The Death Panel say something crunchy.

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PO Box 867
Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
Very nice holohoax bit.
So its immoral to investigate crime scenes? Since when?
Where can I get the MP3 for the Christmas song? Also, does anybody know the title of the original?
Faggotry of the penis.
We are gay brother.
Based Bashar. I can’t help but like Bashar, even though he may be partly responsible for what happened in Syria. Mercurous said he may have rejected economic deals with Russia and China.
I’ve owned and traded/sold many firearms for the past 15yrs+. Many people would consider me crazy because of my politics, but you know what I’ve never had to do? Pull one and go to work in anger. When kids do this shit, it’s because they have absentee parents who are too consumed with simply working to simply survive and their kids don’t get enough love and attention. They feel alienated, isolated, and deracinated, and the only option their underdeveloped minds can consider is unaliving themselves and others to lash out at a system they haven’t the ability to comprehend nor… Read more »
Dude doesn’t look like George Lucas… he looks like a fat retarded version of TexasVet lol
Putin does speak English, he just doesn’t like giving interviewsi n it because he wants to be extremely careful with his words and not give the opportunity for viral propaganda. He’s also completely fluent in German where he was a spy.
Zelensky had to learn Ukrainian during the course of the war because he’s a native Russian speaker and only spoke Ukrainian at an elementary level when it began.
As a student I’m living off these $5 meal deals. If I go to the store, I’ll spend $100 on groceries (apples, bananas, lettuce, meat, coffee, all good stuff) and I’ll eat it all in a week. For $100, Wendys or McDonalds will feed me about 3 weeks. And apparently I’m more than healthy according to the doctors. Seems inevitable I’ll be eating like garbage for the next years.
Give chipotle a try king. It’s how I used to save money
I was wondering if Sven would reference Obituary the band and laughed my ass off when he did. Thanks Sven!