve decided.
Maybe we could have these things on tracks with wheels that are 10x more efficient than rubber on asphalt and this thing on magically thin metal wheels could be powered by overhead lines powered by a nuclear grid? Or we could even have mobile nuclear reactors on a normal track and train? But noooo, we can’t do any of those things because people still believe in the holocaust
Edison Trucks is what Alex is talking about. And the reason for the diesel-electric hybrid is diesels and all ICEs are more efficient at operating at a continuous RPM and powerband rather than shifting through a bunch of gears. Edison trucks use I think 50% less fuel than standard semis.
Plus electric motors can apply maximum torque at 0 RPM. Diesel engines need to REV up to around 1500-2000 RPM to apply maximum torque.
I’m a huge diesel-electric ideologue, but I still hate batteries
Electric motors are hugely good. It’s just what powers them is fucking us
Interesting i not heard about this before.
You guys should do a deep dive on Dune. Then dedicate a whole show just doing Dune skits. It would be the greatest episode ever.
Julian calendar respector.
This is the way to start the new year, a Banger of an episode.
And furthermore, I’m of the opinion that Madagascar must be destroyed. Cato The Elder 2025.
I was thinking that if the Madagascar plan had worked the Jews would have just called it “New Israel” and dumb Christians would have still said ‘God’s Chosen People’.
However if the Madagascar plan had worked it implies a German victory which would have completely altered the world order as we know it.
Yeah that guy’s alternative history sucks because he can’t question the existing paradigm which shapes his priors. There’s no way Britain would cooperate with Germany in expelling Jews as long as Jewish control existed in Britain. A Britain capable of overthrowing Jewish control either never goes to war with Germany at all or makes peace with Germany after France falls. A victorious Germany would not allow for the creation of a Jewish state whether in Israel, Madagascar or anywhere else. A victorious Germany making peace with Britain in 1940 means no Operation Barbarossa in 1941 because there would be no… Read more »
When will Elon buy BANG?
All SF guys go through training with explosives. When I served with the 3rd battalion 75th Ranger Regiment back in the late 90’s through 05 we worked with explosives regularly. During the selection part of what was then ROP(Ranger Orientation Program) and now it is RASP(Ranger Assessment and Selection Program) they teach you how to use explosives mainly to breach buildings but also to destroy equipment/sensitive material.
This is the kinda of alogging content i will never get tired of!
Engineering Alogging is my kind of content for me, especially from foolish technocrat like Elon Musk.
I’ve responded to several electric vehicle fires. We’ve used foam or several 1 3/4 inch hand-lines to put them out. Takes about 30 to 60 mins to put out.
I bought a ford lighting f-150 EV last year. It is an amazing family vehicle for everyday semi local use. Cheaper than gas, WAY faster than most cars, hardly any maintenance and the battery is rated for 1000 cycles which is 240,000 maintenance free miles. If you are in a position where you can have a home car charger, a USED EV is a spectacular investment. And EV technology is only getting better. I still would not be without a gas car for long trips but I would never be without an electric vehicle ever again. I am not in… Read more »
A huge portion of the population either can’t charge at home, and/or can’t afford a second car, therefore the only practical solution for them is either an ICE vehicle or a hybrid. EVs are a niche solution for some people; it is not a one size fits all solution for the entire population. It’s like if the old Baker Electric and Detroit Electric companies had survived they could have provided a niche solution for people who needed a second commuter car or a second car for the wife to do daily errands in. The push to force EVs into every… Read more »
Another 50 cycles!
So Rudyard is saying jews would genocide the Madagascar population and immediately transform the country into a money laundering and shadow banking hub? That’s a bit of a backhanded compliment no?
Does Madagascar even have sex stores? Probably not even in the top ten gayest countries either. I bet they are feeling really left out right about now…
You ever been to some kind of Madagascar sex stoore?
They are better off in a remote part of Siberia where they can’t harm other people.
They’re best off in that hole in Turkmenistan that’s been on fire for 50 years
Problem is there are no natural borders like a sea in Siberia.
We could build a wall i guess, If nothing else it would be fitting.
They can also go to India because jews and Indians were basically made for each other.
India would have been the practical solution as the subcontinent knows how to assimilate invaders. Indians don’t believe in Western liberal ideas like playing fair and not engaging in ethnic nepotism so they would probably learn to neutralize Jews pretty quickly.
If we’re going to idly fantasize about what-should-have-been, I request that giant robots and continent scorching lasers be included.
Lets bring about the Seven days of fire!
