I only watch prep in the car. I need my daily prep from Jew slop.
November 20, 2024 11:04 pm
Rand might have some red pills for you on the GTV group
November 20, 2024 11:00 pm
COVID proved this shit is unsalvageable and most White people are selfish faggots. It was either self righteous Whites demanding you get vaxxed, or self righteous Whites calling you a traitor for masks. This country is utterly unsalvageable. Enjoy the downfall. Guess what never became mainstream. The reason they were doing the testing because of paranoid jews. Now we get 4 years of UBER JEW GOV. rip this shit hole
November 20, 2024 10:45 pm
Sven why are you channeling Vigo the Carpathian
November 20, 2024 4:56 pm
Masks are bullshit. No one sneezes directly into their mask and keeps wearing it. They remove the mask to sneeze, obviously.
Covid is spread through airborne particles smaller than pores in paper. maybe you should wear three masks. then you won’t look stupid.
COVID caused anti social brains to melt when the rhough of working for community good, and thinking outside of themselves, came into play. This faggot has killdozer guy brain. An anti social narcissist FAGGOT who hates his community and anyone around him
of course none of this is true if masks don’t work. the point you never addressed for all your many words
Mr Gold
November 20, 2024 1:07 pm
Dave McKeegan is the comfy deboonker. I’d say his videos on surveying and his video on the naval use of Earth’s curvature are some of the best arguments against flat Earther’s IMO. If you demonstrate that high capital enterprises and militaries use spheroid model I just don’t see how any one can maintain flat Earth. Businesses would be losing money and militaries would be putting themselves at an insane strategic disadvantage.
We live in peak clown piss earth where someone like Owen Benjamin has steered his people away from anti semitism but onto meaningless flat earth instead. I thank God NJP ended. This faggot earth didn’t deserve them.
November 20, 2024 1:00 pm
Yes, zsh is your default, but I’ll be very surpised if mac _removed_ bash. W/ most distros you’ll have a few. If you can “which bash” in the terminal, and you get something like “/usr/bin/bash“, possibly the bash blob has just changed location and your script just isn’t finding it b/c you’ve hardcoded the path. In that case, you can change your hashbang to “#!/usr/bin/env bash” and it should find your bash binary. That or slap in the output from “which bash“. The reason you might want to do this is bash and zsh have some syntax differences that also… Read more »
“something something, my editor is capitalizing and spell-checking”
Get Sublime Text or VS Code.
Comrade Dyatlov
November 20, 2024 12:53 pm
The Mason stuff was weird. At first he was a supporter of Atom, then he was denouncing them. At least Jesse stopped at “I love Bloodtribe” and didn’t say “I love Boneface.” What the fuck was that? Some vetting. Guy was making duck quack noises and thought he could convince grugs he was speaking a Slavic language and convince them to go get waxed in Ukraine.
I’d trust Heimbach to be my nutritionist before I trusted a guy who looks like Boneface for anything.
Last edited 2 months ago by Comrade Dyatlov
November 20, 2024 12:38 pm
this better be a full 25 mins of Anti-Apple Action
Von den Juden und Ihren Lügen
November 20, 2024 12:30 pm
Re: Prof. Dave (who I also enjoy watching, just like I enjoy me some Brother Nathanial or Seinfeld for a laugh) if (A) then (B)
if (Jew) then (lie)
Last edited 2 months ago by Von den Juden und Ihren Lügen
November 20, 2024 11:54 am
Oh boy, I’ve got something useful to contribute for once.
In PF people are constantly bashing other nationalist groups while simultaneously trying to pull people from them and also from other rightoid/whitoid/wingnut communities, so much so that people hardly said anything at all about jews. There’s also a few people who are not like that at all and can tell you anything you could want to know about the third Reich, they just kind of shrug. Probably just happy to have some friends who are at least loosely associated with stuff they like.
November 20, 2024 11:47 am
I can’t wait for a new Sven rant due to him being sick. We need more alienation. Fuck your small business etc.
