Sven is out due to computer meltdown. Mike and Alex talk about the Syria situation, Jews rehabbing the reputation of the moderate Islamist terrorists and rightoid and Islamoid morons rooting against Assad. In hour 2 we switch gears to talk about why the NY Times finds the trend of decreasing opiate overdose deaths disturbing. The answer will really make you think!

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Someone please give me that sweet confirmation bias about the author of the NY Times article, it is kinda wild the chutzpah of these people.
But then again that is the definition of chutzpah i guess.
Y’know what, landmines and banana peels everywhere, let’s goooooooooo!
Brapple amirite
Please keep attacking European rightoids. Trying to tell them the Jewish involvement in refugees is like banging your head against the wall. Some of the shit that comes out of their mouths is shockingly retarded.
the difference in the field situation of syria and ukraine is also massive.
its much harder to fight a good defense outside of cities in syria.
and a offensive is only possible with air superiority and mech superiority, else you just get breakouts or cant even besiege a city to begin with or as we see now get bombed.
in ukraine you have treelines forests and such that can help a average soldier setup good defenses and ambushes.
Great show. I enjoyed today’s information.
Remember Bill Clinton didn’t pardon his own brother. And the reason was because in the 90’s. pardoning power mixing with Nepotism would have been seen as unacceptable. To be honest a serious country would have restricted pardoning power to non family members because otherwise your basically setting the groundwoek or the president’s family to just become a crime syndicate
Being a crime syndicate is just smart
I wish I had a magic wand that turned all of the heroin in this country into cyanide. I’m normally sympathetic to white people! But I don’t consider dope friends people.
Dope friends?
Basically “The Rock” created the image people think of when they hear about some enemy of Jews accused of gassing his own people
Dwayne Johnson???
No Nicholas Cage.
As far as Syria goes, its mere existance is a threat. The jews can look at history, when the part of Palestine they are squatting of was part of Suriya or ‘Bilad al-Sham’. It is natural that the jews be completely exterminated from the part of that which they occupy and the whole region be part of a fascist Greater Syria or a Islamic Republic like Iran.
Apple depriving me of Sven’s many talents is only making me hate Apple that much more.
The government puts the chemical FLUORIDE in DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE and expects us to consume it. It’s like annuda shoah.
My view is that Israel still exists as long as the last Jew draws breath.
Israel must be destroyed.
None of us would be surprised at the number of jews profiting from private prison and drug rehabs
You give a black suboxone. Hrs going to sell that shit
Every high school student goes through cpr training by simply attending class. If Blacks don’t have it it’s because they didn’t bother going to school
Is it true Daniel Penny was aquitted. I swore I saw something on that. I’m not happy until the prosecutors office is punished for pursuing charges to begin with
Any judge who wants to get on his high horse about an addict before him. Excuse me your honor did you write a letter to the DOJ protesting all the favorable treatment the Sacklers have been getting. Have you done anything other than push people through this assembly line you call drug court. You have more pull than I do. What have you or the prosecutors office done to punish the Sacklers. Unless your saying you don’t have an Sackler victims in your jurisdiction you haven’t done shit than pad the pockets of Jews who run these drug rehabs
We need a “Let Them Look West” approach to drug addiction. It’s a Marty book.
MOAB in pop culture means “mother of all bombs”
MOAB in reality means “Massive Ordnance Air Burst” I decided.
AKTUALLY it means Massive Ornery Air Blimp.
There is a reason to get mad about the pardononing of Hunter Biden when the system never shuts up about equality under the law. This isn’t some political garbage that elites get caught up in and eventually pardoned for and most people don’t even understand the shit. With Hunter Biden it’s a President giving a pass to his kid on normal people criminality
They call you Hyperborean because your takes are cold as can be
Damn that was Ice cold
Dude, it’s America, the fakest, gayest, most corrupt country on earth. Save your rage for when chump doesn’t pardon the poor, gullible Jan 6th political prisoners.
Why the downvotes on a very reasonable HBDad post? Ya know we can be angry/disappointed about multiple things at once? Just because it’s expected to happen, and isn’t surprising, doesn’t mean it’s not something that can be used to help explain the corrupt and fake morality of this nation.
Sv3n getting what he deserves for buying an apple product. He’s now a high status libtard and Steve Jobber is completely cooming in his grave at the idea of inconveniencing a Nazer.
Sven needs an SG and an AC30 with no pedals for a while
Alex, I really appreciate your “low-Church Protestant bullshit” sentiments. Thank you. The first part of the Hail Mary is entirely Scriptural with the addition of the words Mary and Jesus. “Hail (Mary) full of grace The Lord is with thee” – Luke 1:28 The Annunciation “Blessed art thou among women And blessed is the fruit of thy womb (Jesus)” – Luke 1:42 The Visitation The second part is pure intercessionary prayer “Pray for us sinners Now and at the hour of our death.” Implied is that she pray to Jesus, our only Intercessor with the Father. We do it because… Read more »
Saints are repurposed Pagan Gods that you’re praying to, it’s fine, they’re European.
If by that you mean that rather than being fallen angels, that are the Pagan gods you speak of, Saints are actually in Heaven amd can help us, then I agree.
By the by, looks like there’s a new Matlock in town. (((They))) chose Kathy Bates for the reboot. Don’t know about you, but Matlock stock just plummeted, in my book. Ben or no.
