The Death Panel did a show they decided.

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I am Orthodox Christian, and it is encouraged to get married and have your own children. If you are unable to have Children, it is seen as God’s decision to not bless you with a child. Adoption is not mentioned whatsoever in the bible. Evangelicalism is corrupt, jewish, and false.
Your best show in a while
Bro, Alex, just drop that gay shit and join an Asatru community. I mean, we’re all Pagans. I’d rather you larp as an Pagan than a Christian. That shit’s gonna screw with jr’s head. There’s a Hof in your state.
This is why I’m culturally catholic and not super religious.
I think BAP touched on “HIV is fake” in one of the first episodes of his podcast.
crazy that there are listeners seething about muh Christianity after a perfect example of why it’s so toxic to the pro-White movement. Lots of good points made by the panel. I used to mascaraed as a Christian – as a social filter to keep degenerates away from my family. The problem is not with White people who want a morally sound community, it’s the reality that Christianity cannot give you that. The soon-to-be American administration is going to use Christians against pro-White and antisemitic sentiments as Borzoi predicted. Christians, perhaps especially White ones, are guided by very powerful holier-than-thou feeling… Read more »
100%, I’ve tried many times to return to church and give it a chance and everytime when the pastor is up reading the sermon it returns to passages about Israel and the Holy land. I am in the south as well, so allegiance to Israel via the Bible is just a given for Christcucks down here. Christianity currently is a force used against white people and white power. It has been jew-surped. Maybe at one time Christianity was a force to unite Europe, a la the crusades, etc. but today it is only a battering ram to destroy whites and… Read more »
Careful bro. You don’t wanna upset that one retard in the comments.
I committed another year to TRS because this content is important and vital. Long live TRS, long live TDS. Let them cook 🙋♂️
I hate evangelical Zionist Christian’s and to be anti-them is to save those children from a lifetime of brainwashing and racial destruction. We should never relent on the truth. Ever.
Sorry, but I’m not gonna take theology lessons from some 30 year old faggot drug addict. Lol
Go be jewish somewhere else.
Atheism is definetely not jewish
What is Mikes new twitter?
Your complaints about evangelical Christianity are sound, but the idea that since our beliefs don’t line up with the modern day church we should simply reject them is disingenuous. If I were in a room with a million white people I would be able to count the number of people who agree with me politically on one hand, that doesn’t mean I should hate and reject the others. Most whites hold these views for the same reason most Christian’s do, they’ve been lied to. I don’t hate them because they’ve been lied to, I hate the one who lied to… Read more »
Jesus christ is a malicious jewish fiction, and Christianity is a Jewish supremacy strategy.
Trash goes in the trash.
The records we have of Christ other than the Bible come from Romans, not jews. The Roman’s are the ones who spread it to the world. During the Bar Kokhba revolt the jews attempted to massacre every Roman and Christian in the province. Up until the 1800s Christianity was the driving force behind the subjugation and expulsion of the jews. Just like the jews infiltrated every western nation they’ve also infiltrated every western religion. They hate Christ and the only reason they tolerate Christian’s is because of Christian Zionism which is a modern falsehood.
Jews hate Christ
Not believing in Christ (atheism) isn’t a jewish strategy though LOL
Marx, Trotsky, Lenin. All kikes, all atheists, all believed in the destruction of the church.
Atheism has absolutely been used as a Jewish strategy.
Yeah I agree I was just being sarcastic lol
There are no records of Jesus outside the Bible except some anachronistic shit added to a few texts by Christian revisionist.
“Jewish supremacy strategy”
Like polyamory?
Prove it
I’ve just hit my limit with most Christians at this point after oct 7. They are some of the dumbest people on earth and the next time a smug libtard insults them I’m just gonna turn the other cheek and let it happen.
I think comparing an ideological/religious affiliation with being members of the same race isn’t analogous.
I spent a lot of time looking for racially conscious Christian material, and I didn’t find that much. The ideas seem pretty damn amenable to anti-racism.
I understand the analogy isn’t perfect, I was simply expressing that just because a majority of a group is misguided doesn’t mean the entirety of it is. In that way it still works to show that I won’t reject my race because they don’t agree with me in the same way I won’t reject my faith. As for racially conscious material, I would argue that there is some inside of the Bible such as referring to middle easterners as the wild asses of men and the Jews as in the synagogue of satan and of their father the devil. But,… Read more »
I just don’t get it. Everyone already knows that at an institutional level, Christianity is used to promote things that hurt the White race. You could say the same thing about pro-White Christians as you could about anyone that’s pro-White in an institution, that doesn’t mean people need to abandon these institutions. In other cases, I think the Death Panel would agree that completely abandoning institutions and handing them over is a bad idea, how come it seems that with Christianity there’s always a double standard at play here? McNabb’s: “Go tell your pastor about your politics” sounds very similar… Read more »
I completely agree, the death panel have taken a very short sighted position on Christianity. The Romans, had the hottest take on the C-Q and that was to rewrite, repurpose, and rebrand the faith (Roman Catholic Church) to further their own purposes. It’s unfair to reject the whole institution because it has been corrupted in the modern day. On a long enough timeline the NSDAP would’ve eventually been corrupted by jews too. Its what (((they))) do. People yearn for the supernatural, look at all the esoteric autists that are in the scene. And the Death Panel offer no alternatives other… Read more »
I’m genuinely surprised that Eloi didn’t delete hour two of this episode of TDS, and ban Sven from posting in comments and on BANG.
jodyseedoilvitalitychad (not that other guy)
It’s a good thing those stupid Nazi Christians didn’t believe in facts, logic, allah, and the FDA… we’d all be speaking German!
I would love to see more “Old Testament” Tanakh deep dives from Mike. I really enjoy them. I would also like to see some more deep dives on Jesus (PBUH). I grew up in an evangelical cult and it was Moike’s talking about religion that gave me confidence to leave it. Want more though.
Nathan Oakley already took down Witsit and Weiss two years ago. Take on Oakley.
Haven’t listened yet, but if this episode is as anti-christ as the comments suggest, then I’ll cancel my sub and give my next five years of subscriptions to warstrike instead.
I enjoy my guys and their content, but it just seems like they always need an enemy Within /ourthing. Between uneducated conservatives, white nationalists with mildly different opinions, white nationalists with religious opinions, and so on, it seems like we’re starting to spend more and more time in fighting then we ever have before
It’s not infighting if all those people you listed are pretty much just Republicans. I’m not Republican and never have been, nor do I ever want to meet them where they are.
We’ve got to move beyond the hang up that conservatism, WN paleoconservatism or Christianity will unlock some kind of path to success. It’s a hang up that racial nationalists have had since WWI and it’s gotten them nowhere.
If you’re a Christian your purpose is to destroy pro-Zionist anti-white evangelical Christian’s. That’s your purpose.
I have gotten in front of my congregation and preached sermons against Christian Zionism more than once. I’ll say it again, if the TRS narrative is genuinely anti-christ, then it’s a worthless and counterproductive drain of everyone’s time and money, and those resources should be directed elsewhere.
Now, I still haven’t heard this episode. My hope was and still is that the commenters have merely overblown the issue.
Living alone in the woods is enough justification for killing a Nazi family.
So many lost puns. Golden Gaetz Bridge; Gaetz’ Rights …okay, two lost puns.