The Death Panel collaborated on this show title.

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I know Sven doesn’t do requests, but Lock Boyce to the tune of Wild Boys by Duran Duran would have been a hilarious parody, at the time.
Not a very merry Christmas in Germany:
“During the minute silence for the victims of the terrorist attack in Magdeburg, a shout was heard from the stands of the stadium: “Germany for the Germans!” The stands reacted instantly and began chanting “No to the Nazis!” The man who actually broke the minute of silence was identified, taken out of the stadium and arrested. Now a criminal case has been opened against him.”
Meanwhile, Musk is apparently working hard to rebrand the terrorist from what he actually is—a rabid Zionist—into a fictional Shia extremist.
When you hear everyone come out with things like ‘No to the Nazi’s’ they really do make it difficult to feel much sympathy when these events inevitably occur.
You just have to over-ride that contempt response and remember that a lot of victims of these tragedies are White, regardless of how broken their social, moral and political views are.
Father of child victim: “It’s not about race”
Me: “I wish YOU died, not your innocent kid…still on your side, though.”
Essentially yes. They’re just broken brained. Does make it incredibly difficult to do the right thing and support them regardless though.
Don’t worry Shlomo. People just talk about Jews ’cause your important
Is the sun also flat? Is the solar system 2D? The galaxy? Shit’s not worth the breath
When you look at the universe I just want you to say, “3dpd”
Sven should do a “Flat Hole Sun”
I dunno Mike, it seems like Zeitgeist actually got most stuff right. Adam Green’s stream with Gnostic Informant went into quite a bit of detail on sources that show the Jesus stories draw heavily from Bacchic traditions, the Sol Invictus cult, and Mithras stories and iconography. The Christoid Nationalists overplayed the anti-fedora bit and are trying to dine out way past their bedtime on this stuff.
As with many of these topics, there’s more retarded gondend online than factual analysis. “Zeitgeist” the movie was kind of the first wide-spread “What if I told you…” video. As I recall, it begins by breaking down how banking works (without talking about Jews) then it moves to religion and society. I believe it ends with the idea that once “humanity” WAKES UP, we will all realize we’ve been lied to…by everyone. Up is down, black is white, existence is nothingness and Bill Hicks is some kind of prophet. It played on the 2012 bit – the coming “awakening”, setting… Read more »
Peter Thiel and Greg Johnson constantly holding hands: “We are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way I’d like to hear it.”
Yes. Was hoping Sven would make a Kang and Kodos joke when they were talking about peptides and shit.
i love god jul so much, close to my favorite sven song
God juul
I infused the T-shirt with cigarette smoke and ramen fumes
Is there going to be Benis Gondent soon?
So, I did some theater when I was a kid (super gay, I know). There was this one very gay director who always had his shitty, little yap-dog in his purse. He was also always shiny, like Thiel. The straight people in the production questioned this, only to be immediately answered by the gay ones. Apparently, gay men over a certain age commonly cover their face and hands with Vaseline or some other disgusting lubricant, to appear younger. I certainly don’t doubt that both Thiel and this old, faggot director are on some kind of sweat-inducing drugs, but this may… Read more »
My borders are where I decided, I decided.
>right wing when discussing shape of the earth
>right wing when discussing the holocaust
“we are weak brother it definitely happened and let’s not talk about it”
Sir, flat is not a shape.
I got the floor, buddy!
I’m a professional.
And let me tell you: that gorilla had a sense of who she was.
A shaved Harambe
That was a terrible finish on the dowel.
Would like to request a couple of episodes ‘from the vault’ over the festive period, please.
“Well, I had several lined up, but now that you’ve asked for them, fuck you”
—Jesse, probably
We can farm sugar in parts of the US, also Cuba, that’s where we should get our sugar, but there is some kind of grand sugar conspiracy that I don’t remember the details of that suppresses American sugar or some shit to keep sugar prices high. I say we need to bring these conspirators, whoever they are, probably jews, to justice. Yes, blood for sugar.
Without knowing anything about it I would guess Sugar is an important carrot of the American Empires foreign policy ambitions. It do not expire and is easy to mass produce for shithole country’s. Not sure how important it is now but in the past it would been when these policy’s was instituted.
The blood diamond and blood sugar conspiracy. Ethical consumption now!
I normally don’t consume sugar because I want to try and avoid the diabeetus, but now that I know it funds hysterectomies for Pajeetesses I’m reconsidering my position. Is there some way I can just directly support the hysterectomies without having to buy sugar?
I love you ! Merry dindu Christmas!
The Dowel Jones
NAAAAUUUUUWWWWWRRRR! Australians are perfectly understanble, you just need to listen to the Randbot Program more often.
I didn’t even have woods porn when I was a lad, all I had was the bra and panties section of the ads in the Sunday paper, also swimsuits in summer. Probably why I have a very robust imagination to this day.
Retvrn to tradition for the sexual education of young men with the BenMatlock method.
The Sears Catalogue
The Christmas tree that you decorate and everything is a more modern phenomenon in a lot of Europe. My Austrian great grandma was the first one in her village to actually put one in her house and decorate it. Before that people here had those fancy cribs with Jesus and everything.