I’m just saiyan there is no fundamental difference in praying to and praying through.
I respectfully disagree, sir.
And that’s fine. You’re alright BenMatlock.
Do you like seriously, honestly believe Pagan Gods are fallen angels? Like, I was super-Catholic in my youth, but I never had an issue with European Pagan Gods and Mythology.
Yes I do. I ask you this sir, if there is One Trinitarian God, then how could anything that expresses itself as a god, be anything other than an influence from fallen angels? God doesn’t tolerate competitors. So any competitor can’t be from Him. Now I don’t blame ancient Pagans. They had no knowledge of salvation and their worship of false gods was likely an echo of their desire to pray to the one true God. Modern Pagans are another question, but I try not to judge people too harshly in spiritual matters. Seeking something is probably better than forsaking… Read more »
I’ve seen commercials for it, it’s like, just make a new show name. I don’t dislike Kathy Bates, though, but there’s only one Matlock in the minds of the elderly.
You must be hanging out with a lot of Mexicans because what you’re describing isn’t Catholicism, that’s Santaria.
PS I pray to Mary, she’s a pretty nice lady.
She’s our Mum, cause Jesus is our Bro.
Sven is busy learning to cook a proper turkey dinner.
Nah he is likely enjoying leftover Honeyed Ham and Scalloped potatoes
The brine must flow.
I’m not an incel, I never have and never will waste my time cooking a fucking turkey
Wait, did the computer meltdown or did Sven meltdown? That would be quite the show.
Equipment meltdown leads to Sven meltdown, which usually leads to physical violence against inanimate objects.
That’s why I find Sven to be very relatable
I hate stupid technology too, and I find finely crafted rage to be *chefskiss* so I would have loved a live feed of you troubleshooting. I once slammed a fucked up laptop into the floor and broke the monitor top off. I also punched a vcr once, but it wasn’t phased in the slightest.
Apple double clicks… the no task bar… a window minimized… darkest times. (I have never used an apple machine since 1994 in school to play number munchers)( I was 3rd place in all the 4th grade classes at number munchers, not first but on the podium)
I’m a moderate… No public Hannukah this year…
Map check episode 4. Sven, where are your priorities?
What you can’t take off work when your computer breaks m? Even if you have a perfectly capable backup and you only work 6 hours a week? I swear he only does this show for the shekels at this point
What other reason is there?
Newsflash: American man shows up to work in exchange for paycheck
I resemble that remark!!
Perhaps there is a way to trick the normie gamer into understanding geopolitics by selling board and video games about it?
You’d already have that if every Call of Duty game wasn’t retarded on purpose. That brainless gameplay, but you’re playing as the good guys for once (like the Wehrmacht or Hezbollah)? White man reconquered in 90 days.
You can play as the Wehrmacht in battlefield V, and everyone enjoys it! 👍
Timber Sycamore is having diminishing returns. Even so called “radical” Sunnis can transparently see the timing on that and that all the mainstream western media is running cover for HTS. It’s a bit on the (((nose))). Desperate really. I think I smell blood in the water, and fear.
This show brought to you by Apple.
Sven is just doing Bracer the favor of upping his Alex-fix.
Caretaker Grady to McNabb: “your wife needs correction, sir”
Another day 0 of can’t (((Mossad))) the Assad
Mikes discussion of normie intelligence vis a vis sportsball vs politics is, by the bye, exactly the one Chomsky used to make (it’s correct btw, just takes me back to younger days)
Bye the vis a vis a bye. Speak English motherfuck.
Yes, Manufacturing Consent
“Starting eleven on each squad”
Mike exposed as euro sleeper agent
Ah yes the Eye-yacks starting XI playing in a 4-4-2 formation.
I’m a big sports ball guy, I stopped watching All American Sports except baseball, so I’ll fight a mother fucker over footy at this point
Why did you make me look up Bibi’s wife. Kill it with Fire!!!!
Damn Alex has to work now
it’s just second Mike Check
But I want Svensies!!!
I miss a good old train horn and screaming child every now and then
I thought Apple just worked.
work different
Does Alex get advance warning in these situations? Because it must be hard to shift gears from “floating head, occasional comment” to “you’re my number one guy”
Alex is actually the most high energy. He just wears a power limiter like in DragonBall z to keep from barreling over the rest of the guys most of the time.
That’s a funny way of saying Jesse just steam rolls him
The F5’ing has turned the site into a Black Friday mall parking lot.
You ever get a little poop on your finger? 🫣
Apple just works
We are so back.
HTS sabotaged Sben’s computer. Prove it didn’t happen.
Furthermore, I consider that Israel must be destroyed.
HTS is that a new Kpop band or something?
It’s what One Direction rebranded as after Zayn’s hit on Liam Payne worked.
Sven almost convinced me into giving Mac a chance. Better to go w the retarded operating system you know, versus wandering out into the wilderness.
Stick to the devil you know.
Where you might encounter Mrs Gariepy
Is she like legit retarded? The few times I saw her wander onto his stream she looked and sounded retarded.
She’s Quebecois so they all sound retarded
But so is G.P. and he doesn’t sound retarded.
He’s actually got an air
Of genuine Savoir Faire
Yes, but “was”
You decided.