Sir, you need to use bbedit as your text editor.
I only watch prep in the car. I need my daily prep from Jew slop.
Rand might have some red pills for you on the GTV group
COVID proved this shit is unsalvageable and most White people are selfish faggots. It was either self righteous Whites demanding you get vaxxed, or self righteous Whites calling you a traitor for masks. This country is utterly unsalvageable. Enjoy the downfall. Guess what never became mainstream. The reason they were doing the testing because of paranoid jews. Now we get 4 years of UBER JEW GOV. rip this shit hole
Sven why are you channeling Vigo the Carpathian
Masks are bullshit. No one sneezes directly into their mask and keeps wearing it. They remove the mask to sneeze, obviously.
Covid is spread through airborne particles smaller than pores in paper. maybe you should wear three masks. then you won’t look stupid.
Are you stuck in groundhog day faggot? Who is wearing a mask other than Asians. Who should always wear masks to hide their hideous faces
This guy doesn’t want to wear his mayyyyyysk. Luckily, it’s almost 2025 so we don’t wear maysks anymore.
COVID caused anti social brains to melt when the rhough of working for community good, and thinking outside of themselves, came into play. This faggot has killdozer guy brain. An anti social narcissist FAGGOT who hates his community and anyone around him
of course none of this is true if masks don’t work. the point you never addressed for all your many words
Dave McKeegan is the comfy deboonker. I’d say his videos on surveying and his video on the naval use of Earth’s curvature are some of the best arguments against flat Earther’s IMO. If you demonstrate that high capital enterprises and militaries use spheroid model I just don’t see how any one can maintain flat Earth. Businesses would be losing money and militaries would be putting themselves at an insane strategic disadvantage.
We live in peak clown piss earth where someone like Owen Benjamin has steered his people away from anti semitism but onto meaningless flat earth instead. I thank God NJP ended. This faggot earth didn’t deserve them.
Yes, zsh is your default, but I’ll be very surpised if mac _removed_ bash. W/ most distros you’ll have a few. If you can “which bash” in the terminal, and you get something like “/usr/bin/bash“, possibly the bash blob has just changed location and your script just isn’t finding it b/c you’ve hardcoded the path. In that case, you can change your hashbang to “#!/usr/bin/env bash” and it should find your bash binary. That or slap in the output from “which bash“. The reason you might want to do this is bash and zsh have some syntax differences that also… Read more »
i appreciate you but i don’t understand any of it
no worries, Mike probably would if you’re still poking at it.
“something something, my editor is capitalizing and spell-checking”
Get Sublime Text or VS Code.
The Mason stuff was weird. At first he was a supporter of Atom, then he was denouncing them. At least Jesse stopped at “I love Bloodtribe” and didn’t say “I love Boneface.” What the fuck was that? Some vetting. Guy was making duck quack noises and thought he could convince grugs he was speaking a Slavic language and convince them to go get waxed in Ukraine.
I’d trust Heimbach to be my nutritionist before I trusted a guy who looks like Boneface for anything.
this better be a full 25 mins of Anti-Apple Action
Re: Prof. Dave (who I also enjoy watching, just like I enjoy me some Brother Nathanial or Seinfeld for a laugh)
if (A) then (B)
if (Jew) then (lie)
Oh boy, I’ve got something useful to contribute for once.
In PF people are constantly bashing other nationalist groups while simultaneously trying to pull people from them and also from other rightoid/whitoid/wingnut communities, so much so that people hardly said anything at all about jews. There’s also a few people who are not like that at all and can tell you anything you could want to know about the third Reich, they just kind of shrug. Probably just happy to have some friends who are at least loosely associated with stuff they like.
I can’t wait for a new Sven rant due to him being sick. We need more alienation. Fuck your small business etc.
As a fan of alienation I second this 👌
Nigger nigger nigger
Fag fag fag.
Kike kike kike