The Death Panel do some OSINT and share their findings.

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Quaker Oatsint.
I was looking for Mike and Marks stream on PWR and found a 2 year old episode of it with Jazzhands. I’m going to listen to it now just to hear Jazzhands again.
And to answer the question about what was being burned in the GWOT – when i was in Afghanistan we had to shit in little toilet bags and then throw them (and anything else we wanted) on to the burn pit fire.
And yes, as usual Mike is correct; I sincerely regret my involvement in the ‘GWOT’.
Jesse legit could have made a good living from stand up if he hadn’t fallen in to our milieu.
putin is such a fucking retard though, throughout his career this retarded boomer libertarian has only stumbled into hostillity with the west, and has tried always to be a good retard when he could, freezing this conflict, which is just as much part of the western empire frontline as ukraine, this retard tintin thought he could play with turkey as some neutral power just because erdogan talks some talk against israel. but the actions of turkey have been nothing but ultra zionist and stabbing russia in the back. Zog is so lucky i think that putin is this retarded sov… Read more »
If only le monke spent as much time playing hearts of Iron as he does yapping about his jewish friends
Zero Bitches Lovecraft
🎶No sign of a claim approval coming
Better hope ya don’t get sick
Speaking as a retired cringe creator, I have never rolled my eyes or cringed harder than at that book mike was reading from. It was so cringe- it made me cringe. It made ME cringe. I hate this reality.
I actually had ham for Thanksgiving
I really hate the conservative elites racemixing. I already hate racemixing as it is, but there’s something extra blackpilling about seeing white men selling themselves out or selling themselves short at the highest levels. Vance couldn’t get a white woman? Destiny, with all of his e-fame, is stuck sucking D? I know plenty of white women who’d love to throw themselves at a successful, accomplished white guy (i.e. not me) – expecting nothing more than a chance to be “one”. Meanwhile white men (particularly with right wing ideals) are basically kryptonite among low class. But these guys, broke the glass… Read more »
Starcraft niggas is gay
Destiny in general just seems like a totally corrupted person with no values who is in lifelong “rebellion” against the conservative family he comes from. I don’t like him.
Windows does have a native unzip utility lol. Right click on a zip file and it will say “extract”
Fashy Gainz is right!!!
there are some skinny diabetics though it’s rare
Joshua Connor Moon, and he thlammed hith penith in the car door.
This is why I love the daily shoah. I am currently recovering from surgery and figured I’d use this show as a distraction from my pain. I use Anthem insurance and this is how I find out they will try to screw me on my anesthesia bill. (They were going to screw me on my bill anyways they’re a Jewish insurance company)
Any white man who enlist should have his gal stolen from him as a priority. I will go out of my way to seduce wives of those who enlist as punishment for fighting for jews
I will tell my wife. I take no pleasure in doing this but I have to punish this race Traitor by cuckolding him, recording it then mailing it to him
Based Jodi boi.
Pete Hegseth’s Mom: HE HAS REDEEM!
A. I stands for Actually Indians
“Baby Sick Ducking” would have been another potential show title.
Wifejak looks like Emily Hampshire when she was on Schitt’s Creek, before she apparently got a bunch of plastic surgery.
I was really looking forward to PREP what kind of disasters happened with Sven’s computer. This new computer migration is the new exciting DLC of the expanded TRS universe. All we got was a kind of trailer that reveals too much. It’s not the correct sequence of events.
Pitch Meeting is going to displace The Gift as #1 TDS reference bit of all time
Ooohhh… Displacing old reference bits is TIGHT!!!
They should pitch the gift lol
Gift Meeting
“Um why are we calling it ‘The Gift’? It sounds like a horrible curse”
“Hey shut up!”
lol the John Deere Healthcare bit is great
RIP Brian Thompson. Another soul taken too soon by the jab.
The nigger is America’s emotional support animal.
Black o skin won’t you come and let the shitting begin.
I used to be an online support mentor for help desk type stuff over the phone. All of the agents referred to me while taking calls. They would message me and get all the info of how to handle the call while I listened to the call and guided them how to handle it. Now it’s all phillipinos there of course.
Hegseth had a kid with wife #3 while married to #2.
