Mike and Borz discuss the latest school shooting and the depravity of American pseudo-political violence, followed by some updates on the weak ummah in hour one. In the second hour we discuss how flat Earthers and other schizo tendencies engage in ideological blackmail, and deconstruct the religion of "Jews-Were-Gassed" (aka the "holocaust") and its hermeneutic similarities to Flat Eartherism.

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Pretty sure Catholics believe the Bible is inerrant. I think what Mike is trying to describe is the literal vs metaphorical interpretations for certain passages. Protestants tend to take a more literal interpretation than Catholics do.
Oh they addressed it
Can we start saying Hebrewneutics for when a Jew tries to interpret things?
Cognitive consonants aren’t as cool as cognitive vowels
The religion of Gas-ism.
The book Action Reinhardt Camps is available online at least, right? The original version?
I think we may be entering the Dark Borzoi ark.
Borzoi book club next read: Everybody Loves Gassed Jews
Mike @1:21: “Ok I don’t want autism here”
Good luck sir
>Mike trashes biblical inerrancy >”Actually, I mean biblical literalism. Here’s an example of what I mean:” >*describes biblical harmonization* Mike, you’re not Bart Ehrman. You’re not as good at this as you think you are, and neither is Bart Ehrman for that matter. He drastically overstates his case about “contradictions.” Harmonization of seemingly contradictory facts happens every day all over the place. A man was told by two different reliable people that his mother died, one said she was hit by a bus while crossing the street, the other said she was in a car crash. Both accounts were true.… Read more »
Nice anecdote
What’re the titles of the 1400 and 300 page books Mike is refering to?
The Lord of the Rings Complete Edition and The Hobbit
2024 global earth
Everyone knows that Jeremiah Weed is Lord of the Weeds.
Pagans didn’t have any kind of clear distinction between religious and secular.
Potentially everything was religious; burning of the Yule log was religious ie pagan in origin even if the tradition was practiced long after the original religious reasons were forgotten.
Likewise placing evergreen trees, wreaths, and garlands indoors in pagan societies was full of pagan symbolism and/or done for “superstitious” ie religious reasons. Likewise the mistletoe.
Certainly the Christmas tree is a Northern European Christian tradition and invention but it has pagan precedents.
Yeah, I’m fairly certain the whole religious-secular disctinction that came about in Western thought has its roots in christianity, in both the dictum of Christ to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and the eventual division of authority in Christendom into the Crown and the Church. In Pagan Europe there wasn’t such a hard distinction, religious and secular authority were often intertwined.
The biggest Germanic Pagan aspect of the Christmas celebration is just gathering together with kith and kin for feasting and gift-giving, which Germanic Pagans generally did in the winter months, with the chief or king giving out gifts to his warband and their families.
There was never any reference to yule logs in all of recorded history prior to a poem written in 1648 which called them “Christmas logs.” All theories of pagan religious origins of the yule log are speculations, and, notably, nobody started speculating about its pagan origins in writing until almost a hundred years after they were first named “Christmas logs.”
Christmas trees in the home never happened prior to the 16th century. Their origins are unmistakably Christian and only Christian. They were the main set piece of the Paradise Play, a liturgical drama commemorating the fall of man in the garden of Eden. These were celebrated on the feast day of Adam and Eve which fell on the 24th of December. A green tree would be selected and adorned with apples (symbolizing the fruit of the tree, man’s sinfulness) and wafers or cookies (symbolizing the Eucharist, man’s salvation). This is why the “Christmas colors” as we know them are red,… Read more »
This is true. Jazz and Warren covered this.
So you think Apollodorus and Heradotus were seen as just as religious? X to doubt.
Has anyone pointed out that “Rad Fem Hitler” is purported to have been “Holly Himmler” or nah?
Luigi: Good
Dumb Bitch: Bad
Between Radfem Hitler disappearing and whatifalthist getting relentlessly owned and humiliated, it’s certainly dark days for the Twitter rightoid community.
I have no clue what Radfem Hitler is; it just makes me think of Girl Hitler from the Venture Brothers.
I’m not a believing Christian but I’m surrounded by friends and family that are. I find it hard to believe that a guy born during the reign of Agustus is the son of god.
Something that I’ve been thinking about for awhile: what should be more offensive to Christians? Holocaust denial or Jesus denial?
Most Christians will be appalled by the suggestion that the holocaust is a lie but will always side with Jews even though Jews consider Jesus to be a lie. Propaganda is a thing.
Good point. They will side with the very kikes who believe Jesus was a heretic and killed him on the cross over their own brethren who don’t believe a middle eastern rabbi is the son of God. Definitely propaganda 👍
Correct. I’m more of a Roman history guy and Ambrose of Milan did not worship Jews the way modern Christians do.
I’ve previously mentioned that I was glad you sent the Paranormies down the road because that kind of content makes it easier for the opposition to link the more serious issues like holocaust denial and race issues with obviously retarded flat Earth type stuff.
I did, however, get a chuckle out of the claim that Morgan Freeman was Jimi Hendrix and Rush Limbaugh was Jim Morrison.
Globe model DEBOONKED, globecucks SEETHING. Patriot earthers revising model to account for 24 hour drone sun
If borzoi and I were neighbors we would shoot the shit from time to time and bring in each others mail while we’re out of town.
Haven’t even listened yet but the show description has me dying. “Some updates on the weak Ummah.”
“Best we can do is pray” 🥴
Man I hate those people so much, the ummah is fucking weak because you keep destroying it and aiding its enemies.
