The Death Panel conjugate waveforms.

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I would like to wish all pajeets a very happy extermination. 🙂
Nuke India
I’ve heard about Chris Lagan, vaguely, for many years but never checked him out until I saw the professor Dave video a couple of days ago; Langan instantly reminded me of Vox Day. Exact same grift.
Just a reminder that having a high IQ doesn’t speak towards what you use that IQ for. You can use high IQ for grifting, and it may be considerably more profitable than putting your high IQ towards more constructive goals. Modern USA is a grift economy after all.
Swill Economy, expect swill results.
“It’s a grift even though I’ve done zero investigation into his work” very serious critiques around here
well there’s obviously some level of scientific corruption and politically motivated conclusions that are pushed, which is basically all the studies done on “racism” if you go against the narrative they’re very likely to refuse to publish it regardless of the validity and the true is for the opposite. It’s not just race, but it is the main/obvious one. idk anything about the ctmu but yeah it’s important to not try and say that all studies are 100% legitimate because it goes against what he says
actually to further that, someone like professor dave would almost certainly say there’s no link between homosexuality and pedophilia as a result of that crooked science and he himself if he did a study himself that proved it would cover it up and pretend otherwise
Many such cases. Like the guy who did the study showing that racial diversity has negative social impacts who delayed publishing because he didn’t like the results. We’ll never know how much simply doesn’t get published because it would result in bad think.
McNabb talking about “Barbarian” – hilarious movie. Jason Lee basically plays a super-jew movie producer / landlord in the middle of getting cancelled for sexual abuse of an actress. Also, a really fun gotcha – you’re made to think the nice, handsome White guy is a bad guy and is going to kill the frizzy-haired mulatto, and he’s actually just nice. But, as the story unfolds, the anti-White theme is made clear and its very upsetting.
mexicans aren’t exploited, their labor model is different. yeah they make less wages but get their entire housing and food paid for by the govt. Like in NYC they were getting something like 1300/month for food per person
Well they aren’t farming in NYC. Out west they pay the illegals under minimum wage so ya they are exploited even though they are shitty and milking our country. Both can happen.
they’re not exploited, they make under minimum wage while having all their expenses paid for. the average wetback is bringing home a total payment package well beyond what a low class white person is making for that job at their “higher wage”
You ever math those waves?
Katrina + Circa + Pale = English Waves
Langan isn’t using jargon, he’s speaking in neologism, i.e. he essentially invented his own language that happens to be extremely complex.
While this would require a non-trivial degree of intellect, his personality disorders and obvious mental illness stymie that and lead him off into fake, fruitless endeavors.
That’s what we like to call autism speech.
Stop exposing yourself for how stupid and petty you are; this goes for everyone really. It’s embarrassing, really.
Wallace and Gromit was hilarious!
Those first 3 are classic.
Creepy fucking’ penguin.
I love that penguin. Never has a hunk of clay exuded such a sense of cool detachment and efficient badassery.
You could tell the average whatever-oid that Eisenhower is one of the guys on Mt. Rushmore and they wouldn’t disagree.
Ike should be on the mountain for operation wetback alone. Fuck beaners, bye 👋
Yes but what he did to German POWs more than cancels that out.
lol the only reason I’d heard of this Chris Langan guy is Mike talking about a tweet the guy made about importing gorillas because they were less violent and then said he was the high iq guy. Now Mike is telling me he’s dumbest man because liberal professors make YouTube video. Why do you lie to me like this Mike? What’s the agenda?
The ultimate IQ test is knowing IQ tests are BS and not taking them.
Yes the ultimate way to show how smart you really are is to refuse to prove it in the most reliable way possible.
I’ve noticed when I tell people the things they believe are dumb, they don’t like me for it… clearly the children are wrong
The collection of all entheogens into one category “psychedelic” is STUPID. Ancient Greeks used mushrooms and built Athens; ancient Mesoamericans used DMT and built cannibal corpseheaps. The visual effects of LSD and mescaline are recognizable as effects no matter how many balls are tripped; the dissociative hallucinations of DMT, ayahuasca, etc include a perception of OTHER personalities that tell the victim to do things, a la psychosis. Apples and oranges.
Bruh don’t do drugs
Im telling borzoi on you
Bro just get high on antisemitism like the rest of us. You’ll be better off.
You’re only partially correct in that LSD and mescaline are hallucinogens while the DMT and ayahuasca are deliriants. And there is a big difference between the types.
They all suck though and stay away from them.
No way the IDF didn’t type this comment…
Corporate needs you find the difference between Chris Langan and the MyPillowCrackhead.
They’re the same person.
Isn’t conjugating waveforms just the same as operating a DAW?
