The Death Panel revisit their favorite Christmas toys.

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Many of the worst zionists actually actively self-deported from the AfD, because they thought that the party was not good at removing radical elements.
The party is still a mixed bag and there’s a lot of zionism left, but the ones that are zionist have to shut up, because the base is very anti israel. The leadership would probably love to do a liberal conservative zionism if it wasn’t for that base.
Weidel refused to voice her real opinion on Israel in a debate, but I suspect that its very shitty.
The bright colors and spring-loaded missiles were a response to video games. Matel or whoever had to a appeal to younger children.
Megatron got the axe after a niglet drew on a cop, I think in Chicago.
Then, slightly later, everything got the axe for encouraging gun violence. Those “concernedcitizens” were a corporate opp to replaceFCC mandated Children’s programswith adult-oriented talk show smut.
Merry Christmas you guys. I feel genuinely white privileged to be a part of this great group of antisemites 🎄
Sven’s face when Alex said something about a livestream. 🤣
“Holy shit. Alex, no. That sounds like work.”
That’s my exact experience on weed. Or hash, as was more common in my country in the 90s.
Convinced my friends hated me, that I had pissed myself and that everyone else was laughing, that my boyfriend had invited me to be the retarded entertainment for his friends and generally weird semi paranoid anxiety stuff. Not for me.
The weird thing was that in high school, I’d smoke several times a week and it was always a blast. Great conversations, really into music or TV or whatever, laughing until I couldn’t breathe, etc. Then when I was maybe 18, it’s just like a switch was flipped in my mind and it would make me so paranoid. I became so self-critical that I’d convince myself my life was pointless and everyone hated me. I tried a few more times after this and had the exact same experience, so I just stopped altogether. I guess it’s for the best, if… Read more »
Alex, next time confuse the shit out of them by pointing out Chevy had a 396 big block and a 400 small block lol. Bore and stroke combos are fun.
Go Bots continue to get no love
Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors!!!
Monster Minds!!!
Hail the Saw Boss.
IK the NJP is dead and gone but for future reference, any group that wants to form a WN party should include one extra point that was missing from the NJP’s 25 points: anyone that suffered from saying no to jews will be indemnified by the government directly from jewish assets or garnishing the wages of hundreds of jews. I personally want TKD more than jewish money/assets. Anyway, good luck to any future leaders.
Thunder Cracker???
I thought that was Sven when he goes on a rant.
Funnily enough a big part of the Transformers Armada version of Starscream’s butting heads with Megatron is because of said hostile work environment in the decepticon side instead of generic power-hunger
Honestly I more enjoyed the 80’s toy/comics nostalgia posting more than the current events segment, so to speak. There’s a reason why Ryan George and RLM youtub friend sims are so popular, and that’s obviously because they’re engaging in escape fantasy narratives and talking about it instead the ugly jew world order and how we’re being so gaslit. The thing with lighting the young White woman on fire in broad day light in public, besides its tragedy and the depression I now feel, is that THIS is our culture. RG avoids the slasher and horror movies, and RLM doesn’t talk… Read more »
My oldest two boys, (8 and 5) are really into action figures right now. It’s weird because they both attached themselves to things I was into as a kid. The oldest is all about the Jurassic Park/World franchise, and he tries to collect the dinos they sell. The second oldest is really into Sonic The Hedgehog and Spider-man right now. Of course when I was 5 Sonic toys were pretty limited, but if they had them I would have wanted them. The younger two (3 and 1) haven’t really developed actual interests yet. They just kind of like hot wheels… Read more »
I had a shitload of those Jurassic Park action figures growing up. They were fantastic. My favorite was that spitting dinosaur they invented for the movie.
My conservative friend is sending me these videos of Syrians marching in the streets through a German Christmas market. Thought I heard Mike say something about this, not sure. Does anyone have the facts on what that was about? I told my friend I wasn’t just going to assume they were Muslims just harassing Europeans for one because they were holding Syrian flags so I’m assuming there was something political rather than religious about it.
Have you ever seen Schindler’s List…on weed? If you start Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here when the kid makes the throat slashing gesture at the people on the train, it kinda works.
All the ghoulish rightoids are probably saying that the subway woman “voted for this”
The TDS show is the Transformer Discussion Show today
Neunundneunzig Luftballons aka 99 Red Balloons now there’s some nostalgia for the eighties kids.