I get the point and it might have worked, but I rater not take that chance. As a wise man once said. They are a people that shall dwell alone.
If they are to exist they most be isolated from the rest of humanity and their vile culture most not be allowed to exist.
I will countersignal on the non-combustion or nuclear power – geothermal is a perfectly viable thing as long as you have the magical winning hand to get it.
Elon is so cringe that I think the “fuck yourself in the face” thing is a Tropic Thunder quote
It is, well not word for word. Real how do you do fellow kids moment
“How do you do, people who were kids 17 years ago.”
Welcome back Sven.
I stopped using 4chan altogether since they implemented a 15 fucking minute wait to make your first post for the day. Unless your IP changes, then you have to wait 15 minutes AGAIN.
Really just further benefits astroturfers and botters, because they simply cycle through proxies between each post.
Just pay for it with cryptocurrency bro log into your coinbase account to pay them bro it’s anonymous bro or wait you can just use metamask and coinbase upcharges you 80% bro it’s worth it you gotta believe me
By Grabthar’s hammer, what a savings
The shooters surrounding Mandalay Bay were so dense
Wait did someone shoot up another Jason Aldean concert?
Speaking of that.
It is interesting how Luigi could be tracked 10 days back to when he first stepped foot in New York in only a few hours of police work, while we still know nothing of the Mandalay bay shooting years later.
Thanks for the mention on your show yesterday,Sven! I just want your new Twitter handle so that I can discuss wrestling with you not politics.
Mike, Musk is using a voice changer, but voice changers add an artificial nature to the voice, particularly the more the pitch is changed. His voice changer only slightly shifts the pitch of his voice upwards. But it’s not the pitch of Musk’s voice that gives him away, it’s his unique way of talking. His “vocal mannerisms”, if you will. Then you have to consider the alternative – is there a person that works with Musk that sounds exactly like him and has all the same ideas, and even mistakes himself for Musk? You don’t have to think too hard… Read more »
Based Dr. Claw reference
All heil the death panel ✋
From what I’ve read about the Tesla bomber he had recently had a domestic dispute with his (Hispanic looking) wife over infidelity while he was deployed.
Probably just committing suicide in a prominent way.
Mouse cords are repulsive.
Computer mice have tails, thats why they’re called mice and not hamsters. Duh.
Happy new year and remember: 2025 is the Year of the Great Deboooonkening
I relistened to TDS 1041 over Christmas where the Death Panel dissected a Dennis Praeger video. Praeger asked, “If tomorrow the Arab countries around Israel laid down their arms, what would happen?” to which the panel responded, “They would be destroyed!”
Fast forward almost 2 years, and exactly that happened. ISIS took over Syria, told their Israeli benefactors that they were laying down their arms and seeking peace with the jews, to which Israel responded by blitzkrieging Syria and invading and annexing their territory.
There is no such thing as the greater izrul project goy. Don’t believe your lying eyes.
guy with the fireworks and kerosene bomb was allegedly a former green beret, ya know, the kind of person who would know better. So it just seems like some whackadoo suicide
You guys are forgetting how incredibly dangerous gas can be in a car. People get slow-roasted all the time when they get in a crash, get stuck inside, and the fuel tank ruptures and ignites. It’s a highly volatile and extremely flammable liquid with very low surface tension.
This just happened in my area. 33 year old guy went too fast around a corner in a rural area car flipped, caught on fire, he was stuck inside and died…
I am not forgetting at all. When you do track days and racing, the battery has to be carefully secured for fear of it arcing across the hood if the car flips, which can and does start fires.
They didn’t forget it, they literally talked about it.
If your gas tank is damaged and leaking gas, you may have a chance to see or smell it.
If your lithium battery is damaged you have no warning before it ignites.
Lithium batteries burn hotter, are harder to put out, and release toxic chemicals.
Insurance companies are thinking of banning them from parking garages for precisely this reason.
Professor Dave having an anniversary stream tomorrow afternoon: “I can’t believe it, but it’s been 10 years since I first started publishing content on this channel …We will also hear from some fans, do some Q&A” GET IN THERE GUYS
Someone should ask him when he will start debunking the holocaust.
“I’m gonna explode, I decided.” – Tesla car battery
Today is the birthday of the author of Mikes favourite book: The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.
Raise a drink for Tolkien.
Sven don’t forget to out-edge McNabb on retail stealing and world star niche internet culture, I really want to hear the continuation of that conversation
(Haven’t finished hour 1 yet, sorry if redundant)
Battery assault
First for the year. LFG