The Death Panel show off their green screen skills.

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You all got the bit with David Weiss greenstuff completely wrong. The flat earthers were claiming that the live stream from Antarctica were a greenscreen fake because someone had a patch that matches the chroma key on their clothing, and Will Duffy had not turned off his chroma key green screening. David Weiss is saying that they were in fact in Antarctica, and this is just Will Duffy forgetting to turn off his green screen. He is trying to make Flat Earthers look less stupid, by trying to get them to drop this retard conspiracy that they were not in… Read more »
Northern Europeans demanded accommodations from the Medieval missionaries to accept the foreign faith. For centuries the church has been chipping away at those accommodations and in the 60s Christianity returned to its Jewish roots with Vatican II.
Read Matthew 10:35 – 39 for the depths of Yeshua’s evil intent.
For I have come to turn a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.
Damn that was brilliant, Mike, linking the flat earth gag to the holohoax worked perfectly.
I really feel like busting the holohoax and making it canon is key to our freedom.
The Globe Earth debunking guy sounds and looks like Mark Collett
Very glad my gay t-shirt found you, good sir. Merry Christmas, and Happy Holocaust 🫡
I have no qualms with pushing back on Christoids who use want to push Christianity in WN circles. However, to suggest WN Christians just abandon the institutions of Christianity to leftoids and faggots is no different than rightoids who tell White people to avoid colleges.
I disagree with banning guns to stop school shootings. The ranges of estimates of self defense uses of guns range from 60k – 3m per year, and I found a page with data on school shooting that said that there were 515 deaths from school shootings from 2000 – 2022. These numbers show that you would have many more people killed each year from lack of effective self defense than people saved from school shootings. I also disagree with banning guns because conservatives have never used guns to rise up and take the jews out of power. In reading stories… Read more »
Mike I think you should take one of your shows and dedicate it to constant holocaust denial. You could honestly combine Mike Check and P&B by just having Louis come on for second hour, and then have one show that just constantly digs into the holocaust/ww2 illusion.
I usually just do audio, but I think I have to see this green screen cope myself.
Charlatan Grifton. Damn you all to hell!
Avoiding the point. Leftwing antizionism is only antiwhiteism. It is the opposite of antisemitism. It’s philosemites dissociatively processing jewish crimes as gentile crimes. The same is true of their critique of capitalism. Their antiwhiteism, however, does not suffer from distortion or indirection. Their hatred of white people actually strikes at actual white people in every facet of white people’s existence, political, social and psychological, and is animated by a religious zeal to purge the world and the self of the sin of whiteness. We knew that marxism is dumb. Leftoids are stupid. They are not smarter than conservatives. They are… Read more »
If I have to hear even a minute more of flat earth you’ll find me hanging from the batroom
But which way will you rotate
There wouldn’t be many clouds in Antarctica, because it’s technically a desert. Very little moisture with which to form clouds. Clear, sunny skies in the summer spell dark days for Flat Earth crowd.
Ironically, my favorite hammer was manufactured in 1973 in India of all places, original wooden handle and all
I won’t speak about the Vatican, but in my Parish, there is no talk of Zionism and Israel, rainbow flag shit or other crap in either the homilies or church publications.
We pray for souls in Purgatory, raise money for charities and try to have some nice meals after mass, occasionally. We have a kick ass Lenten fish fry. Our cod is an awesome cod.
I think a lot of Parishes are like mine. We’re pro-social people doing the Lord’s work.
Charities like resettling foreign invaders into our communities?
I don’t know if you guys saw Dave’s new “Creationists Tried to Debunk Me” video but the young earth-oids call him an antisemite (he’s not really, but it shows what happens when you criticize Israel)
If Julian The Apostate had taken time to put on his breast plate that fateful day Christianity may have been relegated to the dustbin of history.
If he really intended to curb the tide of Christianity he should have stayed in Rome rather than chasing glory in Persia and dying young. 60 years of his anti-Christian rule *may* have curbed the tide. I bet the bastard would be shocked to see how Christianity has taken over now.
I agree. My reply was going to be very similar to this. A pointless war in Mesopotamia was the first mistake. He was young and popular and could have reigned another 40 years. Who knows what his educational reforms and restrictions could have accomplished in time. Throw in a like minded heir or two and you never know.
TDS: take a page from Gage and ban flat earth from your discourse. Pretty please.
Denied, laughing at flat earthers is fun
I didn’t even realize it until this episode, but I’ve been completely blocking out the flat earth content and I listen to TDS religiously.
I guess its slightly more interesting than predictable Trump betrayals or attempts on Nick Fuentez’s life.
You should be thankful it is not covid or böge content. Flat earth might be weird but at least it do not grind my sanity.
Ah yes finally my favorite Sven Christmas parody song. GTKRWN!
Thank you, Mike, for picking up on the “biblical Christianity” bit the author snuck in there. There’s a good reason why the Nicene Creed professes “one holy, catholic, and apostolic church” rather than “one holy, catholic, and biblical Christianity.”
It is completely wrongheaded to view Christianity as a vehicle to rescue a political project. You should be a Christian because Christianity is true and is the way of restoring your humanity, not because it’s sUpEr BAseD and etHnOnAtiOnaLIsT. It’s not positively ethnonationalist. It’s not even positively political. If your arguments around Christianity, for or against, center on its political utility and not on its philosophical and metaphysical truth claims, then you have completely missed the point of Christianity and probably of politics as well.
I resent flat earthers for making my friend simulator waste time doing dumb boring shit
I enjoy the flat earth stuff, because its fun to laugh.
The Catholic church preserved and re-ignited European genius after the fall of Rome in the dark ages. Early monostaries were incubators and safe houses for culture. EMJ covers this and I think he is right about this aspect of the church’s early history. Also, the genius of early Greek philosophy was incorproated into the Church, esp Gospel of John. EMJ also credits monostaries for the elevation of human labor as evidenced in the priceless artwork they created. The artwork alone that the Catholic church has created is worth our respect.
idk I got mad at some online christians so I think from now on, rural people, christians, and right wingers are all evil and bad and I only like leftists because leftists never support zionism, just ask nancy pelosi
most of the time that’s because they’re convinced Jews are White and Palestinians are brown.
And that is the only reason. If leftoids could be convinced that Arabs were the “whites” of the conflict, their cause would be zionism.