Mike and Borz cover the Jewish surrender in Lebanon, why libertarian anti-war advocates made better moral arguments than rightoids, how rightoids make the stronger appear the weaker by refusing to make the moral case, discuss the Jewish shift to the right and the positive Jewish reaction to Pete Hegseth, and alog Michael Lind's article hoping that the Trump administration will be able to do away with racial categories once and for all.

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Anyone know how to find old episodes? I was trying to have someone listen to TDS 511 but it’s removed or blocked from my downloading it in any capacity or just streaming it. I am subscribed
Some jews in Israel seem to think war with Iran is on the table when Trump takes office so they need to withdraw and wait for the US to invade Iran. I wouldnt be surprised if Trump pulls the trigger on Iran.
Teabag Chokebrah.
Didn’t know Chancellor Gorkun was back. Honor to you and your house, Peinovich
Mike is a chud quantum computing is heckin valid.
Is there a link to that video of the Jews in the church?
Bro, that name is disrespectful.
Change your name.
I remember an interview with Yassar Arafat where he was asked if he could imagine a time when Jews and Muslims could coexist in Palestine. He said “yes, when I was a kid”. He was referring to pre 1948 Nakba in Palestine. The conflict between Jew and Muslim is not thousands of years old like the xoids love to verbally drool. Emperor Hadrian renamed Judea as Syria Palestina and Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina after the revolt led by Simon Bar Kokhba 500 years before Islam existed. So I guess it’s fair to say that Jews have been a problem for… Read more »
Imagine telling ancient peoples that in 2000 years yes we will still be dealing with kike usury and civilization disruption
I’m hoping some new religions will emerge to debunk this.
if thinking racist things about a race makes them come true
then calling people a racist makes them become more racist so you are being racist by calling some one racist because your are feeding the racism complex
No Judicial Notificing yet?
Must be a lame show… ☹️
Nah he doesn’t care about Jews he only wants to defend rightoid shit so P&B spent the show talking about the middle east and kike warfare, no rightoid psyop for him to complain about there 🤣🤣
That’s awesome.
Did he take that trip to Antarctica? 🇦🇶
Captive Dreamer finally relented with his “fuck both sides” posting and started “winners are Zionists” posting.
Meet the new position, same as the old position.
The German part of me feels for the working class normies being exploited, but the Anglo part views the cattle with intense disdain. It’s tough being mixed race.
Its me, I’m the pure white, nice to meet you.
I wished for a White Christmas and you delivered!
Glad to see that NOVA has got the charity going again.
Central/South Americans love tokusatsu like super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Metal Heroes for similar reasons to dbz I guess
I don’t know what any of this stuff is and I’m always concerned when I find out how many white nationalists love Japanese cartoons. I’ve had half a dozen recommended to me and the only one that was halfway watchable was berserk, and it was because it was about knights and demons. And even then half of the shit was bizarre as fuck and degenerate
I know what you’re going to say next. You’re going to say, “WTF is ‘JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure,’ and WTF are you even talking about?”
Telenovelas are bonkers with their stories
Did you read my reply to your question about the AWB?
Borzoi is more right than Mike about this. He brought up the best example: the double slit experiment.
“Schrodinger’s Katz” …I died
Quantum Noticing has entered the chat
Here for Mike’s personal Terence Howard arc “I DONE DISPROVED SCHRÖDINGER”
Quantum Race Theory is just “I’m a different quadroon every fifteen seconds”
Schroedinger’s Coon
Ahhh here we see the glorious consummation of the Professor Dave-TRS shared arc/universe: exposing the pseudoscience of modern race ideology
Trump’s goal: make the deep state great again
Holy smokes. Sean Hannity doesn’t take breaks this long…
That’s rich hearing Jews mock Christian choir singing when they’re music is either desert ear rape from their guttural tongue or their sappy emotionally manipulative broken violin music they play in their goddamn holocaust propaganda. I hope the next time Hamas takes out a Jewish squatter camp, they play on loud speakers a Schindler’s List dubstep remix or simply the Seinfeld end credits.
P&B quickly becoming the best show on ZEE RIGHT STUFF
Jesse just bulldozes TDS these days. He’s got his fan boys who absolutely love it, but it seems like he’s given up on giving people the content they want and just turns most shows into “Jesse hates the whiteoids”. Mike used to try to Reign him back in, but it seems like more and more of these days he’s just taking a backseat and relying on Tuesdays and Thursdays to get across the points he wants to talk about. I think it was two shows ago Jesse spent almost an hour hating on conservatives and vaccines stuff and their conspiracies… Read more »
A Whiteoid IS somebody who has learned all about the JQ, has seen all the evidence and still denies it. They claim to be pro-White but want to gunt-guard Israel.
We have people alogging Mike on Telegram and Twitter who are former NJP supporters and who have gone all in on Trump and Israel.
These aren’t even whitoids. They’re race traitors.
it’s just kind of non-sensical like the stance basically seems to be ‘all right wing white people are evil faggots that should be raped by niggers because they support israel on average but leftist white people are fantastic angels even though they also on average support israel and are worse on every other issue’ and ‘i hate covid posting so now the government is never wrong about anything i decided’
Good afternoon!
Guten Abend.
Bonne après-midi.
Sup nigga
first to say hi Borzoi
i think we should send anti material rifles to hamas because i think thats fun and i dont need any moral reasoning to support this fun cause.
The anti-kike stance IS the moral stance
yea but even that aside im just blooming you know, i wanna see tel aviv on fire yknow.
Im in my spreading fun and joy moment, just wanna see a merkava cook off joyously.
Im living loving laughing as jews fail to make any gains and open another front.
“Oh my god, just let people enjoy things! You know, like the downfall of Israel!”
Supporting Hamas is just a vibe
I want to vibe.