Mmmm yess hello Gal Gadot you are so rape bb plz for me for sexx butiful suck <3
46:57 Well there goes the Aussie audience lol
The weinsteins video is good
Guinness is well known for hosting fake, or at least poorly sourced, world records. Karl Jobst has exposed several fake world records in regards to video games, speed typing, etc that get clout from being in Guinness. It’s a massive red flag. Any IQ test that is actually worth something will be administered by a trained psychologist or at school. The tests you see online are bullshit. If you want to know your IQ, your best bet is to use your SAT/ACT scores as a rough heuristic. I’m highly skeptical that Langan’s IQ score is authentic. An IQ of 200-something… Read more »
Minor point in the giant sewer of Langanswill, but Russell was also a major mathematician, so his facile opposition between “language guy” Russell and “geometry guy” Einstein is retarded and shows he’s never read anything
Mike: “get rid of this annoying Dave video, get me the original Langan video, we’re here for MY takes not someone else’s”
2 minutes later, listening to original video:”y’know, Dave has a good take on this…”
I don’t watch very many movies, and I also enjoyed Bird Box. This site is my movies.
2015: “Physical punishment”
2025: “Physical confinement”
Getting refered to as just “someone” by Mike on the show always feels like equivalent of somebody sharing a screenshot of your post but not retweeting it.
Doxx me daddy
It has happened to me a few times, but honestly it is better imo to not get the notice me Svenpai, but to be left to ourselves knowing we helped contribute.
Another good movie about female vanity is The Neon Demon from the director of Drive. Check it out. And guys, you are the best antisemites but not the best in movies, you are wrong, The Substance is fantastic… problems are that the movie’s theme is whorish/homosexual and the intention is exploitative therefore, it is impossible to empathise. One has to approach it knowing that. Nonetheless, the movie is really good.
It’s not fantastic and it has nothing to do with the theme. It has a very simplistic core concept and the entire film is just wrapped around over-emphasizing this with no subtlety. The whole thing is a grand guignol orgy of grotesquery for its own sake. It’s seems like it’s trying for this schlocky, parodic vibe but ultimately doesn’t sell it as well as other films, even recent ones like Barbarian. I agree that Neon Demon is worth watching despite having less critical acclaim, so is Beyond The Black Rainbow and Under The Skin. All of those are more visually… Read more »
That I grant, it is a silly movie and mistaking it for a deep art house film is wrong. That being said, I actually liked that the in the second half it became silly.
I didn’t watch beyond the black rainbow, I’ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation sir.
Is that the same guy who made Too Old to Die Young? It’s degenerate as fuck but is really enjoyable.
Every Boomer hardship story is just Steve Martin saying “I was born a poor black child in Mississippi.”
Hey Steve Martin had to afford to be cheaper by the dozen.
The dad joke guys stay over here
When Jesse describes his zombie apocalypse that’s actually very similar to the WWZ book.
The Israel national football (soccer) teams nickname is literally ”The Chosen Team”. Their biggest achievement was playing in the 1970 FIFA World Cup. They were even a member of the Oceania confederation after being kicked out of the Asian one. Unfortunately, Belgium lost to them recently. Beitar Jerusalem’s fans have the reputation of being the most Zionist supremist in Israel. A tip for Morrakiu: Ajax is pronounced “I-jax” instead of ”A-jax”.
Moike got the correct pronunciation of Ajax last week on P&B which impressed me. He must have had some exposure to European football fans during his tenure in tech work in NYC.
The Dutch club also part-owned a club in my city called Ajax Cape Town from 1999 until 2020. Its now known as Cape Town Spurs.
To avoid confusion I would spell it more like “Eye-yacks.”
”Eye-rack”, ”E-raq” same thing.
My god
It’s all so clear to me now.
It’s Jesse.
It’s been Jesse all along.
He falls into an uneasy sleep after the show
Brain swirling with contempt for the audience
He goes into a fugue state
And BECOMES the platonic idea of the most retarded paypig imaginable
Posts copiously
Wakes up, reads what he’s posted
Hatred and contempt for audience confirmed
If you want a film reviewer who comes from our political perspective Wyatt Stagg has returned to Youtube with a analysis of candy man
Women enjoy being objectified (while avoid being called whores) fuelled by men who like looking at tits is the real perpetual motion machine
You guys calling Chris Langan’s CTMU “word salad” is insufferable. Please guys, you have literally zero clue what you’re talking about. You’re just slandering him.
This is like accusing Descartes and Plato of using “word salad.” You are making shit up.
This is the type of shit that makes our side of things so dysfunctional. This is needless, ignorant slander of a guy who has never done anything but create his own work.
Yes, this is what makes our side dysfunctional, not Christianity salad bar shit like being “nuanced Christian Identity” but with Catholic Orthodox characteristics
I don’t uncomfortably try to proselytize my religion though like how many people shit on people who write and theorize about metaphysics and religion which is your own version of proselytizing.