Thinking back, I think Lock Boyce was literally getting Koko the gorilla (who was a famous female gorilla known in the zoo and veterinary world for years) mixed up with Harambe who only got famous after getting killed.
Let’s not forget how Boyce bragged about killing Africans with his barehands.
I’m surprised Snookums didn’t come up as the ghost of Christmas future.
He was perjuring himself, he never worked with either gorilla. If Alex had only hired me as his legal counsel, Lock Boyce would have spent the last year of his life in disgrace.
I didn’t KNOW Harambe but I did see him in person once
Umm, Mike is wrong as far as I know. The Christmas tree thing was as pagan custom of hanging meat on the tree from game hence the green and red colors of Christmas.
You have a citation for this? I can’t find anything on this…
🤣🤣 so it appears…
It’s around somewhere. I believe it was either something Crecganford said or something Survive the Jive said. I want to say it was noted from Publius Cornelius Tacitus’ de origine et situ germanorum.
You can’t find anything on it because neopagans always and exclusively lie about everything.
Christmas trees originated as a prop in the liturgical dramas, Paradise Plays, of the medieval Catholic Feast of Adam and Eve held on December 24th in the Holy Roman Empire. A tree would be lit up by candlelight and hung with apples and later wafers symbolizing man’s sin and reclamation. The green, red, and white of Christmas come from the tree, the apple, and the Eucharist.
Yes, but meanwhile, Barbarian Teutons insulated huts with pine tree branches and hung meats from trees.
That’s just smart.
Plays which who created? Oh yeah, Greek Pagans. Look, there’s nothing in the Bible about putting on plays or festooning trees with lights and ornaments, ipso facto, it must be Pagan originated practices.
Greek pagans didn’t invent Catholic liturgical dramas. Acting out a scene from a story isn’t unique to any religious tradition. What a retarded thing to say. Is Kabuki theatre ackshually derived from Greek paganism?
I remember listening to the lock boyce saga back in the day. Doesn’t feel like that long ago
I remember someone posting on Twitter that he was found dead at his home. I replied that I hope there are no bike tracks in the driveway.
I sent Sven a friend request on Facebook.
Hopefully you don’t post breastfeeding content to annoy Sven
Woah, that was cool Sbeavis
Lock Boyce is probably unironically more remembered as a recurring TDS bit than anything else he ever achieved in life.
This is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone mention the movie Rockstar existing.
It is almost 25 years old and a minor film.
I first thought it was a reference to the Nickelback song “Rockstar”
I wished Jamie Happy Birthday on Twitter, but then saw that a troll had said ”Fuck Hamas”. So I told them to fuck off. They then replied that I should fuck off to Hamas so they could behead me and burn me alive. I then asked them how the weather was in Tel Aviv, but the troll thought they were being clever by saying they weren’t from Tel Aviv, but according to Google it was very hot. I then had a look at their account and then blocked them. This morning I saw that Jamie had liked my question to… Read more »
I told an Israeli on twitter recently that I can’t wait to see his extended family turned into nuclear ash. He blocked me to say the least
I’ve been warned by Twitter over typing ”1488” in replies to jews, but fortunately I’ve never been banned.
Massive breasted English women? Oh my God, that’s disgusting. Where?
I can almost guarantee that the Jew/Israel critical school of Genocide Studies has a Jew out in front of it. He’ll almost certainly be the guy the gentile academics hide behind to avoid accusations of anti-semitism.
They should rename the field to: Holocaust (and Genocide Justification) Studies.
Need more Sydney Sweeney OSINT. Can’t find anything
She’s wearing a jeans jacket there’s just no bra, you get partial booba view no nips tho 👍
She’s just a whore that got famous for doing nude scenes.
The idea that Israel is a product of the United States and is subject to American imperial interests is completely false. I agree. Why would the United States side with the formation of the state of Israel in terms back on the rest of the Middle East which has oil. I thought big oil controlled everything according to left this lol.
It’s the noam Chomsky take – the US controls Israel to help control the middle east for oil – war for oil
Don’t make your own dowels with your scrap wood, goyim . . .
A wood lathe is not very expensive, so take that money and spend it on a cool piece of equipment with much more range instead. 🙂
“‘Peace on earth and good will towards men’ sounds pretty fucking gay!”
LMFAO that gets me every time
No fuck that.
With that dowel tool, you could buy fewer sizes of dowel stock and make many sizes for small jobs, rather than buying all the different sizes.
You could also use small square stock in a pinch.
It’s a cool tool and looks to be made of good stock.
That thing is gonna break your wrist.
It is wood, it is going to break before your wrist breaks.
Also hand drills are really not that powerful to begin with.
Our dowel wood is weak brother
I love this meme.
I know, I don’t know why it’s so funny
Careful posting Varg you might get dogpiled 🤣👍👍👍
Ha ha. He has a way of infuriating the right people.
Christmas is Pagan I decided.
pagangangang pagangang pagangangang
Pagan gang, my fedora is getting all kinds of coomuppants on God Jul
Ooo do we finally get God JUUL 💪
God Jul
Heathen, not Pagan
Down with Israel