The Death Panel did a show they decided.

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I will admit the cognitive dissonance does get a little maddening at times
Vocal fry and uptalk make me want to smash the speakers head into an unrecognizable mass in itself. Listening to this conservatard woman’s anti-racism points fed through it makes me want to make what Varg did to those churches in Norway look like a joke.
Jesse isn’t wrong about Christians. Deal with it.
I’m surprised how many ass hurt Christians are in the comments.
Scratch the white paint off “our thing” and it turns out to be just another mediocre low church congregation that votes GOP every four years.
I’m working a response to the Langan slander in writing. I will post it on my Substack. I would appreciate the response. I felt compelled to write it because I felt the slander of Langan was immense and it would be worthwhile to correct the record.
You aren’t correcting the record you are just doubling down on being an autistic retard.
Why do you feel the need to defend the my crackhead pillow boomer?
You’re literally the Nicolas Cage of the TRS comments section on a search for a lifetime Razzie Award.
Link your sub stack.
I haven’t been very politically active online for the past year or so, for better or for worse. I have a lot of things where I’ll write or work on in pieces.
Really the only purpose of Christianity is to give women something to occupy themselves with. I know very few men if any that take that shit seriously. They just do it to make their wives happy.
Muslims are better Christians than Christians are.
White people are the best Christians by far and always have been. You’re a xenophile, maybe you should go live around Arabs in the Middle East faggot.
I have lived around Arabs in the Middle East and I find their low tolerance to faggots and Jews refreshing.
I think that you are an uncultured nigger.
This is the uncomfortable truth. Just look at Lebanon: Christians are the ones inclined to give the jews 30 pieces of silver for the empty promise of Lebanon becoming a “stable” vassal state like the UAE or Jordan.
And Iran complained the loudest about the Olympics blaspheming Jesus.
I have so many Christian Lebanese in my neck of the woods and none of them are anti semitic. They just wanna make money and that’s it.
Sven’s Pitch Meeting bit about covid was epic. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. I’ve been watching some of those lately and Sven’s version is better. Thanks for that
Guise. The Covid shit. It’s both a one in five chance to take no damage at all AND 30% damage reduction when you do take damage. This is measured by the time it takes for you to be healthy again. If it takes you 14 days to recover without the item, it might take you 12 when you equip it. It does NOT mean you necessarily get less sick, the sickness is just somewhat shorter. This is how it is cynically measured, and it is where a lot of confusion stems from. I also know the naysayers didn’t even read,… Read more »
I worship Slavic snow gods now
I’m a Christian- and Sven is right. That’s just how it is now, I can’t make excuses, the whole thing has been subjugated to mean more or less jew-worship. “Hu-dur, that’s what it’s always been.” Maybe, but Paganism and Buddhism in the mainstream has also been jerked around to fall in line.You’re in no better a boat than I. I don’t see that as some “gotcha” We just have to admit it.
They don’t care. They’ll continue to make terrible arguments against Christianity.
The obvious retort is that Christians were never like this until very recent times and in Western Countries specifically. Notice how they still aren’t like this in Eastern Europe.
It’s not about “Christianity.” Everyone looks for reasons to confirm their own desires and beliefs through anything.
If Christianity can be corrupted this easily then maybe it’s a pathetic worldview.
The whole west is corrupted. Dummy. Liberals are the most xenophilic, anti-racist people as demonstrated with great scientific rigor.
They’re not Christian. So what does that tell you?
It has nothing to do with “Christianity,” whatever morons like yourself think that means because you likely can’t even articulate a coherent argument about what you’re arguing against exactly.
Oh you…
I’ve never seen you so worked up over a topic, which tells me you have a Christian background and can’t get over the hump of coming to terms with that worthless religion.
Christian conservatives eagerly race mix and push liberal ideals. If you haven’t noticed that than you live under a rock
No, Primitive Christianity was like this in the beginning, an anti-natalist doomsday cult for women, slaves, outcasts, foreigners and miscreants.
That was pretty damn succinct.
jodyseedoilvitalitychad (not that other guy)
“Children are a gift from God, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the quiver of a warrior are the children of one’s youth; blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”
Several sects of pre-Nicene primitive Christianity opposed sex in all forms, even for procreation. If not for Pagan philosophers like Origen and Marcion taking an interest in the bizarre little cult and giving it an actual theological and philosophical foundation, it would have disappeared and been forgotten in Antiquity.