“Making fun of my religion is just another religion.”
That 200 IQ is really doing overtime for you.
Yelling to the sky about how dumb God is makes you look retarded, frankly.
I’m making fun of your salad bar Christianity that is so idiosyncratic you’re the only person who subscribes to your specific version of it, moron. You’re 240 IQ and you can’t even stop yourself from creating strawman arguments?
Appealing to the masses fallacy nigger brained homosapien (even if that’s what you are)
It’s not a fallacy to point out that a religion of one is going to be dysfunctional in a mass movement, retard. You’re 300 IQ and you don’t understand how arguments work?
I never claimed a genius IQ btw. I suspect I’m around 135-140 though according to fairly competent testing I’ve taken before online.
Yes I’m sure your IQ is on par with Ted Kaczynski. That’s something clearly demonstrable and extremely believable.
Really, he is. I took him seriously and I read all his stuff. It is just Spinoza in metaphysics while not advancing anything in science. That being said, I’ll let him do his thing because he’s antisemitic.
Can you name a single thing that the CTMU model predicts? An actual verifiable prediction, please, if his model is as good as he claims, surely that is an easy bar to clear
It’s a theory of metaphysics. It’s not trying to predict physical relations down to a quantitatively measurable outcome in the future.
This just shows how out of the loop, up your own ass you all are. Again, stop talking about shit you don’t even know what you’re critiquing.
Man discussing metaphysics claims others are up their own ass. You can’t make this up.
>Invents “theory of everything”
>it can’t predict anything
“The smartest man in the world”
Very smart people for thousands of years have theorized about metaphysics. Dumbass
Yes, but those very smart people don’t claim to have invented a theory of physics, you retard
“This just shows how out of the loop, up your own ass you all are. Again, stop talking about shit you don’t even know what you’re critiquing.”
Wow some major projection here my dude. You counter almost every point on every episode since you suddenly appeared, you are down voted extremely hard and all of your takes are viewed as retarded. I think the head up the ass is yours my dude. And if the shoah listened to you about topics they shouldn’t critique they would talk about nothing because you counter everything.
I’ve countered obvious and easily provable false claims like Chris Langan being a grifter or stupid and Brother Nathaniel being a larper, for example.
If the truth bothers you that much, idk what to tell you. Mike will so every so often how much he supposedly cares about being rigorous in his analysis and claims and then makes incredibly ridiculous claims and statements about said people.
“A theory of metaphysics” ie fan fiction ass-pulled bullshit that’s untestable, unverifiable, unprovable. So, he came up with absolutely nothing, congratulations!
It’s a theory of metaphysics so it can’t predict anything.
Chris Langan is a boomer retard. He is the same type as the MyCrackhead Pillow grifter.
“Reddit just works!”
While it’s retarded Zionist propaganda, the book World War Z by (((Max Brooks))) does have a chapter that is exactly like what Sven imagines of “smart” business guys getting rich off of selling fake cures and immunity supplements for the zombie virus which early on is called “African rabies” . There’s also a chapter about how workers for “Radio Free Earth” have to constantly broadcast to pajeets to stop dumping bodies into the River Ganges because they’re making the zombie apocalypse worse. Of course being written by a Jew, the country that Pakistan nukes to stop floods of refugees and… Read more »
Just the grifter guy has to hide out in Antarctica because when all the governments take back Earth from the Zombies he is a wanted criminal.
I remember one of the ways they successfully push back against the zombies is the use of an old Apartheid era South African contingency plan that was meant to defend the Whites from the black hordes. The Redecker plan I think it was called.
Aside from that bit of “what did they mean by this?” tier writing, WWZ is still Zionist self fellating propaganda
Chris Langan, the highest recorded IQ man in the world, is in fact a White nationalist. He has a bit of a complicated take on the JQ, basically that the Jewish collective is used as a shield and battering ram for Jewish bankers and Jewish billionaires agenda of White genocide and global domination.
Show us the documents then
It’s mostly his thoughts put to things like Twitter. I’ve seen his Twitter and his other musings on the internet for years at this point.
I don’t think he has a pdf in regard to his thoughts on the JQ.
Dude how do you continue to get even more retarded. I think I’ll have to unsubscribe if you pass a vetting for a pool party 🤣🤣🤣
He gets to skip vetting and just hang out with me
Please record it.
I know you guys probably won’t do it, but you should just talk with Langan about the JQ and White nationalism. He’s a White nationalist who likes to philosophize. He’s not a grifter as you continue to call him.
Sven, don’t let him hang out with you unless you force him to wear the cap and bells.
If he passes vetting I will unsubscribe as well.
“Chris Langan, the highest recorded IQ man in the world”
It hasn’t been recorded anywhere.
Sven, that’s not the problem. The problem is much more than that, actually. I’ll give you a write up.
