The Death Panel find another expansion to the Holocaust Cinematic Universe.

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Polish are mentally ill and just jealous the holhol’s sacrificed themselves for ZOG before they could
Don’t we get to look forward to the Tel Aviv trials we’re all the Israeli officers are charged with war crimes; and they don’t get to use the genocide didn’t happen as a legal defense
I guess if you live in fantasy land, sure. Let’s look forward to that
I don’t know if you’ve seen the White Tuber drama but apparently anyone who covers it can’t put 2 & 2 together that brown people, posing as White Nationalists, are those who push the pro Ukraine gay op
Are you one of nig nation review’s homo supporters?
Lul no, fuck that chubby little bitch who showed his true colors against TRS probably more than a year ago. He’s just lucky that his biggest hater, other than randbot, turned out to be Puerto Rican. Still doesn’t take away how much of a faggot that dork is
Hilarious that the last memory of JH, is supporting mexican HT
OK, still haven’t got confirmation on White Tuber being Puerto Rican or even what that means since there are fucking White people who colonized and still have descendants on Puerto Rico. I mean, I’ve seen White Tuber, he doesn’t look particularly indio or negro.
Are you a Mexican HT supporter? That crew carried water for Ukraine for years, now he’s just a joke so I don’t really care what he says
No, I neither mexican nor an ht supporter, ht sided with nnr and is now caught up in that whole ftj media bullshit, so fuck him. I’m fucking German and French in my ancestry.
Please excuse me you two, but whats the firmware update regarding NNR and HT now?
Can an emaciated person fight back?
Super easy. Barely an inconvinience.
So as a responsible dog owner I only take my dogs in areas outside of the home where they are allowed and they are always leashed. Also there is a big difference between an emotional support dog/animal and a service dog/animal. Under the law service dogs(police dogs, search&rescue dogs, arson investigation dogs, dogs trained to assist someone with a severe disability/injury, ect) must be allowed to enter locations even where under normal circumstances animals would be prohibited.
As someone who knew the original owners of Jersey Mike’s and seeing how that chain spawned from the 1 store in Point Pleasant Beach NJ. I am disproportionately blackpilled by them being bought up by Blackrock
Back when I was on Twitter I explained the Karen thing to people. Remember when blacks were just popping out with a camera and accusing these women of saying or doing something racist? I explained that these women knew their lives, their careers, their friend circle, all of that was just over as soon as the black published the video, regardless of the truth of the matter, that was the reason for the “Karen” freakout, that was the actual dynamic at play. I had over 100 DM’s from women sincerely thanking me for actually understanding the subtext of what was… Read more »
Jesus Claus is comin’ to town.
Spic and Span? Lysul is more effective. How long before they have to rebrand because of “spic”.
I can’t believe you guys talked about green skinned women and nobody mentioned premium orc content
In the blue corner, weighing in at 400lbs, former heavyweight champion, HARRY “THE JEWISH BEAST” HAAAAAFT!
And in the white corner, weighing in at 38lbs, the current famine-weight champion of Auschwitz, its LEV “THE RAT OF THE EAST” KOHEEEEEN!!!!!
You Fucking Plebs.
Have you ever had a peanut butter and jelly on rye?
With caraway seeds?
May The Death Panel be forgiven.
It’s Thanksgiving.
Let’s talk mashed carrots and parsnips with some butter, salt, maybe some brown sugar.
Root vegetables Uber Alles!!!
Sven’s ODD is hilarious. I dated a girl who had it and she did the same thing with every meaningless thing in the world. It can’t be ‘I don’t like turkey personally.’ Instead it’s ‘Turkey is a demon that I must exercise from existence and if you personally like it, you’re evil, a fucking idiot, or both.’ It is very funny though, so it works.
You WILL battle through cutting edge culinary methods for making turkey palatable, you WILL eat sanguiches with bread made from d-grade expired yeast and flour, and you WILL be happy.
I don’t strongly believe that a pedophilic chabadnik actually transfers his unspeakable sins into the sin chicken, but why take the risk?
Perhaps the real purpose of the sin chicken is to be the vanguard for insane stone-age desert tribe behavior that occupied nations are conditioned to accept.
I dunno, I want the jews to actually lose shit, not just not win. Even an inch of ground lost would be something.
They lost detterence capability. Israel just doesn’t seem to have the capability to make credible threats the way they used to.
I mean, that is a good thing, but I want to see Israel bleed, I want their tears to be over some real pain and not OH GAWD PEOPLE AREN’T LICKING OUR ASSES HARD ENOUGH ANYMORE! I won’t be happy until they’re deposited into the nearest volcano tbh
Watch this clip for some satisfaction:
“They lost detterence capability. Israel just doesn’t seem to have the capability to make credible threats the way they used to.”
What do that mean? Iran is still scared shitless of retaliating against isreal.
On the surfaces it looks like a draw, for 13 months the rockets have been flying towards isreal, 1 month after isreal goes in they stop flying.
But am not going to draw hasty conclusions as I do not know enough about the deal yet, these things will come out.
Eww, Subway, blegh. At least go to Jimmy John’s…
Subway is still a thing because it’s the cheapest food franchise fee for the owner out there and has been for years
Anyone who says Katz’s isn’t good is lying, the sandwich is worth 25$ and they put like a pound and a half of meat on it regardless of if you tip the guy. It feeds 2 people easily and a Big Mac meal is like $15.
