The Death Panel take the Robovan (Re-bō-vin) to the MAGAloop.

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Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
The worst thing about musk is that most of his projects are, as the death panel pointed out, just public transportation systems. Where that gets tiresome is that he just proposes these systems with barriers intending to exclude subhumans. Buses would be fine in an all white country, subways, trains and planes/airports too. It’s nuts that a White South African with more money than Crassus cannot just call a spade a kafir.
Sorry to hear about your account Mike.
You can use Nitter to browse Twitter without an account and without rate limit. Please consider.
That fag talking about Indians in college, lol. There were probably as many Indians as Blacks at my college a few years ago. And everybody had to take Calc 2, calc 2 isn’t rocket science. There were so many damn Chinese tho. Every foreigner at a top level school is a kid with a 33+ ACT going to an inferior school, knocking out a kid with a 28 and so on. Every foreign professor is occupying a spot one of our grad students could take. Every foreign worker is occupying a job that is somebody’s rung up on the ladder… Read more »
I appreciate you guys and your takes on the Middle East conflict and the Jews! this is Major shit going down, it’s hard for me to focus on anything else really
Ryan McBeth is Jewish! You should have seen his office in DC all decked out for some Jewish holiday I can not remember now.
The whole “take a big step back and fuck your own face” bit is a Tom Cruise line from Tropic Thunder…. where he was playing a slimeball kike producer named Les Grossman…..
“Gross Man”… if I was God, I’d definitely choose a guy with that name as my chosen people. Yup definitely the greatest of all races.
It’s also a double entendre (Les Grossman = french for big hands, hence his character’s large hands).
I’ll help you bros out by applying for H1B to clog up the process
Coding is a joke. Go on google gemini on google gemini studio (web) and do “stream realtime” and have it watch your screen. There’s literal retards doing it on youtube now “okay gemini now put a button on my fuck app for commenting on her big tits and make it cost a dollar to comment on her big tits, thank you sar.” The premium version is 20 bucks a month, even I use it, it’s a steal to be able to point your phone camera at whatever and figure shit out, or have it look at your screen and tell… Read more »
As a former Leadership Institute grad and ambassador, Mike is spot on. Best means to travel your territory and make connections while pperating on Morton Blackwell/Koch brother money; one of my coworkers used tp travel in a full sized van to colleges and fill up 10 gallon gas canisters to take back to his farm and stockpile fuel in 55gal drums.
There was almost no oversight as long as you found students willing to form new conservative student groups.
They give out free gas at colleges?
The left: “Hispanics are needed for jobs Whites won’t do”.
The right: “Indians are needed for jobs Whites can’t do”
So crazy that White ppl with GEDs want the top positions in their country to be held by the smartest White ppl! Every society has tiers. Saying that ppl against visas are all warehouse workers is A. Not true and B. Even if true so fucking what?
So how many giant billion dollar holes now abandoned did Musk dig through out California
I know Americans struggle with English but could someone please let Alex know the opposite of ‘acceleration’ is in fact ‘deceleration’.
What’s with all this fag talk?
Good duo show. Fuck elon. Fuck indians. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
“The Hyperloop”. Elon wanted to create the people mover tubes from Futurama. HAHAHA!
The secret StoneCutter tunnels from The Simpsons!!!
I’ve heard Koreans say they have a genetic difference where they don’t sweat or stink and most don’t wear deodorant .
Maybe they don’t stink from each others perspective but I guarantee other groups can smell them. Everybody produces an odour but (general cleanliness accounted for) one typically won’t notice the smell of people from their own ethnic group.
They lack sweat glands in private areas so they don’t stink as much.
That must be why black people love to claim that white people are unhygenic, meanwhile most of the peppery bo I encounter in public is almost always from nogs
Yes it is a genetic thing, the same gene that causes them to produce less of a particular smell-causing chemical also causes them to have very dry, flaky yellow-grey earwax instead of the dark brown and sticky earwax White people produce.
That’s a well known phenomenon, And it is true. Most Korean people carry the ABCC11 gene which reduces Bo and liquidity in ear wax.
I wish we had a podcast in our movement that focused solely on economics. A deep dive into how importing cheap labor affects wages would be awesome!
Alex used to co-host one called ”By The Numbers”.
teach us white bois how to get rich.
I mean do you need a podcast length explanation for why increasing the supply of something causes the price that something can command on the open market to decrease?
Brian Thompson and Elon Musk? It’s the same picture.
I wish he would sell his SpaceX company. Space is the only thing I care about that he is involved in. We need non scammers in that industry.
It is the greatest industry to scam, the state is paying for everything and regular people have no clue how it should be run.
Mike being retarded. If the system draws like 2MW and is so big that if you put solar panels on the roof it creates 3MW, then it creates more energy than you need to run it. They weren’t talking about a generator that creates more energy than you put into it to run it.
True, but part of the scam is to claim it produces more energy then it consumes, of course it never will because that was never the point.
He also seems to have been confused by the boring project and the hyperloop, These are 2 separate scams! Easy mistake to make if he has not been following Elon as he said.
Edit: As it turns out the boring project “the Loop” and the “Hyperloop” was intentionally named the same to muddy the water and confuse people and journalists.
Perhaps, but you could also just have the solar panels without the Vacuum Chute or Elevator Tunnel subway, if you really just want “green” electricity. Or put it on rooftops or wherever. There’s no real complementarity between the two projects.
How dare infringe on my name, fucking wannabes really piss me off. And solar panels are catabolic boondoggles for stupid hippies and nerds.
