Thermianoids, Take Two.
GET THE ALBUM OF COLOR ON CD NOW. (Or look it up on streaming services whatever)
by Seventh Son
Thermianoids, Take Two.
GET THE ALBUM OF COLOR ON CD NOW. (Or look it up on streaming services whatever)
The Galaxy Quest analysis was gold
Laughed out loud through the whole Galaxy Quest analysis. Also I love Sam Hyde but you’re right about the incentives. Literally the week he made that video that went viral is when his paywall switched from roughly 1 show/month to 1/week which he’s accomplishing by recording two 1.5 hour episodes in one day with a wardrobe change (literally)
ngl, “Captain Sven” has a nice ring to it.
Rightoids are going to live and die (in a nigger infested nursing home, of course) being rightoids. They will never change, they are hopeless, useless, shit people. Fuck em.
Glad you finally found Galaxy Quest.
I think I saw that in the theater.
It’s really a rare gem with a great cast, funny story and excellent writing. It gets rerun a lot a lot.
a point i wish to make: kriegspiel and all board wargaming forms died out as the trekky phenomena began.
nerds are meant to be quartermasters taking care of logistics and timetables in real war exercise games, not fantasy fake science engines and fake battle lines in space.
It really is amazing how these political parties who conspiracy people put so much high IQ bad intention on can’t even figure out it’s bad strategy to harass your customers.
Carpal tunnel makes your fingers numb. You can get it from holding a car grab handle too hard
Can you do an episode where you just completely trash the Protestant work ethic in its entirety. I mean, I know you’ve already done that kind of content before but it’s my favorite stuff, lol.
I have been smashing like on this video since I got here.
I listened to 99 Luftballons in the original German.
Just Jesse is my favorite show because I hate rightoids and that is a high status position I decided.
I hate posers of all stripes.
Like an oasis in the desert, thank you Sven
Post the original too I’m starving for content
The Galaxy Quest aliens is my new favorite bit.
Sounds like Just Jesse is tossing his salad and scrambling his eggs there.
In a kindergarten teacher voice
Galaxy Quest was good enough, Tim Allen was decent, and Alan Rickman is always great.
TBH I would’ve rather seen the rated PG-13 version that they cut. Tonally the movie is bland and milquetoast.
I also wanna see Sigourney’s tits
Not to be a blackpiller or a consensus breaker or a fedposter, but if there’s nothing to believe in and nothing to hope for and the vast majority of people are too stupid to live then what’s the fucking point? If the goal isn’t to set something up that will cause the destruction of America and the extermination of all the Jews and Jeets ability to affect the world, then why do any of this? Like, it really feels like every white person will be walking up to the gallows the Jew executioners build without fighting or doing anything but… Read more »
I mean, what else is there to do? I would like to be able to destroy America and jews and jeets, but I unfortunately don’t have access to the weaponizable materials to achieve that dream. So all that’s left is to laugh.
Oh fuck yea! Jesse content for the drive home
Sven, I just want your new Twitter handle so that I can discuss wrestling with you!
Aunt Bee is wringing that bell, saying “Time for supper, boys!”
What kind of demonic protestant work ethic is this? I’m a little scared tbh
I’m going full schizo. The supposed “Islamic terrorist attack” in New Orleans was a false flag and the Cyber truck explosion was too. It’s all bullshit to get people pumped up to hate Muslims again, cover for Israel, and cover for the Musk H1B dilemma. It’s all too perfect.
And now, Elon Musk is pinning shit about Tommy Robinson on his Twitter.
Go be schizo somewhere else.
It’s a joke, for one. It’s not schizo, it’s actually quite logical.
So, don’t be a stupid faggot.
gangstalked gang ganggg
A nigger saying he is ISIS running down civilians in New Orleans is as American as apple pie
The guy never claimed he was ISIS. THEY are claiming he is ISIS because of an upside down ISIS flag at the scene which could have easily been planted there.
They plant shit on schizoid Americans who do terrorism or assassinations. What does that change? How does “seeing the truth” in every minute little happening improve anything except jamming a kaleidoscope in your eye so all you see is conspiracy fractals
Because it’s an attempt to ascertain the truth about reality, often through circumstances and heuristics?
Like I said, it’s all too perfect to get people trumped up about fighting Muslims and focusing on Muslims. Same goes with how suddenly Elon and others care about Pakistani grooming gangs. They only care in so far as they can make it about Islam.
War for Israel is American as apple pie. The justification for such usually involves being coincidentally attacked by Israel’s enemies. Two Israelis actually got injured during the attack in New Orleans. They were probably dancing and celebrating like during 9/11.
Aliens are autistic, change my mind.
Jazz n Jesse pls; any mouse will give you carpal tunnel, get a trackball
Anti Islam and libertarian economics coming back hard on Twitter
Literally back where we started but 40 million more foreigners
The anti-Islam shit is a psy-op plain and simple. It’s a cover for Israel and Jews per usual.
”Anti-Islam” is to re-conceptualize racial concerns and misdirect them toward a religious conceptualization.
Jesse is way too modest. He does just fine by himself, and I love how he boils down issues to their simplest essence. Why does he think people don’t like listening to him solo?
It’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!!!
First! Happy New Year Sven!