I don’t care about your scripture quotes. They are not relevant as there was no canonical scripture at the time period being discussed and scripture is a poor source for early Christian history.
And then I have to hear about Christian Nationalism. If this is the Christianity count me out. In fact I’m going to be downright hostile to you
Being downright hostel to everybody somewhat adjacent to our beliefs is seemingly what our entire thing is about
Christianity is a rival ideology, like conservatism and conspiracy theorism, its goals are different than ours, its values are different than ours, the only overlap are a few people who have their own special snowflake version of christianity that would be rejected by every extant christian institution.
The vague “our thing” phrase contains the lingering idea of a big tent: that conservatives, WN paleocons and Christians are somehow “adjacent” to us because reasons. Since when has racial nationalism ever been “adjacent” to Christians who adopt black kids and would happily trade us in for 30 pieces of silver?
The Death Panel was correct: we are unironically more “adjacent” to a Black Nationalist than to a Nick Fuentes or even a Greg Johnson. And HyperboreanDad criticized Christian Nationalism specifically. You do realize that’s a Yoram Hazony project? What, are we “somewhat adjacent” to jews now?
And that right there is Judeo Christianity. Stupid evangelical rightoids that love Jews and Israel and push that retarded Jewish shit under the guise of Christianity
If some stupid bitch like that tried taking my kid and stuffing him in a nigger household. All that twisted Jewish shit they show you in thier horror films would be her fate. I would make Jigsaw look like Bill Nye the Science guy
Those evangelicals blazed the trail of getting on a soap box when thier kid was murdered by a nigger and do this big performative “Jesus loves you, I forgive you” bullshit. And the cable news networks would make a point to show it”
We’ve already seen the results of “christian” ideology in South America, the Christian rejection of racialism resulted in the the creation of an entire new race of human beings, and that’s the best you’re ever gonna get from these people.
Actually forget that, Christians absolutely don’t reject a racially based ideology, they instead embrace a jewish race ideology.
Reminder that 19th century Christians in Paraguay enforced mandatory marriage miscegenation to wipe out racial differences. Not even the communists attempted such a thing.
Actually is was the dictator of Paraguay and he did it in order to keep political power
Christians worship a Jew. The King of the Jews.
TRS crowd exposing how retarded they are again, talking about something they don’t know again, being anti-White calling their Christian ancestors a bunch of retards who ruined Europe or something.
Look I know realizing Christianity is gay is tough pill to swallow but we all have to do it eventually.
There is no pill; you’re an idiot.
You have faggoty Christian priors, don’t you?
Death panel now the ones doing “no I’m not Christian and I have nothing but contempt for your beliefs but this is what your religion is all about.” Lmao at Christianity ruining Europe. Christian Europe was racially egalitarian for millennia?
The corruption affects all things, including the religion of occupied people. One might feel like they need a special snowflake version of Christianity to support racial segregation in present year USA, but both scripturally and traditionally these things are not at odds
European “Christianity” pre-reformation had the benefit of influxes of millions of Germanics and their Pagan martial virtues, that’s where your Crusades have their origin. Since the reformation and the rebiblicization and judaization of Christianity, your cult devoted to a Middle Eastern universalist has made of itself a willing and eager lapdog of the enemies of the White race. Tradition and history means nothing to a christian as your cult is supple as a reed bending to the winds of whatever age it finds itself in, no matter how unclean. Remember, you must hate your mother and father, brother and sister,… Read more »
When Jesus preaches in Luke 14 and says “whoever does not hate father and mother, etc. cannot be my disciple,” he obviously means from the context that you cannot under any circumstance prefer anyone or anything over God. He does not mean you must consider those people your adversaries. We know this for two reasons. The first is that the Greek word used in Luke 14:26 for “hate” is “μισέω,” a much more vague term than what we think of in English as hatred; if Jesus meant we must actively oppose and treat our own families as enemies, there is… Read more »
Much quoting from “The Adventures of Rabbi Yeshua bin Yoseph.”
jodyseedoilvitalitychad (not that other guy)
And what was the first thing those plantation owning confederate nigger lovers do with their nigger pets? Baptized them, because we’re all one in christ jesus. It was inevitable we’d end up at this point from that ignoble start.
These people have all sorts of retarded ideas about religion and Christianity so there’s no use with arguing with them.
And yet you keep arguing…
I’m with Sven on where the hell is this “30%” thing coming from. Maybe my google skills are lacking but seems to be a bogus claim.