Just produce a public record of his IQ score or don’t write anything
Here’s this:
I forgot that Esquire did a profile on him.
The problem with sources like magazine interviews, books like Outliers, and whatnot is that they’ll just run with the original citation for a quick story. Check out this video for an example of how this tends to happen: Interestingly, the article you cited does say he was given the test by a psychologist, which increases my credence in the claim. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if doing digging on the original 20/20 special turned up some nuances that change the story drastically. Langan is obviously smart, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he scored pretty high and the story… Read more »
Legitimately all the tards sperging about the claimed IQ score and origin of it are exposing how retarded they are because they have nothing of actual substance to talk of in regard to a REAL critique of Langan.
I mean, that’s how he established his credibility and got access to platforms. He didn’t get attention for his ideas; he got attention because he’s the “smartest man alive.”
I don’t know anything about his CMU or whatever. Why don’t you explain what you find so compelling about it?
I find the CTMU compelling in that it’s a highly logical model of metaphysics and the nature of reality and teleology. There’s not much more that could be said over text.
I just want you guys to understand that speaking on things you clearly know zero about is the height of ignorance. I just don’t get what people like the TDS crew get out of this.
Why do you prefer it over something like Aquinas’s interpretation of Aristotle? He built a highly logical model of metaphysics that breaks reality into existence and essence, potentiality and actuality, substance and accident, etc and can explain numerous features of the world, including an explanation for why God exists that reduces brute facts to zero.
What makes Langan’s ideas better?
Langan’s ideas help synthesize many things people have been trying to construct mentally for ages very well in a very rigorous manner. That’s my opinion. Here’s a little playlist I have about the CTMU:
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Chris Langan. The metaphysics is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the theories will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Chris’ religious outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation – his personal philosophy draws heavily from Bertrand Russell literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the CTMU, to realize that they’re not just logical- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike… Read more »
I agree you need a high IQ to understand Langan’s theories. It’s high level metaphysics. It’s not exactly something you can dim down to average intellects.
You just need a bong rip to understand his “theories” on “metaphysics”.
Except that it’s not, because it doesn’t explain or predict anything and can’t be proven or disproven, it’s just a guy rambling a bunch of words. And a bunch of words stoners of all people have put more eloquently. “The Universe is consciousness!” OK, well, define consciousness, what is consciousness in his schema of reality? Yeah, it boils down to uhhhhhhh da universe d’uh! As we are each of us trapped within the perspective of our own individual consciousness and can’t take a peek through others’ perspective, we really can’t know in a provable sense if anything other than our… Read more »
A fucking magazine isn’t a source for anything but ads.
Also, whether his IQ is 160 or 190 is basically irrelevant. He’s clearly on the extreme right tail end. And, none of this is particularly relevant to his ideas or positions on things.
Yay he’s here! Let the sperging begin!
Where is it recorded?
I’m excited to get home to see what’s new with the Notes App on MacOS.
Me too
conjugating the .wav files
Will have to listen to hour 2 later, refuses to load.
One of my favorite parts of the shows is listening for where the title came from
Saar, please to be accepting of thanks for provision of nose notice gondend! Small hat man vely bad, I’m delling you!
Skill issue, my link streamed straight to my brain.
When I saw the Grand Canyon all I could think about is how butiful it would be to make a shit and piss in the canyon.
Some of those with Jerusalem crosses
Are the same who fellate idf forces
Aqua teen did an episode in the new season making fun of the ear aliens where you can’t talk and how they were selective.
ATHF is back?!
A Peanuts movie with soundtrack by hans Zimmer would be called “you’re a good man charlie BWWWWWOOOOOUUUUUM”
The black stereotype transformers (skids and mudflap) were hilarious for obvious reasons ngl
In the substance I think there is only one consciousness between two of them, but over time she forgets that and acts as if they are different people, the man on the phone reminds her that they are not.
Broke lesson of the substance: “patriarchy bad”
Woke lesson of the substance: women are mental negroes (“Future me be a different person from present me, nigga. My bad decisions are dat niggaz problem!”) and cannot follow instructions to literally save their lives
Well the white dude doctor does it to himself too
Women tend to fall for vanity and tend to fall for lust. The lesson you can take from the movie is to not fall for any of the sins because they are sins for a reason. That and to treat old people with love and respect as we are all mortal.
I think it does not matter, it is a silly movie. It is a great silly movie and a bad serious movie.
It made me reflect on vanity and why it is a sin. I thank the movie for that.
Mike has creekshitter aura when he talks about movies.
Captain gas em all!!
In before the comment section gets bombarded by pure autism
Just wait for it
Narrator: “it was, in fact, always-already saturated with it”
Well ackshully
You can just call him by his name; judicial notificing 🧐
I’m 😞 sorry 😢
Oh poor you…