The Death Panel will investigate themselves and find themselves totally based.

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License and registration! Chicken clutcher!
Sven really needs a big red “shut the fuck up Mike” button on his desk
Calling the sin chicken thing animal sacrifice is too dignified, it’s literally ritual animal torture.
Are we all hanging out again now?
The salt bit gave me Autism
The proper way to salt is to get one large salt crystal the size of a baseball and then use a grater.
Hey it works for Parmesan cheese.
I have to comment here, re previous episode. Mike, you’re a vibe terrorist. Sven tried to do a hilarious pitch meeting, and you killed the vibe with quantum precision! Like inconsistent salting.
Late take, but correct take
That’s a lot of words to say you don’t know how to cook a turkey.
Dark times at TRS (at 3pm because it’s winter)
I don’t know what you people are talking about. I love a nice, moist, turkey with gravy.
Can confirm. They break the fire code at their will. They have that one weird religious thing where they build little enclosed structures out of plywood outside their houses blocking exits etc. Huge fire code violation yet nothing can get done
I love Mike’s callback to the Chicken Breath Dr. Narcan episode.
The Essenes followed the sabbath so strictly that they would not defecate during the entire day. They had rules from the bible about not defecating in the camp of the lord, so they would walk like a mile or so away from the camp. Given that travel was forbidden on the sabbath they would just hold it the entire day I guess. Sounds unpleasant.
Hahaha. That sounds so archaic and retarded. I feel like God would want you to shit so you could go back to focusing on gawd.
Ladybug Graham looks like all the URAE has been taking quite a toll
I noticed the Jews in that chicken swinging clip have a tarp wall up to keep the goyim from noticing their weird shit
As if chicken swinging isn’t barbaric enough, kosher slaughter is so cruel that several European countries banned or tried to ban it. This is where jews use migrants as golems (since Halal slaughter is similar) by rallying them to defeat bans under the guise of religious freedom.
PETA and other goyish animal rights groups used to do exposes of kosher slaughterhouses. No matter how annoying they got, I’ll never shit on them because they at least had the balls to do that. More that can be said for any conservative group that we’re constantly told to “meet where they are.”
Oreo’s are an interesting case of the kosher certification thing because they’re actually the knockoff brand. Hydrox is the original cream cookie, but it wasn’t kosher while Oreos were. So Oreos got the promotion to be the main cream cookie brand.
To be honest, Oreo is a better name for a cookie brand than Hydrox. Hydrox sounds like the name of a drug.
Hydrox used to be made with lard
Sugared lard cookies are great, so much better than Oreos.
Some of you have never wandered around a rennaissance or county fair gnawing on a giant turkey leg and it shows.
“Legge of Fowle” for the win
Yes but that’s street / carnival food while Thanksgiving Turkey is cooked differently.
For the salt thing, I’ve been told the sea salt is saltier tasting than iodized table salt so you can use less for the same flavor, but I’ve never noticed a difference.
Back for the three years my family lived in exile in West Virginia, there was this substitute teacher, Miss Boyette, who had a huge goiter on the side of her neck. It was gross and horrified my young autistic self and ensured I always have my daily recommended allotment of iodine.
Lack of iodine apparently was a problem for people dwelling in the interior of the continent who lacked access to seafood. Had to be salt water fish; fresh water fish lacked the iodine.
Apparently fear of microplastics is a thing now so people are worried about microplastics in sea salt from modern ocean water. Salt from mines does not have this problem. Redmond’s real salt is a popular brand from a salt mine in Utah. It does taste different from common table salt but I couldn’t describe why it does.
I didn’t know this and I looked it up and apparently the Midwest was the Goiter belt in the early 1900’s due to this iodine deficiency and excessive goiters/no seafood, etc
Smoked turkey is pretty fucking good.
Especially when properly brined.
I’m a German American, but I’m rather haphazard and lackadaisical in my salting. Probably because my German ancestry is mostly Bavarian, the Catholic southern Germans. Everyone knows Catholicism and southerners are inherently lazy.
Yeah I was going to say that as a schwabish protestant I don’t really think about salting at all and my religious tradition is just a well ackshually against catholics that I don’t believe in.
I grew up in a black pepper household rather than salt. Always cracking some black pepper on top of our food instead of extra salt.
I do salt and pepper.
