Mike and Louis talk about fraud peddlers left and right, URA, Matt Gaetz's fall as Trump's first major political loss and give updates on the latest from the war fronts in Ukraine and Occupied Palestine.

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I quit listening to a network called RBN. many of the hosts were AIDS virus denyers.Also kept arguing all viruses were not real. no matter what logic or science you bring up they would just say it’s fake. maybe these people just have a low IQ, and couldn’t pass a match test I school. Maybe they are just doing it to push out any high IQ or intelligent political analysis from the movement? I think that the same thing happened with Christianity with all the evolution denial in the 1980s and ’90s. it’s about pushing out all the intelligent people… Read more »
“I was reading an article about this “art community” in Israel near Lebanon…” Holy shit, Mike read something that wasn’t on Twitter?!!! I kid, but still… Mike, for your own mental health, please get off social media. The spillover gossip about literally whos like Professor Dave is so boring. In contrast, the second hour is what keeps me listening! I appreciated the sober take on Lebanon. Israel seems to be applying a couple lessons: trying a slow but steady progression like Russia, using scorched earth to make it harder for resistance to regroup (a war crime but no one’s going… Read more »
Re: the Electric Universe theory, I think Mike may have gotten too much of his info about it from Professor Dave, who unfairly mischaracterizes it. It does not claim that gravity “doesn’t exist,” it just claims that current theoretical physics completely ignores electromagnetism as an important force in the universe, and that it therefore gets many things wrong. It definitely goes against the current academic consensus, and I’m not qualified to take sides in the matter, but to be honest I do find Electric Universe (and catastrophist theories generally) compelling, what I am able to understand of it. In any… Read more »
The Bradley still has a hole in the back ramp with an armored cover for blindly spraying bullets out before you dismount. It’s always closed and you can’t use it to see for shit. The side ports are from the obsolete cold war model and are all replaced with armor plates now. In a tank there’s nothing like that at all. Some MBTs compensate with cameras, Abrams don’t, also don’t think Merkavas do. White tank commanders are trained to be out of the hatch looking around, or account for the blind spots with somebody covering you. The sense of tactical-sperg… Read more »
Look at this URA nigga, like URA faggot
The fact that all of a sudden people are paying attention to who is being appointed to the FDA tells you it’s fake and gay
I’ve been trying to figure out why the theme for this show is so familiar. I did it. Late last week I listened to an episode of The Alex Jones show (whenever the day after the Onion supposedly bought Infowars and shut it down was), and it turns out Alex uses it as one of his bumper tracks. He only plays the intro.
Btw the whole thing about the show being shut down sounds fake. There’s this whole convoluted explanation as to why it didn’t happen.
Ukraine and inflation – Inflation was caused by the actions taken by central banks and governments after COVID to counteract the depressing economic effects of COVID policies. Social distancing and lockdowns were a legitimate strategy for slowing the spread of what was correctly perceived as a dangerous viral outbreak, hence massive unemployment and a massive decrease in economic demand followed. Supply chains were also disrupted due to that unemployment and hampered market activity and their compounding effects on logistics systems. The money supply is controlled by the U.S. Federal Reserve and similar central banks in many countries/regions such as E.U.,… Read more »
Neoliberal claptrap.
No, this is how macroeconomics works. It’s completely non political. You’re just displaying your ignorance here.
Matt Gaetz is not funded by the Israel Lobby according to AIPAC Tracker on X
Y’all got that MP3?
Louis talks a mile-a-minute, I thought y’all’d be done by now. hehe
The biggest US unilateral withdrawal (in 2002) was the ABM Treaty, which Russia did not drop out of before the US. The INF treaty was indeed basically violated by Russia, however, so there was probably a good reason for the US to drop out. We now know that Russia’s missiles clearly had a range longer than that of the treaty, they just never tested to it in order to maintain plausible deniability. That said the treaty has expired anyways, so i guess it’s a moot point.