That’s just smart
Anyone have the link to Mark Colletts stream
Oh vey! I see the seventh son is back! Heil Sven!
United Healthcare is like the biggest health insurance company on the planet. Crazy shit
Society is so fucked up when being married, which is supposed to be standard for people past a certain age, is something that’s both being bragged about and used as something to be made fun of.
For some strange reason, I can picture Alex singing this song: Also, two new ideas for drops:Whenever jews are talking about what happened to them during World War II or elsewhere, you can play Jonathan Frakes saying ”It never happened” and ”We made it up”.
“It’s fake. Fiction.”
Sven I’m a vet I live in my van and the benefits I get from the VA pays for my sub to TRS. I’ve always hated Jews I just wanted a job and get benefits. Let me have something.
Real men use a trackball, not a mouse
Dude… I’m using a computer, not playing fucking Missile Command or Centipede.
Haven’t seen anyone use a trackball in ages but I got to admit, they’re kind of cool.
Going from a mouse to a track ball is like going from using a fork to chop sticks.
Talking about women is a lot of fun when you do it in a certain way, but they tend to like me. If you ask me the only way to achieve total Aryan victory is to find a based woman at a catholic church and then move to BFE and knock her up as many times as possible and strictly police everything the kids learn and then also keep them on a strict diet of raw animal products and teach them about chopping wood and that women are property. Just repeat that for several generations while being careful not to… Read more »
Broke: the 14 words
Bespoke: the 103 words
Are you doing the 5 key stroke word count total? Cause I count more than 103 separate words.
Um, clearly I was only counting the second paragraph (sniff)
You are forgiven.
Cash Patel be like “Wherever I go I must streetshit”
I’m gonna just call out all the whiteoids who only go to tactically “I don’t care” only when it involves Israel. Its because consciously or subconsciously, they don’t see Jews as non-white. This is why they want to support Israel or they make appeals to Jews to try and get them on their side etc.
And the thought of criticizing Jews, even anonymously online, makes them turn their drawers into Wonka’s workplace.
I like to remind roghtoids who don’t like women working that’Rosie the Rivoter’ was DoD propaganda. A country that doesn’t have a work force while men are fighting will get steam rolled.. STFU conservatives.
Mike: Oh shit, I’m sorry
Alex: Sorry for what? Sven taught me to be proud of my audio set up
Mike: Hmm
Alex: This cord here, sometimes the audio cuts out when I pull on it
Mike: I see that, well Sven taught me how not to cut the audio by switching dongles.
Alex: Will you show me?
Mike: I’d be right happy to
Peena Lope?
She was wearing a jello yacket
Is her sister named Hermie Own?
I hate it when I get stung by a jello yacket.
First I thought: “here they go alienating the gay working class by not having prep”
But then I was like, “opposing political personalities gay fanfic, this is the red meat the gay working class is craving”
Dugan hat back on
“Hearing with an accent.” Amazing line!
“I have a cold.”
“So you hear R’s as B’s?”
Nice one FOG. I recognized it, but had to consult the Oracle for the reference.
“Awright Mike, I’ll talk to you this afternoon mate, but you’ve got to cancel prep today, innit? Oi, just to piss off that Jesse bloke”
I actually worked for apple care a while back, so basically they have their own archive of information that you are required to use because you’re super micro-managed, sometimes I flouted that to do the thing that’s helpful but to be honest most of my calls were from niggers not knowing how to do very basic things and they don’t want to have you tell them what to do they want you to remote control and do it manually. Then like half my calls were from niggers that had obviously stolen a phone and wanted it unlocked for them.
We wuz hackers n sheeeiiiitttt
Nooooo!!! FUCK. Two min in and Sven is already talking about Destiny/Fuentes! Goddamnit!!!
It’s so over, no homo bros
The ardent, no homo bros just keep taking Ls. We can never catch a break.
Fuck. And the last 30min of hour one is wifejak.
Wifejak is enjoyable but I do agree that it’s a shame Fuentes/Destiny was brought up.
I thought a wifejak was someone who has a wife. Sven is referencing wifejak to BE the wife. Interesting analysis here.
I specifically requested the opposite of this.