The Death Panel conjugate dragons and lions.

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We’ve established the government probably wants us dead because it’s run by Jews but then we want to trust the same government to safely put through medicines?
We know the pharmaceutical industry it has completely co-opted the FDA as evidenced by half of the TV commercials being nothing but side effects but telling you to go beg your doctor for this particular drug “by name”… even though that’s illegal almost everywhere else that has their shit together.
Do we genuinely believe that these agencies have the best interest of white people in mind?
This podcast is becoming “American government good because conservative stupid”…. and yes I know they don’t actually believe that, but that’s how it would come across if you listened to the last 2 months of content. am I the only one who would rather have a stupid gang of white idiots who don’t trust the government because of dumbass reasons then a bunch of whites who trust the government? Jews will literally do anything they can to undermine their enemies, including convinced them of stupid retarded shit just to make them not trust you. They do it to us all… Read more »
“A fire is a predator because it can kill you”. I’m in so much pain from laughing.
Much the same way that deep water is a predator, since one can drown.
Tonight on PREDATOR vs PREDATOR!!!
It’s Water vs. Fire in Mortal Kombat!!!
It’s telomeres at the end of your DNA strands that are lost during every replication cycle that are directly associated with the aging process.
It’s pronounced “Wahaka”. (The place in Mexico.)
I always said Waksaka.
But you’re right.
Sven’s Jordan Peterson is the same as Ben Stiller’s Bono from the old Ben Stiller Show. It was a hilarious 13 episode run.
You can’t watch “A Few Good Scouts” and not die laughing.
I can give you some information about peptides. I know a lady who lost a shit ton of weight using some knock off ozempic she bought online. I asked her the site so I could see what it’s all about. No prescription required and it’s super cheap. This all took off about a year ago when a lot of insurance companies stopped covering ozempic for people who weren’t actual diabetics or pre diabetics. The price went from being fully covered by a lot of health insurance plans to costing the customers $1000+ for a month supply and these sites sell… Read more »
Chris Langan reminds me of the guy from the fake Gabe Newell interview by Silvermania on Youtube.
how is Langang holding up after this beating sheesh
Beating? It’s hard to beat something you don’t even know what you’re fighting.
Shut the fuck up, retard.
The problem with cps taking kids away from drug abusing parents that became visible from the storm. Is that is the situation of every nigger household everyday and CPS Isn’t taking away thier kids
Because they don’t want to steal black kids and give them to faggots unless they absolutely have no other choice. They want to steal white kids to give them to fagots
Any reason there’s been a huge increase in the number of TDS show comments lately? Not complaining, just genuinely curious.
Did you guys get a (much deserved) spike in subscribers? Or did a bunch of people get unbanned or something?
Considering the tier of the commenters I’m guessing a mass unbanning, all heil Sven! 🤣
Engagement farming with libtard takes
It is rather judicial that you noticed.
Gather up the pots and the old tin cans,
the mash and the corn, the barley and the bran.
Run like the devil from the excise man,
keep the smoke from risin’, Barney.
Sean Connery voice: “do you think Sven feels better now? Or worse?”
From my friends and family memebers who are ER and ICU nurses in three different markets the first year of COVID 2020 to 2021 was triage hell with many more dying with no way to help. The second winter, 2021 to 2022, the difference in outcomes correlated directly to vaccination status. The Death Panel is correct, the government and media were irresponsible in the framing of the vaccine as a panacea. The COVID vaccine was always going to be akin to the influenza vaccine, only providing partial protection and not sterilizing immunity. The spike protein genes of Corona viruses, those… Read more »
I also wonder if outcomes had anything to do with the virus becoming less virulent. As more fatal strains would burn out before spreading, while the less fatal ones would continue to spread being less lethal to people in normal health and mostly a risk to the very old and the very young. Similar to how the Spanish Flu was particularly devastating because of the cytokine storm it would create, but later H1N1 outbreaks did not have this symptom.
Yes, viruses are a great model for natural selection.
Undoubtably 2021-2022 variants are less virulent than 2020-2021, they have become increasingly less virulent.
I ended up with what was likely “Delta” first in Jan 2022 and it was a cake walk compared to my second time in March 2022 which knocked me down for almost two weeks.
As to the differences of H1N1 from 2009 vs 1919, I am not very knowlegeable of the differences, as I was out of University and not reading up on it like I was with SARS in 2003.
I had to skip the first hour. Wasting time on talking about food conspiracy kooks is boring
Get with the pogrom goyim
Also Body building is GAY
I’ve been going to the gym longer than i haven’t (I’m mid 30’s) and i’m in semi respectable shape and fairly strong.
Having said all that, actual bodybuilding is gay AF.
It’s full of absolute sexual degenerates and complete freaks.
Peptides are big in the combat sports community now for injury recovery, prevention etc. I’ve actually done topical TB 500 and noticed sole.positive benefits as far as decreased inflammation, pain or whatever. Know several guys who injected BP 157 and had good results but yes have no idea if there are potentially harmful side effects
And agree these things should be researched and studied by a state entity who ideally has the publics best interest in mind which is a big if. That’s why it’s understandable that people domt trust these agencies
A propos the Hellen Keller thing (I.e. which prior narratives to retain, which to discard), the whole “Einstein was stupid” thing is and always was retarded. Was his achievement magnified because he was Jewish? I dunno, sure. But people on actual shows here were saying he was literally a midwit and that’s fucking stupid, sorry
The correct take was that Einstein took credit without attribution for other people’s work, and was overly hyped and promoted by Jewish mass media, but his work was perfectly sound and has held up to repeated testing. Certainly he was not a midwit.