While the notorious Irgun did temporarily stop attacking the British during WWII because “Nazism being.a bigger threat”. There’s so much coping in the Wikipedia article with the “but they helped with muh Warsaw ghetto uprising”. The wiki article on the Jewish Military Union which the Irgun wiki article links to talks about how historians now doubt many of their claims of valor. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Military_Union I’m surprised you guys haven’t deep dived on the Warsaw ghetto “uprising” since many leftists desperately try to cling to that narrative in regards to Palestinian resistance through Hamas with how Jews could still be “da good… Read more »
It’s not for nothing the only stuff Christian Zionists know about in the Bible is just Old Testament and Revelations, all which is just ancient DeviantArt racial revenge fan fiction.
In my experience the more a conservative-coded church centers sermons on the OT the worse it is. There’s a direct correlation.
When you get to shitlib HuffPo church it flips and they only talk about the NT — when they refer to the Bible at all. Which they barely do. There’s this Jesus guy and he loves you no matter what sort of freak you are. The more freaky the better! He doesn’t forgive your sins though because there’s no such thing as sin.
At 15:44 Eastern, Mike teaches the
Goethean lesson clarified by Nietzsche, and Borz chimes in w/ RCIA. This is awesome content without Veronica Lakeism
Hair tossing when one has won the job lottery funded by the hated masses
The evidence for a flat earth no longer works and a global earth is self-evidently absurd. Pyramid earth theory incoming.
You’re supposed to be believe that the Holocaust is both a testament of “German engineering” and also a complete Mickey Mouse operation with how many survivors there are thanks to sitcom scenarios.
Meanwhile it’s taken for granted that all of the “death camps” were on the soviet side of occupied Germany, but anything else related to Russia and the Soviet Union would be treated with 100 skepticism but the death camps inside Soviet territory totally real goy.
Any leader they don’t like is simultaneously a complete idiot and an evil genius
You guys missed a cliché slip-up on the episode a week or two ago when Borzoi said that someone “doesn’t have anyone willing to go to the mattress for him”.
“Going to the mattresses” is a Godfather reference
Historical Technique and Political Operation of the Holohoax, hardcover $1,488
Matthew literally tried to “how do you do fellow TRS shitposters” with trying to make a “Mike loves ranch” joke during the debate.
That’s how you know he’d been desperately marathoning every show in the archives, hunting for gotchas. Just imagine how much TRS was consuming his waking life in those years while pretending the debate was just one more ho-hum bit of content he was doing.
Matthew had an obvious crush on Mike, gazing at him dreamily for the whole debate with both hands on his cheeks.
Flat earth until I flat line! :clownface:
Sir, flat is not a shape.
I heard the “Gas Van” first time around. Glad Borz tried it again
Borzoi, the name of the sitcom that you couldn’t remember on The Third Rail is Abbot Elementary. I wanted to tell you this here, because there are more comments here than at The Third Rail.
Incredible back-handed compliment. Salute.
HH Brother!
“Jolani’s name means ‘from the Golan'” …I’ve heard this, but also the rumor I think Borzoi mentioned there that he’s really Saudi. Can’t put a finger on the post quickly…
He was born in the Golan Heights and then the family fled and he grew up in Saudi Arabia both are true, based on what I read…
…the one I saw was definitely older than 14h, but: https://x.com/Partisangirl/status/1868866637631488108
Ya I mean he’s definitely a MOSSAD operative whether he is Syrian or not
Even the less retarded anti-Assad Sunnoids are starting to go “wait who is this guy? Where did he come from? Who are his father and mother?” etc
Wouldn’t be surprised if one of his parents is a straight up mizrahi Jew and he’s a plant from the beginning.
The sarin gas that Aum Shinrikyo had was wildly impure, IIRC it was colored and had an odor whereas sarin, in its pure form, is colorless and odorless
Sunnoids deserve to be Biafra’d tbh
Aum Shinrikyo did prior fatal sarin attacks iirc
Yeah I remember they tried to connect those Asian mass shootings that happened at Chinese New Year’s Festivals to the “stop Asian hate” only for them to bury it when the shooter’s identity was revealed.
The vtech shooting was viewed as anti-White justified violence by South Koreans online. They call him General Cho.
Truly the worst Korea.
The Lyndhurst high school shooting/hostage crisis was caused by a gay teacher abusing the perpetrator so it got memory holed
Pre columbine school incidents were very spur of the moment reactions to bad home lives/bullying while Columbine was almost like ANC style attempted terroristic tactics just done for nihilistic ideals.
I was reading this girl’s supposed posts. Something like ‘All men need to be exterminated so women can be free’ Smash the patriarchy, blah blah blah…’ Super uninteresting, then all the sudden, she adds “ESPECIALLY NIGGERS and politicians.” LOLOL based femoid.
Sounds like an Emily Youcis gone horribly wrong.
America is a mentally ill, nihilistic retard wearing a “Be a Kind Human” t shirt.
Did you know blacks and whites are equal?
May as well be a “Do Better” shirt with a smiling nigger face.
c’mon man, frowning negress face
Sutherland Springs I think as the area with the church, the shooter was a huge atheist sociopath and background check system fucked up since he was an Air Force vet who had a lot of complaints for bad behavior so he got his gun.
Did she follow captivedreamer and other BAP people or was that just rumors?
I hope you guys took notice of Jake Sheilds mentioning that Zionist terrorism was happening while the Holocaust was supposedly happening. Yesterday I made the comparison of how according to their narrative those Zionist “freedom fighters” are like the sunnoids now with how they’re powerless to stop the Gaza genocide but can overthrow Assad and do ISIS terrorism.
Look, here’s the aspect…
🎶That’s what the aspect is
That’s what the point of the aspect is🎶
Speaking of dream smp jokes, I wish this one aged better
Secundus non disputam vindication and reification in the absence of hair tossing and self preening is no vice
Firth of Forth