The GOP is the party of Jew on goy sub-dom humiliation porn
You guys should look up the video of the orthodox jew woman who ironed her counter tops to get the non kosher flavor out. Craziest shit I’ve seen them do.. well, besides sucking baby dick
Chicken swinging by Orthodox Jews alone is enough of a reason to laugh when Jews consider themselves apart of “western civilization” and against “barbarism”.
“Is this kosher certified goy?… would be a shame if a health inspector visited your establishment and found health violations …”
were next is an admission yea.
it would be the right thing to drag these people to a court in europe.
that would be a return to the divine order of things.
Another turkey bashing. You people don’t know how to cook. Turkey needs to be flavor injected, dry rubbed and deep fried. It’s amazing.
im gonna start a streaming site called Only Goys where I eat oysters, shrimp, cheeseburgers & lobster and explain how fucked up Kosher & jewish practices are like Kapparot (chicken swinging).
From Miriam Jordan’s NYT autobiography: “I speak Portuguese, Spanish, French and Hebrew.” You don’t say
It’s funny you guys were talking seasonings and salts because I literally just experienced the meme of “spice to blacks people is just lawry’s seasoned salt“. I overheard some blacks talking about how to add “spice” to turkey because they don’t want it to be like “white people turkey”. I asked what kind of spices and they responded “you know like Popeye’s seasoning”. I then explained how you usually season turkey with herbs like thyme, sage, and rosemary and marinate it with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Their reaction was akin to their reactions to magic tricks. It was… Read more »
Hahahahaha oh man great reaction to that vid I was wondering where the jordan pajeetorsomething title came from. Big lolz
Obviously Alex would hate thanksgiving. It was, after all, officially started by the yankee tyrant Lincoln.
Flakey salt is best and america is a third world country where they don’t even know what salt taste like.
I put Christmas lights up around my house so Jesus can’t see me breaking NNN.
What does it mean if the chicken shits on the Jew’s head? Is the chicken bombing the demon? Lol
Ok you did it anyway. I was going straight to kosher tax but mike ended up giving the information
I’m not kosher I decided.
My mother (born NYC circa early 1930s) considered these traditional items on Thanksgiving:
Stuffing (both stuffing cooked inside the turkey and stuffing cooked outside of the turkey).
Gravy (with the giblets)
Mashed potatoes (with butter or gravy)
Sweet potatoes
Candied yams
String beans
Cranberries (both homemade cranberry sauce and the canned cranberry sauce the comes out shaped like the can)
Canned Boston Brown Bread (with butter or cream cheese)
Pumpkin pie
Mincemeat pie
Why both kinds of cranberry sauce? 100% behind the mincemeat pie, it’s a pity it’s fallen so out of fashion.
Because then you can choose which type you like rather than argue about it. Some in my family preferred one or the other. Personally I like the canned cranberry sauce. I used to l.have a slice every year. Unfortunately family I usually eat Thanksgiving with don’t offer it and I’m not going to insist. Mincemeat pie is awesome I have no idea why it isn’t more popular. I think you can still buy the jars of mincemeat pie filling in grocery stores during the holidays. In the UK they have mincemeat pies for Christmas but they’re individual tarts, rather than… Read more »
Mincemeat used to be more common, though looking back, only my great-grandparents bothered to make one during Thanksgiving/Christmas. Nowadays, I can hardly find it in South, usually have to buy it online. My family, and my sister’s family are about the only ones in our family who bother with it anymore. Sarah Lee actually made a frozen mincemeat pie, but I haven’t seen that in 15 years or so.
Being a Southerner, I’ve never had Boston brown bread- might make it one day out of curiosity.
You could always bring a can with you, lol.
Nothing doing. The only thing I bring to consume at a family Thanksgiving meal is alcoholic.
My mom was basically using the traditional New England items for a Thanksgiving meal; some of those obviously never got any traction in the South.
You could probably get Boston brown bread on Amazon, but the shipping charges would probably be too high.
Max Miller’s Tasting History on YouTube did an episode on making Boston brown bread; also history of the great molasses flood;
My father used to love Boston Brown Bread as well as black strap molasses. But then our family is all MA, calorie dense foods must have helped in cold mid 20th New England.
I did recall that gay fella on youtube making Boston Brown Bread while I was typing it. I made his mincemeat pie recipe last year, not bad- prefer the Victorian one:
New Englander’s have some pretty good food, ngl. A boiled supper- in it’s proper place, would charm the most jaded epicurean.