Yeah. Like, what, they had an experimental group that was being constantly coughed on by covid carriers? I doubt it. The non-vaccine didn’t work because the antibodies it would produce are for the engineered virus you were inoculated with. If I get a flu shot and the strain of flu going around wasn’t the strain I was vaccinated against, then I’ll just get the flu and it won’t be less bad because I got vaccinated against the strain I didn’t get. So via what mechanism can the covid shot lessen severity? Everything about covid was bullshit other than there was… Read more »
What is Moike’s new xitter?
Jews were too busy epstiening American politicians they forgot the ICC
I suppose they could argue that the North is a circle rotating in one direction and the South is a ring, around the North, that rotates in the other direction. Probably because of the flatulence of the wave conjugation emanating from the circularity of existence.
A split Flat Earth, if you will.
See… it’s super easy… barely an inconvenience.
Earth is actually an arch stretching out to forever, making it both flat and curved.
Damn, that’s brilliant! You have solved the dilemma, my negro. Take THAT you baseball-shaped Earthers!
jodyseedoilvitalitychad (not that other guy)
Surprised no one is calling it Gaetzgate yet
Svens sick and we don’t get an anti small business rant? You changed man
We almost got “Christianity is Jewish”.
it is.
all of the official islamic institutions have the same exact stances on interracial marriage and adoption, doesn’t make me say ‘fuck all muslims they can never ally with us in any case no matter what and all muslims should get raped by niggers because of their institutions being bad’, that lady and people like her yes and also the muslims that are like her
BASED. Fuck Christcucks. Pagan Emperors shoulda put more of them on crosses and fed more of them to lions.
I’m sorry you feel that way.
They were subversive who abandon the Gods of their Fathers for the specious promise of immortality in a paradise. How is that not scummy?
The comments get more and more brain dead and Reddit tier by the day it seems
Nigga if Christianity isn’t real those pagan gods ain’t real either
Who cares if make believe stories are real or not? Paganism is a White invention. Christianity is 100% Jew made and invented.
Those “Christians” back in the day that romans were crucifying were probably Jews who were doing shitty things like starting fires and just deserved it.
If the COVID vaccine was %.03 percent marginally better we should support it, mike!
Being the rat at the garden party part 2:
Mike claiming that Dave the midwits’ “own” response to Wits It Gets it about the movement of the stars is beyond laughable.
For the “does a clock’s hands on the ceiling start to rotate counter-clockwise when you’re looking at it?” retort to work as an analogy, the stars in the sky would also have to be attached to a stationary contraption in the middle of the group that physically restricts their movement. In other words, there isn’t a clock in the sky (obviously). The analogy fails, very clearly.
SKUNK at the party my nigger. You are the fucking skunk.
Yeah I shit on your bad ideas
The sky itself is a giant clock, we tell time entirely by the shit in the sky.
There isn’t a physical contraption that the stars are attached to in the center of them that restricts their movement in a specific manner is the point that was stated. You utter moron.
Can’t believe that dumbass Sven thought there were polar bears in Antarctica…
Where the Hell are they from then?
Is Australia the right answer?
Churchill Manitoba
God knows why they named a chug city in northern Manitoba after that fat warmonger Zionist but it’s fitting since both he and the Chugs were always on the bottle
Polar bears come from Poland.
Arktos is the ancient Indo-European word for bear. But people were afraid of using the word so they start using euphemisms like “the brown one” = bear.
So it goes like this:
The Arctic = bears are here.
The Antarctic = no bears here.
Old joke.
Correct answer: Antarctica has been cut off from other continents for tens of millions of years. No way for bears to get there. The only land animals are on the coast and they swam there — seals, sea lions, penguins etc.
Mike has been caught lying, albeit likely incidentally, with an agenda.
Sorry to be the rat at the garden party and for being a (((shill))) for Brett Weinstein; but he never denied germ theory or said that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS. He very specifically said that HIV not the ONLY cause of AIDS, implying it is one of multiple causes. That was his contention that he thinks bears out in light of evidence he’s seen.
Fact checked ✅
Judicial notificing has been caught lying in every single comment spewing rightoid propaganda and now defending the kike Brett Weinstein and the smartest man in the world trump supporting Chris Langan from that evol Nazi Michael Peinovich.
What did we do without you 3 months ago before you commented on every single thing the death panel says? Dark world it was..
You guys love your misinformation and bad ideas so much that you kvetch and shut your pants anytime it’s pointed out I’m sorry
I’m lying but somehow you can’t be specific about my supposed lies. I point out lies in very specific explications. You simply worship Mike and Sven even to the point where you think they literally are never wrong ever.