I’ve always been obsessed with music. Never gave a fuck about toys.
I love German. “Nine and ninety air balloons” is the literal translation. So formal and medieval sounding. For whatever reason the girl who sings it made the english version “99 red balloons”
I think some dude wrote the English version and it ended up as 99 red balloons.
Allegedly, Nena did not speak English meaning she was karaoke’ing her own song.
You’re almost certainly correct about her not speaking English I decided. I however can understand the change to “red balloons” as “air balloons” doesn’t hit the same way in English as “Luftballons” hits in German.
Fisted by Foucault is a 2nd generation Croatian-Canadian from Toronto.
He was Thought Criminal on Liberty Forum in the early 2000s and Niccolo and Donkey from The Phora, Speakeasy, and numerous other forums for the past 20 years including his own Salo Forum.
He’s evolved from edgy libtard to edgy NRx-adjacent but he’s always been highly resistant to an open and honest inquiry into the JQ.
Ironically we saw a real life example of claims of “sexual violence” and “wahmen tears” truly be used to inflict mass violence against coded “people of color” with all of those fucking yentas claiming “they were raped” with the result being piles of rumble and corpses of innocent Palestinian children.
Hell yeah. It’s before my time, after my dad’s time, but I still like 80s memorabilia. I was alive in the 80s for a half a year, but a lot of this stuff stuck around when I was growing up in the 90s. I’d find 80s transformers at garage sales that my grandparents would go to.
I had the original jet fire transformer really high quality metal. was kind of the precursor to the other transformers
Why is Mike shaking like he has cerebral palsy
Tisch means table in German
Really wish they’d stop taking our words and using them for their names
Ganja gave me full blown panic attacks every time I tried it
The more brain you have the worse marijuana is for it.
Same here
The new yenta commissionaire is the daughter of James Tisch, a New York billionaire who is linked to a charity run out of a 6th Avenue fabric store that is sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to settler militias in the West Bank. They’re a family of Zionist kikes engaged in the worst kind of jewish activism.
*not that there’s any positive form of jewish activism.
The Death Panel talk about nothing for three hours…
Oh they’re talking about the woman burned to death. Never mind.
when do they talk about that
I’m too old to have been the right age for transformers or GI Joe. Put your mind around that feel.
I don’t feel nostalgia for Transformers because I’m too old.
By the time I came around they had beast wars which was animal transformers, definitely have nostalgia for that….
Same. We had GI Joe and his off brand competition Action Jackson in the 1970s but by the time Transformers were a thing I was too old.
Vitamin C will kill that shitty weed high. Next time just chug. Orange juice. That’s what doctor dad told me
Anyone else really into those Micro Machine play sets that were heads that opened up? Fantastic toys.
There was a short faze there when micro-sized toys were the hot items. I was a big fan of them myself, Micro Machines included. Well constructed and just plain aesthetically pleasing.
Thanks for the pre-Christmas episode fellas
AFD in Germany was pretty good on this:
“We must close the borders,” he told hundreds of supporters of the anti-immigration party. “We can no longer take in madmen from all over the world.”
The party’s co-leader Alice Weidel described the attack as “an act of an Islamist full of hatred for what constitutes human cohesion … for us Germans, for us Christians”.
He wasn’t an Islamist, Alice… he was a Zionist.
The issue isn’t “the borders”. National borders are an abstract social construct. Who cares about abstract social constructs? The issue is the WHITE German people being forcibly mixed with non-White populations. If it were just other White nationalities being shoved into Germany it might be somewhat tolerable. But non-White races make life intolerable for White people wherever they congregate themselves in our countries.
I don’t know how much AFD can say under German law, but this sleight of hand misdirection to conceptualizing the issue as “the border” is worrisome.
Not misdirection. Closing borders rhetoric is inherently and clearly White Nationalist. It’s good. Enjoy it for what it is.
This wouldn’t be a problem if there was action against it, but I don’t see the AFD cooking, then this is a problem. Barking loudly without biting.
But talking about borders avoids the heart of the issue, which is White demographic displacement.