Based cranberry enjoyer I wouldve loved her
What is Canned bread???
And you call us Canadians weird for bagged milk.
Ever had pilsbury biscuits in a can?
Watch the video I posted. The bread is steamed, so it is easy for commercial manufacturers to just steam the bread in the can it will be sold in. If you make your own, you use a mold (which can also be a can). Steaming and boiling food is common in some parts of Britain and not others, which may explain why certain foods are common in New England but not in other areas of the USA or Canada. My British grandmother living in Florida in the 1970s would send us a Christmas pudding in the mail every year, inside… Read more »
What’s interesting is how jews are calling for a protest in Tel Aviv against any imminent ceasefire:
Truly a bloodthirsty people. This reminds me of the “hostage” release demonstrations in Tel Aviv that were sold as “pro peace” in the west, but in reality protestors had signs saying “First get them [the “hostages”] back, then go back [to finish off Gaza].”
It’s also looking like Hezbollah won’t get their demand for a contingent ceasefire in Gaza. Still, their resilience has been incredible: Lebanese News and Updates described it as weathering “the stuff that can destroy empires.”
And yes, fuck Orban. Jazzhands was totally right about him. We can finally toss out any lingering hopes (delusions) that Orban was one of the good ones.
Also, earlier drafts of the ceasefire proposed that Russia be one of the implementation managers (rather than the US or France) which Hezbollah preferred and Israel surprisingly didn’t immediately object to either. I wonder why they left the picture? I can only hope Putin has learned enough from the past few years not to fall for any false promise of Ukraine on a silver platter in return for disengagement from the Middle East.
You put the leftover gravy on the leftover turkey to keep it moist.
And I want high sodium versions of shit, give me all the sodium.
Yeah leftover turkey is great if you put some effort into it. Moike’s dad knows the score.
Stuffing is the best. Brine your turkey, it’s fine. My mom makes turkey and ham for Thanksgiving.
Brining and/or cooking in the turkey bag ensures a properly moist turkey.
Deep frying the turkey is good, too, but dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Salt posting guys?
Hold my beer
The kosher salt guys tend to brine over in this corner.
standard salt party
Ive been in the hospital 3 times since we last spoke, Bill says it’s not from trying to deep fry a Turkey, I tend to disagree
Salt Autism
Unfortunately the Koschertified people walked away a couple years ago. Website is down and the only thing on their Twitter is the last farewell thread.
I still have it installed, but it’s disabled by the dev, you can’t use it anymore. Honestly I only ever used it a couple times, but sad to see it go. Brings back memories of Jazzhands plugging it on FTN.
RIP Ursula Haverbeck.
Tasting Iodized Salt vs Sea Salt vs Kosher Salt there is a minor difference in how the salt tastes at least to me. Getting into the minutiae on their health benefits is just marketing.
I’m partial to sea salt I like big chunks
Love me some flat salt theory
Salted to perfection. Microgram precision. If someone sweats in the same room, the dish is RUINED.
Ok, first of all let me say that the death panel is responsible for my wasting hours on such content, as I had never heard of Professor Dave or anyone in this online pseudoscience milieu before. That said, I think I prefer this witsit “debate,” because the guy pushing his shit in (one “Tom Jump,” who may have retarded views on other stuff I’m sure (I decided)) is a literal autist and it’s enjoyable to watch
Idk who 90% of these online people are that the death panel talks about.
Everyone was worried 10 years ago that mainstream YouTube content would lead people to nazism; turns out my preferred nazi content is actually a gateway to mainstream swill content
They don’t know either other than vibes and who they interpret them as being coded as EG Chris Langan.
Tom Jump is another dishonest libtarded atheist type. I debated him in his discord before about Christianity and metaphysics. The guy is not a good person.
And, he’s not that good of a debater.
I’m sure he beat you just like he beat witsit (and that makes him a bad person!)
No he’s a bad person because he’s extremely dishonest and argues like a slime ball, especially with religious people. He’s also one of these atheist types that feels the need to “debunk” and debate everything he doesn’t like, such as flat earth, even when he knows very little on the topic.
Dude you got your hat tip from the DP for the troll, well done and all that, now cease and desist pls
Never desist, never give up. It’s the motto I live by as a marine under Trump.
Message received patriot 😉
Lmao I didn’t hear the part where Sven reacted to my link until now.
“Jordan Pajeetorsomething” made me lol
first I decided