Solar panels are fine to run low-wattage devices like cell phones, portable power banks, portable gaming consoles, tablets, bluetooth speakers (normal ones not the giant nigger boom boompfff subwoofers), etc. That might sound trivial but cell phones, radios, and walkie talkies are life savers during hurricanes and other disasters. It’s not going to run anything like a freezer or space heater (that’s fueled generator territory, ie natural gas, propane, gasoline, diesel) but honestly, any RV, boat, or home can benefit from a pretty inexpensive and small solar panel and battery system. You’d be surprised what you can run with a… Read more »
“Curtailment”, the new buzzword in power distribution.
This was a fire show tonight, great content. Happy New Year to everyone!
Why do you wish death on Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash?
Everything you said about filipina girls is true. Except one thing, those girls wash their pussy thoroughly every time they pee. Filipina girls probably have the cleanest pussies in the world.
Actual useful information.
ElgBo knows about the tabo.
(You are 100% correct)
Elon just wants to keep labour costs low for his green goon projects, it’s obvious, but I think he actually believes that jeets are smarter and on some higher spiritual level or something. Musk is a humanist cosmopolitan and an aspirational kike, so he’s probably genuinely butthurt when he gets pushback over this —and his assburger syndrome doesn’t help him any. E-logging and jeet-hating is very cathartic.
“I took calculus!” I took AP calculus in high school, then calc in college again. I NEVER used calculus. You got scammed, fat idiot.
“I’m smart! I can do calculus!”
So can a computer, like 6 million times as fast as any human can do it. AI can do calculus, too, I’m sure, and if it can’t then it’ll be able to in a couple years.
the video game industry is one of the biggest in entertainment
My favorite H1B visa is the pickleball program manager because none of you lazy American racists knows how to play pickleball.
Or even what pickleball actually is
Musk is such a faggot.
White genocide he sleeps.
But when he receives some twitter pushback over hiring cheap Jeet scab workers he activates Les Grossman mode.
I hope every rightoid grifter who was acting like Musk was secretly /our guy/ suffers eternal shame over this, but deep down I know they won’t.
Hilarious. He’s built like Les Grossman, and judging by that old PayPal photo, he has the same actual hairline.
H1B visas for anti-semetic podcast is hilarious
It would be funny to have a Pajeet read a Sven rant about Pajeets, but there’s probably a way to do that already with AI.
We already have that system of people not all working 9 to 5, it’s called shift work, it’s been going on for like ever.
“No one wants to listen to asian people” He said with a straight face whilst also knowing that anime exists.
There’s some Korean Chad guy on twitter that talks a lot about Jewish power (wouldn’t be surprised if he listens to TDS) who might be capable of making an interesting podcast. Too bad he’s a christcuck.
I recently listened to a little blast from the past with (((Richard Balum’s))) lectures about the Rise of China published in 2010. It’s funny how most of the pearl clutching toward China for decades is simply their tight control of the media. Jews honestly are more worried about that than their military being built up since that’s the key to ZOG’s power and control. In his last lecture, there’s a sense of confidence that China would “be more open for more democracy” with Chinese citizens being exposed to more Western media and flashy nigger tech. Boy has that backfired since… Read more »
Ian Miles Cheong is ethnically Chinese because the British Empire brought indentured servants to Malaysia, the whole bit.
I hope the Malaysian government throws him in prison for the rest of his life.
The Boring Company vs. The Borzoi Company.
When I was a kid my mom and I would call them “green people”
The ones that ran the gas station was weird, like dark green peas
Elons plans always struck me as absurd. It always involves some convoluted process that is more complicated than existing processes. Think of a guy with two cars that he needs to get from point A to point B. Instead of getting another driver or putting the second car on a trailer he drives one car a hundred yards then walks back to the second car and drives it a hundred yards past the first car then walks back and so on. He’ll eventually get both cars to the destination but it’ll take longer and be tiring and people will rightfully… Read more »
yeah that nigga retarded
Walt Disney may have already solved all these problems . Not sure but, def not Ellen musk
There are far more tunnels in nyc than are being used. Some abandoned, some MTA uses for service train parking and equipment storage in old stations. The new line in the upper east side mike talked about was for the most part already there. It was used 100 years ago amd they just connected a few of those together, and built stations. As for a separate society underground who knkws?!?! Maybe. But it’s definitly build on the bones of dead Irishman
You know, let’s do it. Let’s build a superfascist society in the metro tunnels.
Bloody bitch! Fuck yourself in the face bloody!
-H1b Elon Musk
Allow me to complete!
Dark Elon arc is going to be a pajeet redeemed ceo sar
“Bitch, lasagna!!!”
Helo, I am under the wator, plez helb me 🫧👨🏿🫧
I thought the Boring company was run by Jeremy Boring (of the Daily Wire)
this is one of the best TDS titles
Ellen musk alog forever
Dark TRS is in Brazil at an NSBM show
Very excited for Elon alogging.
Elogging while drinking Eggnog
With former co-host of FtN Ethnog
Ethnarch. He had some great info on the Epstein connection to Robert Maxwell and his daughter Ghislaine and their connection to Mossad.. I miss FTN. I can’t remember the name of the British MP that she framed before she ever met Epstein.
Harvey Proctor.
Is a rug pull from Vivek just a magic carpet ride?
a hole new world of bob and vagene sar
Holy Fuck.
Next halloween you can do blackface, it be hilarious.
Sben’s out interviewing pajeets to replace Moike and Alex
Mike Patel and Alex Mhukopadyay pleased to be of service for Holocaust denial
do not redeem da 6 million sar
Jeet & Jesse will be the Thursday show.
Jesse on the skive again!
Wonder if Louis will make another TDS appearance…
Look out Moike, this indian (feather, not dot) is coming for your job
Can we get Myron from fresh n fit as mulatto Sven?
Bashar Al-Assad can be the Sven of the Dark Death Panel.
He’s got nothing going on plus him losing his country will lead to some pretty good Sven rants.