The Death Panel take the Robovan (Re-bō-vin) to the MAGAloop.

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I’m gonna go ahead and say that most innovation in computing and optimizing code has come from video games. AI couldn’t have taken off without videoganes ramping up the demand for parallel computing in the form of GPUs beforehand.
Happy New Year, may 2025 bring you all luck, health and happiness.
y’all ever see that episode of Black Mirror called “Crocodile”?
AI is not replacing software engineering jobs, this is an absolutely delusional take Mike. I guarantee you that not a single software engineer has been replaced by AI. AI is utter shit at generating code that works, and that works specifically for your code base. It’s “ok” at generating tutorial level shit and it’s great at looking up documentation and giving pieces of example code if you know NOTHING about a language, API or whatever. But it’s not even close to being able to make someone be able to do multiple peoples work. I have yet to find that any… Read more »
Musk is going to pipe Pajeets straight into the US via zero vacuum, hypersonic tubes.
He’s gonna beat the traffic. LOL
Someone commented on the last episode that the sarin gas in tokyo was impure, I do not know if this is true but it sounds reasonable given how insanely toxic pure sarin gas is. Of course there is a lot of guessing when it comes to how much gas is needed to kill a human, The safety recommendations are going to be order of magnitude more cautious then what in reality is needed to kill a human. With that said am not convinced gas is an ineffective way at doing indiscriminate killings. The main problem with mustard gas from ww1… Read more »
Take from a South African male a bit younger than Elon ( Sven age) and I am sure what’s to be watched out for here is some revenge of the needs type shit. It’s a very masculine culture and any weirdness or “nerdiness” would be brutal to grow up around. You fit or or fuck off. We were a country united by a racial survival agenda and we wouldn’t afford anyone not conforming.
Greetings from a fellow South African!
All of that masculinity and manliness didn’t seem to prevent libtards from practically handing the country over to the Mandela faction.
Sorry, I had to go there…
I was about to say the same damb thing lmao, it’s giving the same energy as fat genX men bloviating about so-called american manliness. No hate to Afrikaners, but frankly if there’s any other White ethnicity that folded in the face of anti-white race movements it’s them.
Look into the case of the ‘Litvaks’ of South Africa.
Happy New Years, goys.
In a nice lil’ cabin with my wife and kids, reading The Truth Will Set You Free: The Case for Holocaust Revisionism, and having a quiet night in.
Addendum: the book is a great little introduction to not taking the Holocaust at face value. It’s kind of like the book I’ve wanted Mike and Striker to write for years now. I really enjoy the stuff from the Zundel trial.
Spent yesterday evening with the fam reading The Jews and Their Lies I found on WikiSource.
deport Elon musk! it would be funny if they got one of those government petitions to go around get enough signatures online to deport Elon musk. maybe if the groypers and everybody else got into it could get enough signatures?
A cause everyone could get behind.
The treble woe guy has a podcast called stone choir. He’s a Lutheran and is adjacent to white-oids like Pete quinones, and has been on myth20c. This guy and Pete are great case studies into people that “get the jq,” deny the holocaust, pretend as if they have any influence over systems of power and fall right into line when the Donald needs some support.
It’s wild to me how people make it that far, mentally, and still want to be some republican christoid
Doesn’t the jew US court consider it domestic abuse if the husband tells the women not to spend said money frivolously or deny use of his credit card? It’s one thing to split it, but I’m sure there were cases that they found a way to make the divorce/paternity cases happen from a simple financial argument. And why the hell do you keep going on twitter when you keep getting banned? Can’t you just use Telegram, Tiktok or some other app to reach out? Even with the 2000 followers on twitter before the ban, is twitter still the only thing… Read more »