I don’t need to respond to anything you’ve said. *YOU’RE* an autistic retard and everyone knows it. In case you haven’t figured it out yet no one cares what you have to say. You are just a lolbird to everyone… The sad thing is that the Internet exists for you to even have a platform to type out the retarded things that come in to your head. I’ve completely changed my mind btw. I think you need to get vetted asap and go to a pool party. The only thing that will get through your giant fucking skull is people… Read more »
Shut up jew
Wait wait wait… did that blonde made the “low key” presumption that black homes are unsafe in front of a camera? 😂
Is it because she looks like Abby “Big Milkers” Shapiro, Sven? 😂
Ofc dodge is preferable to high protection. The objective is to not get hit in the first place. 😂
There are no polar bears in Antarctica.
Spergout in the chats about bears. Bears = a giant rat, retarded not majestic creatures who eat trash.
Bears are cool idk what you’re talking about. You could say the same thing about dogs.
So contrarian he even has to counter signal bear hate. How do you make it through a day dude 😂😂😂😂
No comment on reindeer? You humorless autists
Maybe a herd of reindeer that tramples judicial_noticing on the Flat Earth?
There could be, if someone with a bold vision like myself were in charge. Why shouldn’t polar bears colonize Antarctica?
Polar bears shouldn’t be allowed to colonize Antarctica, Mr. Matlock, because they already control the continent of Arctica, to the exclusion of black bears, brown bears, honey bears, koala bears, and Sub-Saharan African anteater-bears. Furthermore, these white bears would oppress the indigenous penguins, seals, and assorted birds by eating them. That’s why this would be a bad idea. It would be more fair for the Sub-Saharan African anteater-bears to live there. There would need to be a government program to help them survive in a climate that they are unsuited for. All the negroes in Minnesota are proof that this would work. jodyseedoilvitalitychad (not that… Read more »
Sven’s backsliding into low-info science denialism smh. I’m totally team Mike on this one. I was saying the stuff Mike’s saying in the comments more than three years ago and getting dogpiled for it.
Brett Weinstein was Astroturfed as an anti Woke “activist”
The whole Evergreen College thing where they asked White people not to come to campus and he was supposedly fired/cancelled for speaking out against a libtard college no one ever heard of
I remember NPR pushing it heavily and promoting him as some kind of hero
That’s his origin story for being a sheepdog influencer
That doesn’t check out, NPR saying he’s a hero? NPR is full on with white genocide and DEI. And ya Mike already re explained the whole thing on P&B.
The only thing I find weird is that he’s from a liberal arts college. I’m not disputing that, but he just seems like a particularly weird person to be at that school. And clearly that was self-evident because of the attention he gained. Additionally, he’s not a very noteworthy professor in any way whatsoever. I don’t think NPR shilled for him. But there was definitely some element of his popularity being engineered, particularly within the right wing. And for some reason his brother gets famous too? Is this all because they made appearances on Joe Rogan? This Joe Rogan fella… Read more »
It’s purely a case of Jewish nepotism, maybe there is some kike at evergreen who hires and they hired bret the kike? Unknown but they are both slimey kikes and im hesitant to defend bret (even tho its ancient news) because kikes play the game and like to fake like they are pro white for kike reasons.
He’s a goblin faced kike, that’s all that matters.
NPR is perfectly capable of signal boosting Jewish gayops such as the Dark Enlightenment crew. It’s called creating a false opposition.
I don’t deny that but echodonpablo said they were pushing him as some kind of hero. I definitely doubt that.
I’m from the state that Evergreen College is in. It’s widely considered to be a total joke, not even rising to the level of a Women’s/African-American Studies college. It’s where parents send their kids, whose life ambition is to sit around smoking weed all day. Coincidentally, there is a high school for
mentally retardedSpecial Needs Students, around here with the same name, adding to the joke.jodyseedoilvitalitychad (not that other guy)
Guys…there are no bears in Antarctica
They’ve been on a making shit up everyday streak it’s kinda funny
There’s an Anal Cunt one-off side project called Full Blown A.I.D.S.
Fantastic band name.
I prefer his other side project Vaginal Jesus myself (not the band name, but their hilarious music). It featured classic songs, such as: “I Hate Niggers”, “Mandatory Abortion for Niggers”, “Die Homie Die”, “Jesus Was Nothing But a Fucking Jew” and of course, “White Power Jew”.