The pentagon is frustrated that China & Russia won’t come to the table to hammer out a deal on banning space based nukes. There’s no point in negotiating with zog when it has basically created chaos and installed nukes/military forces all along their borders. It’s okay for zog to put Russia and China in check but they cant do the same. Fuck zog.
this was already banned in the space treaty in the 1967. it was signed by america russia and china, i am not sure what you are talking about
I cant find the article, it was maybe about 2 months ago US officials wanted to discuss either nukes in orbit or using nukes against staellites and neither China or Russia were interested. I think you’re right it mightve been about nuking targets in space.
This isnt the article I read, but I think this is what the pentagon is concernes about:
This is another article but this wasnt it. US officials were actually trying to contact Russia and iirc China too.
Russian missiles are named after trees because they stand up before launch. Their road mobile “Topol” is named after the poplar.
I remember the Jew spy in Iran story but when you mentioned Steve Alford my ears perked up. Alford was in my local north Florida news for awhile. He tried to trade half a million acres that he had zero legal connection with to Eglin AFB for Eglin’s beach front properties. There were unnamed investors involved. You already know he was the fall guy for super rich Jews. Look this story up.
Important context to remember is the age of consent in Florida is 16 years old. That’s why there isn’t more heat here for him, technically there is nothing illegal about it.
Matt Gaetz is still a sex pest Creep
Creeping Puritans BTFO.
Minor, but it’s osteopathic, not homeopathic
I think it was sort of a loophole to get around the fact that no new medical schools were being accredited for decades.
Sounds kinda homeosexual
Kary Mullis, co-inventor of the revolutionary polymerase chain reaction, doubts that HIV causes AIDS. Even being very smart and a subject matter specialist is no gaurantee against becoming a crank.
Sounds like Consensus is going to get the Tay lobotomy treatment before long
Israel’s freakout over what might appear to be an empty gesture (Bibi’s arrest warrants) supports Mike’s argument that diplomacy has meaning. If it didn’t, Israel wouldn’t be seething right now, because this is what’s written into the historical record. Interestingly, “based” Hungary called the decision “shameful and absurd,” showing just how much they’re still in bed with Likudniks.
Also, not sure if you guys saw Hersh’s latest claim that Israel will attempt to annex the West Bank in a matter of weeks, not even bothering to wait for Trump. I still think Hersh’s Nordstream take was the only accurate one.
Hungary’s statement isn’t some kind of fluke either. Back in May, Hungary was one of only 9 states to vote against Palestine’s membership in the UN. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/10/world/middleeast/un-resolution-palestinian.html And back in September, Hungary was one of only 14 states to vote against a resolution demanding that Israel end its occupation of Palestine. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/18/middleeast/un-israel-end-occupation-palestine-intl/index.html Jacobin summarized Hungary’s enslavement nicely: “Orban is one of the only leaders in the EU who has banned all Palestine-related demonstrations in his country since the Hamas attacks.” So whatever its purely Likudnik opposition to the war in Ukraine, “based” Hungary is still thoroughly in bed with Israel.… Read more »
Meanwhile /ourguy Trudeau has said he would arrest Bibi and Yoev Gallant if they set foot in Canada.
Aw sweet it’s great to hear from L..L.L..L..L..L.LOUIS
Mmm…. Mike Check w a glass of khazarian swill milk.
Swill milkers.
Dark days, billions must F5, etc.
Oh fuck I’m retarded and don’t understand time zones.
TDS is usually uploaded by 10pm here in South Africa which is in the Central African Time zone. Right now it is almost 1:30am and Mike hasn’t started recording yet.
You may be confused by the ball earth model
Mike filling in for Sven this week.
I assume this means things are happening this week…
Petition to rename Mike Check to ‘Swill Check’
This artwork is based. This Mike nigga is launchin’ rockets lol!
Strap me to an old space shuttle and fire me at Tel Aviv, my heart is ready