The smartest man in the world was super scared of covid when it started in China, and the right was terrified of it, while the left wanted everyone to make out with people from China. He then, on his own, realized it wasn’t deadly when the coding in the narrative was swapped and the right was told not to be scared of it.
I wish I was as smart as this guy.
ZOG: “we’re going to flood your home with the turd worlders, do nothing while niggers rampage through every city in America , take half of your money in taxes, and generally do everything possible to destroy you and decrease your standard of living”
Also ZOG: “by the way, would you do us a favor and inject this experimental mRNA shit?”
why do you think medical authorities had such “trouble communicating” to the public, the troublesome segment being mostly White, male Trump voters.?
I’m writing this while feeling what may be e-coli symptoms. Sunday I ate the carrots in a stew, Monday discovered they were recalled. RFK Jr should also remember the basics like hygiene at the plant. I used to fear lettuce, sneak attack by the organic carrots.
You can go to a TRT or men’s clinic and have access to many different kinds of peptides. Perfectly legally.
Is Langan just a rehash of the propertarianism dude? I forget his name but what a load of crap. Listening to his mumbling legal language reminds me of Moorish citizen speak.
The Chris Langen sovereign citizens arc arguing with cops who pulled him over for speeding would be amazing
That’s because you’re a retard.
Shut the fuck up, retard.
You are referring to Curt Doolittle. Yes Curt Doolittle is a classic case of a pseudo-intellectual and his Propertarianism is just another rightoid time wasting pseudo-ideology.
I enjoyed this episode. Especially the Jordan Peterson part.
My wife tells me that red dye blah blah causes my kids to behave poorly. BS they are young boys who get bored being stuck with their shit in couch potato mother.
Got some wife resentment building up huh…
Let’s take a look at Richard Dawkin’s
In gematria Chris Langin comes out as “know it all shabbos goy” wtf, schizo w?
Dr. Poz
Chunk Yogurt can definitely thin the labor now. Republican faggots do the dirty work for free
God I fucking hate conservatives. They’re trans White. Emotional niggers in a White body.
The biggest, most outspoken MAGA-tard at my work is a spiritual groid. She’s loud and crass, lazy as hell. Her son works there too. He’s engaged to marry some girl who doesn’t work with us, but the mom is constantly encouraging him to get close and flirt with the other young ladies at our job. She’s the type that would get a giant wrap on her truck that said “Buck Fiden”. Just a generally unpleasant person to be around.
I’m a BennyBigBoy and I just started Wegovy. It’s the same GLP1 as Ozempic. I’ll keep you posted on if I become a BennySmallBoy.
Best of luck.
Putting down the fork, also helps
Putting down the fork is the plan.
Two more weeks to red deer vaccine die off. Muh red deer
200th comment, fuck nigger lovers, fuck republicans, but I dare not repeat myself
Eheh, peptides are long house chains
I am not familiar with peptides but Kleptides stole my bike
Similar to the Holocaust. Me getting the vaccine didn’t happen, but now I wish it did, just to own the Republicans
Bros I had a kid in 2022 and left the Internet and now I’m back and holy shit so much has changed. What happened to strike and Mike and NJP
Didn’t realize having a kid meant you can’t take 5 seconds to look at something. You’re probably an over bearing parent. Let the kid live a little and breathe
If you’re too retarded to understand your surroundings because you had a kid, you’re NPC. Go back to Netflix and chill
NJP imploded. Striker was hard to work with, so he was fired from TRS. He’s off doing his own thing with Warren called WarStrike. It’s less of an entertainment show and more like P&B or S&M.
It’s really not all that interesting tbh.
Unpopular opinion P&B > STRIKE&MIKE any day
I enjoy P&B a lot, but S&M was absolutely pivotal in my awakening to the JQ. When everything was imploding I went back and listened to maybe the first dozen episodes and they’re just as relevant now as they were when they first aired years ago.
P&B started out a bit rough, but has really grown into must-listen content; rivals S&M.
NJP was sabotaged by drama, while destroying a lot of pool party membership.
Striker became a libertine-libertarian age-of-consent liability.
Borderline double agent op stuff.
Nuff said.
Trump wants to make America Swill, legally
Why is Mike allowed to have a 10 inch tall slave named Tony? Feds?
Rundo supporting Ukraine, while being shit on by the tranny system that also supports Ukraine, is to clownish to even criticize. it’s exactly what we should expect
Ackshually Sven, it was Larry Ridgeway, not the paranormies, who exposed the Helen Keller thing. It was a video on YouTube he played, Lunch With Helen or something along those lines. She slaps a guy’s knee who is sitting next to her after he tells a joke. Maybe she had hearing and vision issues, but no way she was fully blind and deaf, she reacted too much to her surroundings and other people in that video.
Helen Keller being fake has been a thing for a long time.
She also looks like an insanely ugly yenta
When you know society has fallen
Rand Paul wanting to save Mexican servants from being deported is peak lolbert ruling class. I hate that retarded faggot. I don’t hate him on the level of his neighbors though, I just hate his ideas.
Rand is using mexicans to mow his lawn after he started and lost a fight to his high status liberal neighbour.
His insane White neighbor fucked around and found out as a NIMBY
From what I hear they use a chemical called Hexane to extract the canola oil from the rape seed. It becomes oxidized during the heating process. Never heard anything about bleach.
I thought rapeseed was what they call black male semen. Learning more everyday
Rape gang seed
I wonder how many shoppers would buy little margarine tubs labeled rapeseed.
Komodo dragons’ stomach acid makes their prey carcasses look burned. Large monitors may have persisted around Lake Baikal until recently.
Komodos caused the Holocaust