Guys, don’t worry. You have my permission to not eat turkey for Thanksgiving.
Was the war a decisive victory for Israel? If not, then Israel just took a massive L. This isn’t according to me. This is according to Israel’s own deterrence doctrine. And from Iran to Hezbollah, that doctrine is beginning to crumble. It’s plain for the world to see that you can indeed stand up to the neighborhood bully and easily walk away from the fight.
The St. Kolbe story is a very interesting one that I’ve spent countless amounts of time looking into because all the documentary evidence (German medical records + death certificate) points to him dying from complications from his preexisting medical conditions, not a carbolic acid injection. The issue is squaring this with his official designation as a martyr, which is typically believed to be an infallible declaration by the Church authorities. I just assume there’s some missing piece of the puzzle here.
Here are some cool resources that show a more complex story than what is typically told that don’t relate at all to his death.
Kolbe and his Monks posing with a Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Camp Commandant Hans Mulzer in 1939:
Kolbe with his religious brothers and German members of the “Organization Todt”:
Here’s Kolbe in front of a statue of Mary with a Wehrmacht officer and another friar in January of 1941.
I got the Rocky Maraschino joke right away
30 or so years ago, Subway was actually quite a delicious sandwich shop. At some point they obviously made a change in the formulation of the bread and it never tasted as good. Maybe that was the start of the end. Subway wasn’t always crappy gas station food.
Now Jersey Mikes is the best sub shop. That or FireHouse
“Were you not paying attention?”
If he paid attention he wouldn’t be McNabb
Interesting that Scorsese is doing a Christian saint holohoax movie. There is actually a movement of revisionism on the what seem to be exaggerated persecution claims of the early Christian movement. Namely Candida Moss’s work The Myth of Early Christian Persecution. I’m not saying I fully subscribe to it but it is interesting how closely the alleged persecution of the Christian’s mirrors the horror stories of the various pogroms of jewry. All three of the “Abrahamic” religions at their core are rooted in a martyrdom ethos. For the Muslims the death of a warrior in battle is the highest expression… Read more »
Americans obsession with food chains is very weird.
Turkey is ass. If something needs the perfect scientific formula to make it palatable, it ain’t no good.
It’s not “Greek yogurt” unless it is made by Greeks. If it’s not made by Greeks then it is just “yogurt”.
I guess we better let a bazillion beaners in here so we can have real tacos
White people make better tacos
they build fast food taco huts and open up “authentic” taco trucks and for who? Signaling liberals and Jews. The beaners eat tortillas with American cheese from Grocery Outlet.
USDA supported food banks are a treasure trove, espescially if you want government cheese aka velvetta.
tasty covids
Greek “style” yogurt nigger.
Zogbots when a white person is having a mental health crisis
Yesterday on Warstrike, they were talking about how Zelensky has censored all opposition towards him in Ukraine,particularly the television stations. Here in South Africa, the Russia Today news channel has had its signal blocked since the start of the Ukraine conflict in order to prevent Russian ”disinformation” or something. I am very relieved that TRS’s shows do not do superchats or what I have just written would have been lost among all the other comments.
John the Baptizer’s father snuck into the Temple and saw the donkey-headed idol in the Holy of Holies… wonder if that is included?
The Set animal must be appeased.
How did “white baby bleed a lot” in reference to Simon of Trent not elicit guffaws?!
Excellent work, Sven!
Used to live in NY, and have had Katz’s a few times – Never knew about tipping the cutters (most of them are just beaners), but always got at least two meals out of the sandwiches tbh. Not down on turkey personally, but ngl that pastrami is pretty good.
I think it’s also necessary to point out that St. Paul is talking about people that actively chose to live as a single person for religious purposes. He’s not talking about some bitter incel who desperately wants to get laid but can’t and then tries to rationalize his own inability to do so behind some scriptural interpretation
Literally volcel > incel.
Whoaaaaa working on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving huhh goyim. Heil fascism!!
I’m having a ham salami pepperoni swiss while watching 👍
Epic gamer sandwich
On the sanguich question…..Jimmy johns italian night club. If you disagree and like subway you’re probably black
Sven I suggest for hair inspiration the first Blue Cheer album
The Justice Report on the shooting of the mother and infant links to the Kansas City Defender, which is for blacks;
We are a nonprofit digital startup producing news, digital tools and public services for Black people across the midwest.
I once came very close to popping one side of my jaw out trying to fit my mouth on a reuban sandwich. Hurt like hell and scared the shit out of me
Most frozen turkey nowadays, the kind they’ll have on discount in the supermarket around thanksgiving, is pre-brined/pre-injected with saline and can be roasted as is and come out pretty alright. The added benefit of increasing the sale weight is purely coincidential of course.
If she had a knife you can fucking run away you pig
This is Sven and Alex’s ultimate troll… “I have a sophisticated palate” says the guys who loves Red Robin and Applebees 😆 well done bortheren.
Sauerkraut is essential for those salty meat sandwiches
If anyone’s wondering why the furor over TikTok died down, turns out China turned it over to ex-Unit 8200 spies.
A Turkey Reuben is actually called a “Rachel”
Oh Gawd!
I hope we all can agree as vociferously about iodized salt being better than kosher salt as we do about turkey being subpar
sven will be building up a normal conversation front, and then a interconversational ballistic mike take will just eviscerate the entire effort in seconds.
Holiday has been cancelled!
I’m watching this ive decided
Watching TDS is tight.