Some lyrics..
“Jesus was nothing but a fucking jew,
If we were in Auschwitz, i’d give him a tattoo,
Jesus was nothing but a fucking kike,
Let’s nail him to the cross with ten-inch spikes.”
Totally didn’t influence me at a young age, or anything like that…
Isn’t 1/3 chance to ignore damage and 30% damage reduction almost the same thing?
No, if you divide 1 by 3 you get 0.3333…, would would round to 33.33%. Whereas, 30% is 0.3
Like I said basically the same thing
No, not even close.
One is a set damage modifier. The other is a chance to avoid ALL damage.
No. 1/3rd chance to dodge an attack is a theoretical chance to dodge all damage.
30% damage reduction will always reduce damage by 30%.
1/3rd chance means you could dodge 3+ attacks in a row and absolutely clown something that you had no serious chance against.
This was a big problem with vehicle balance in Warhammer 40K in older editions.
They basically always had a flat chance to avoid all damage no matter what hit them, making them super annoying to kill.
Yes, but in the long run 1/3rd chance averages out into being 1/3rd chance which is the same as 33% damage reduction.
But this would be a cursed item, 1/3 to avoid damage, but also 1/10 to take 10x damage.
No one likes cursed items.
It’s a libshit faction locket item and who wants to be in with them anyway? For me it’s creekshitters legion.
When you guys were talking about AIDS, there’s a really disgusting commercial going around. In one scene there’s a guy sitting on a bed with a black guy, and he’s describing what the drug does, and third guy walks out of the bathroom as he’s explaining it. Dark days
I hope that ad runs during all the football and Niggerball games
Uh oh attacking flat earth theory your favorite commenter is going to shit his pants and write 1000 rightoid comments now…
I don’t care if people believe the earth is a plane or a sphere, I just don’t like bad arguments or pretending that shit is science when it’s not.
If I hadn’t lived through the Simon Elliot and Autiste Prime days, I would have a hard time believing someone can actually be this fucking autistic.
Bad science is your retarded ass having to invent fresh new explanations for how GPS satellites work.
Bad science is ignoring that Eratosthones proved spherical Earth and even calculated the circumference of the Earth within less than 100 miles of the actual circumference. And all he needed was a couple of sticks. But keep promoting semitic mythology over Greek mathematics.
Oh! Clairvoyant ova hereeee.
As if he could begin to resist. LMAO!
BTFO’ing Flat Earth retardation and Judicial_Notificing’s Rightoid spergery is akin to fishing with dynamite.
Other little known fact: polar bears are of Irish descent.
Nice Pantera reference Sven “VULGAR DISPLAY OF POWER”
Emily says that Bluesky is the libtard version of Gab:Linda on X: “Lol Bluesky really is Libtard Gab” / X.
Ghetto after Ghetto, echo chamber after echo chamber, collectivism is just dead in general.
We say this when we are just on BANG the WN version of blue sky
Heil Friday! Heil the death panel! Death to Israel!
Gonna listen to this tonight I decided
thanks to that kikelover tom cotton i have found out today that america the nigger empire has something called the hague invasion act. im not surprised by it, its just that you’d think the empire wouldnt be so outward with it. after all you cant repeat muh rules based order pravda everyday, when the moment a large confederation of small nations decides you are literally insanely criminal, and you decide to counter that with nuh uh might makes right, but ofcourse as you lot always say, my hypocrisy bingo card is full. there is no hypocrisy, only a veneer of… Read more »
There are no bears in Antarctica, the name in Latin means, basically, without bears
I thought Antarctica was “opposite of the arctic”
both correct, artic means northern/bear.
I was unsure if they were joking or not.
It’s basically a great argument to close the comments section forever
Hope you feel better soon
Everyone knows ants are tiny insects. Arctica comes from Arktos the Greek word for bear. Latin languages add -a to the end of words to indicate female gender.
Antarctica is the queen of tiny insect bears.
Garand Thumb has a Deus Vult tattoo
Haven’t listened yet but I hope we got some garand thumb alogging in this episode. The accusations are fucking hilarious
Me and another listener had a buddy who was invited by garand thumb out to his land. Thumb ghosted him when he got there and the very next week released a video with two IDF troops. The guy is a total clown.
I think these Jews are up to something
Seems like a good bet.
Alog this bitch
she’s hot
ewwwwww. there’s probably some hot dominatrix guards in the prison we’re all going to for supporting Palestine.
In Creek Bowl Movement