Misdirection is like when Tucker says China runs the media. Saying close the borders is still a step in the same direction as what we say here, just not as far. Everyone, even conservatives, understands the meaning of closing the borders. Nobody is confusing the problem they’re addressing with other White Europeans. Closing borders is good rhetoric from mainstream political parties at this point.
What about counter crusade larper attack
Am I understanding this revision to the mean tier jew narrative… he was pro German, anti islam….. that ran over a bunch of Germans? … and of course, muh mental health
He wasn’t pro German he was just anti islam…. ” Horst Nopens, said one possible factor could be what he called the suspect’s frustration with Germany’s handling of Saudi refugees.”
He was mad at white Germans…
Chudoids being Chudoids.
At the end of the day he’s not White and he does not belong in Germany. Although the irony of him being a brown Atheist Zionist is delicious, all I personally care about was that he wasn’t White. The fact that he’s a racial foreigner just makes the pain of an tragedy like this even worse.
That brownoid sodomite will become the Jew’s greatest mercenary, there’s a reason he did this.
okay, that makes more sense; thanks for the clarification.
All heil the shoah!!!!!
I’m just speculating but it seems the palantir crowd around Trump and the guys he is putting in like Gorka are really posturing for the anti jihad thing. We saw how X was used to help Tommy Robinson out in the UK and Vance openly stated he is concerned about England becoming majority Muslim. Greenblatt did his talk on what happened in the Netherlands and these oligarchs around Trump are pretty openly zionist and voicing concerns over Europe. From an israeli perspective remigration doesn’t really help them. Sending a bunch of military age men back to Syria would only be… Read more »
From the last TDS:
“Maybe, just maybe ISIS were actually more mercenary than we thought, and a lot of this ideological Islamic talk was just an excuse. Maybe they were just mercenaries.”
Yes, yes, unequivocally yes! They’re just mercenaries and the ideology is mere decoration. Israel has learned how to fine tune its golems: long before it created ISIS, it covertly supported Hamas in its early days as a cudgel against the waning PLO. But unlike ISIS, Hamas turned out to be very real and Israel’s deadliest enemy by far.
why do I feel like borzoi and Alex would have the opinion that the masses shouldn’t have access to all information. There is something to not letting the plebs be able to think whatever they want.
“We just gave you the swill”
I like the Griswold moose glass Sven. I have the same one.
Unlike countries with single-payer healthcare, in America private capital has a vested interest in patient triage. This is a completely perverse incentive created by “free markets” for health coverage.
There’s nothing worth buying my kid than gaming related cards. I don’t even know what else he would want
Get him a box of rocks. He can build things with them and stack them and stuff.
Or use them to hit big brains.
My son about to turn 7 has sigma as one of his favorite words. I don’t know if it means something different to him with the brain rot he enjoys. He also describes things he finds cool or original as giga brain
My son was saying those words as well. Hitler Youth sorted him out.
It almost reminds me of the way the youth in “A Clockwork Orange” speak in a weird quasi-dialect that separates them from the adults, who all speak normally.
My big takeaway from Mike’s youthful experience with weed is that he probably has a somewhat insecure attachment style.
He just like me fr fr
Obama was the best president we ever had.
Good bantz 😂
At what point does “signalling libtard to own the rightoids” look like a self-own?
I don’t know that I’d commit to best but top half definitely.
Then America is a utter mistake if you say so.
America is an utter mistake.
My Christmas wish is that I am somehow able to renew my TRS subscription for another year. Listening to TDS has been a great help in dealing with my current situation. Two years ago, me and my mother were kicked out of our home of almost 30 years by my spiritually jewish aunt and uncle and forced to live in a tiny part of their house. It is a living hell where I am right now, and without TDS I might have become an alcoholic. The laptop that I am typing this on right now, was paid for by my… Read more »
Drop a link for btc or eth, I got you
I don’t have a link for either of those sorry.
We trying to help NIGGA. Give us some kind of link. Shieeeeeetttttt
I know that btc means bitcoin, but I don’t know what eth means. Sorry, I’m not literate in cryptocurrency.
Just set up an account on an exchange or a wallet real quick. Im trying to help you out here
Sorry, I don’t know how to.
Bro, do like 30 seconds of research before you decide you can’t do something….it’s basically retard proof, if 80 iq nogs can figure it out im sure you’ll be able to.
I’ve had a look and it looks very complicated to me.
Could you set one up for me?
Our fundraising skills are weak brother
What and just post the log-in info here lmao
This is as far as I can hold your hand
If you set one up, I need your actual address, it will be a long string of letters and numbers
Could you set up one for me?
As easy as it would be for you to just get a fucking wallet, he’s asking for you to go buy a subscription with btc or eth, and then give him the payment address so he can pay it for you.
I will mail a $10 bill to TRS this week if 13 y’all other niggas will
Thank you very much!
I’ll send in a ten. Reply to this if you want to help J91.
Thank you very much!
They accept credit cards my nibba, for the low of agency….
I don’t have a credit card. Someone sponsored my subscription.
Alright…how about this; make an order and select pay with either btc or eth, give me the amount and address. Unless there’s an easier way you know of
I will try that.
[email protected]. Does that help?
No…..I need the crypto address and amount and type of crypto. When you make an order on the paywall page it gives you this info. Also, I’d delete this if that’s not a burner email
0.00161758 BTC $ 140.00 3D2ha1aLFXg2cAVZh2ogKk2TGy3iVZdM2
Are you able to pay for it?
Invalid address
I did set up a crypto account but I wasn’t able to scan my ID photo.
You sure you copied the address from the orders page correctly? It’s showing as invalid when I try to send
Yes I did.
I tried to send from 2 different places and got invalid address. I just made an order for my account to test and that one worked…
The correct one is below.
Fucking finally lol. Merry Christmas brother!
Thanks very much! Just one more thing, my current subscription ends on February 22. Does that mean the new one will kick in on that date?
Living in South Africa is rough, I have heard tons of stories first hand…you need to get out
Some areas of South Africa are better than others. I live in Cape Town which has the reputation of being the best run city in the country.
J91 please post again later if you need help. We’ve got you brother.
The status is currently pending. I’ve sent Sven an e-mail about it.
I’ve checked again and it says that the subscription is active now.
So is it all set or does Sven still need $?
Hopefully, I won’t be cut off on February 22!
This terrorist knew the shot. The jihadist in the aughts didn’t. He knew Israel calls the shots
It looks like Mike will be spot on about Lebanon: the IDF is hinting they’re not going to leave at the end of January.
Not sure if/how Hezbollah can respond. Incidentally, the map Mike mentioned on the last TDS is here; the jews have pretty much filled in all the gaps and razed the towns to create a solid buffer zone.
Finally, the jews were bragging about their pager terrorist attack on CBS last night.
The Cradle is also covering a severe energy crisis in Iran. I knew things were bad enough to get Pezeshkian elected, but I didn’t realize they were this bad: “This is like a powder keg that can explode and create unrest across the country.”
A crisis like this is the last thing you want on the eve of a war. For all the talk about BRICS building an alternative to American sanctions, the degree to which countries like Syria and Iran still face economic turmoil—while only China seems to rake in the benefits—isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement for BRICS.
The commenters on The Cradle seem to hold the magazine in largely poor regard, for a variety of reasons.
A number of them call it out for a lack of transparency over its funding, and the true identities of their writers.
And why does it use a .co (Columbia) URL?
Was anyone really under the impression the kikes would leave on their own accord?
On a related note. It is depressing how easy isreal destroyed both Hezbollahs and Hamas tunnel networks or how limited they were.
People were hyping them up so much.
It really is like they hav a god that is on their side in all things, ensuring that they continue to plague the world with their evil.
The events of the past few months have been mega-blackpilling, even moreso than when NJP imploded. I find myself hating the world and just wanting nuclear Armageddon, if only to deny the kikes their victory. We as a race are just not playing to win, and we haven’t been for a long time.
Warren has been banned again on Twitter.
Don’t be blackpilled my brother. Things are more precarious for Israel than it seems….
No one stays on top forever. Kikes don’t have God on their side, they have America and America has a shelf life. Nothing kikes have done suggests some supernatural assistance. They are simply parasites whose fortunes rely on the host they are killing. Jewish power will come and go like all other empires.
My concern is that they’ll figure out how to get away from their crimes against humanity again for millions of years, and rinse and repeat, we need to make that diaspora disappear completely.
“How do you do my fellow Nazis. We’re all very demoralized about the invincible nature of jewish power aren’t we? We should probably give up. The umma is weak brother.”
Fuck off kike.