The Death Panel conjugate waveforms.

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Physics already sound like a bunch of made up bullshit. It isn’t. But it comes across that way to your usual layman. “Fuck school, I’m going to grift morons instead” t. Chris Langan
Don’t give Chris Langan too much credit for his “vocabulary”. Sounds like shit to me. I don’t have to listen to more than 10 seconds of Chris Langan to understand he’s a complete idiot.
They’re thinking in herds… They do think in herds!
I had one time where I needed to solve problems the way the teacher said, and that was different from what I would do otherwise. It was the bare minimum jerkoff version physics class. Almost every type of problem had come up for me as the real life examples of using whatever calculus thing. It was a little awkward doing these problems without using calculus, but still better than taking the class designed for people who are actually majoring in physics. It would have been really silly to drop out of college over that. I can’t imagine a “real” math… Read more »
I had a similar problem in college. It was a basic math class but the method they wanted me to use was completely opposite of how I was taught in high school. It was annoying bur doable.
I was watching live when Warski and JF took the test. Warski got a point or two below 110. When I did that test, I got 126, I think. You *can* prepare for these matrices. How ADD, AND, OR, XOR,… work. But it doesn’t actually help you max it by taking it multiple times.
I took the test along with the live stream. I stopped when they did, even though I wasn’t finished yet. I don’t remember the exact number but it was like 118. Upper 110s somewhere. I’d like to retake it without rushing and stopping early. Wish I knew how to find the same test. It was free, and pretty good.
Also makes sense that rightoids love Langon, he rejected academia to raise horses in the countryside.
I read Malcom Gladwell’s book Outliers years ago and he talked about Langon as the smartest person in the world. Only reason I’d even heard of him. I guess he was only mentioned in that book.
Lol I literally read the comment as “Malcolm McDowell” thanks to the first part of the show.
There’s another evo psych reason why everyone instinctively hates fags, and it’s the same impulse that tells us whether someone is weird or creepy. People who are incapable of following basic social norms are seen as crazy and unpredictable. That’s why we have a ton of very easy-to-follow, seemingly arbitrary rules like “look people in the eyes when you talk to them,” “say please and thank you,” “don’t wear your Mickey Mouse pajama pants to the grocery store,” “don’t wear dresses if you’re a dude,” and “no butt stuff on a first date.” We enforce these social norms because we’re… Read more »
Not sure if I’m religious, or christian, but I’m Lutheran. Jews are spooky.
You guys would like The Crazies. It’s a fun movie
It’s made by Jews
When langan wasn’t really associated with anything I got his book and read 4 chapters of it before being like, “damn bro has some serious bars” because I am a layman with no exposure to metaphysics whatsoever. I just filled in the blanks with assumptions I’ve gathered throughout my life and called it good. I still can’t say one way or the other if he is right or wrong about that stuff because I just honestly don’t know. What I can say is that as soon as I heard him say rightoid grift buzzwords he coded himself as low status… Read more »
He’s Mike Lindell if he didn’t use crack cocaine
“I’m big on vibes” is an interesting way to say you’re basically a woman emotionally and rationally.
Conspansive cycle seems to be a term he made up after googling it. Every Link that comes up is just him
Well, I can guess that the -spansive is like from expansive, but which con- is it? Probably the artist kind.
Maybe a stretch but I’m guessing he believes in “The Big Crunch”, meaning that the universe will eventually shrink and collapse in the same manner that it begun, and the conspansive cycle refers to the universe being a cycle from “The Big Bang” to “The Big Crunch”, and I’m guessing that he believes time is directly tied to this process.
A functional argument for Christianity. Heaven and hell are the same place (death of consciousness). Virtuous people after living a hard life of thankless suffering and poverty to do good works for God will welcome death. (Heaven) Whereas wicked people who took more good than they created in this world will fear death. (Hell) What is God? Why do good works please God? Cui Bono? Good works benefit people, community, which is made up by the Race. Good works please them and they bless you in return (sometimes, not always, but a good Christian does good works expecting nothing in… Read more »
God I have such a boner waiting for the news that Putin is about to nuke Kiev in response to the ATACMS shit.
Ukrainians actually deserve it at this point tbh
He should bomb tel aviv while he’s at it.
damn that terrence howard on rogan is some real retard hours its like a lower form of midwit, maybe nigwit will suffice
It at least got me to watch Joe Rogan for longer than 5 minutes in the first time in years just to laugh at that nigger retard.
Chris’s life story is consistent with the theory of creative genius that was put forth by Bruce G. Charlton in his IQ, Personality, and Genius blog. His basic argument is that genius is high IQ plus creativity and that those people necessarily have dysfunctional personalities where they are low in conscientious and agreeableness. They’re impulsive, arrogant, and they say what’s on their mind which usually annoys the hell out of everyone around them. So these aspects of his life that don’t make sense like why he quit college, why he only worked menial jobs, why he wasn’t good at networking… Read more »
A famous example would be (Jewish) William James Sidis, an early 20th century child prodigy who entered Harvard University at age 11 but lived in poverty and obscurity while cultivating all sorts of oddball scientific theories and big ideas.
Chris Langan is probably a highly intelligent guy with ODD/Asperger’s so he couldn’t function in everyday life (school, work etc) and blames systematic discrimination for wasting his ability rather than taking accountability for his own decisions or accepting that he was never cut out for academic life to begin with as a consequence of his personality. I was a similar way in my late teens/early 20s (after scoring 140+ on a test administered by a psychologist while I was an insomniac on SSRIs and pain meds which caused serious brain fog so I was very impressed with myself to an… Read more »
I’d add that his early life trauma and not having anyone around helping him out made his problem a lot worse.
IQ tests are highly susceptible to measurement bias, because you just can’t get around the problem of some people having more experience, direct or indirect, with the types of problems that are on them. Standardized tests might be a better way of gauging IQ because that shows you how well people do when they have similar experience with the same types of problems.
Pajeets are just as rapey as Paki’s. And as pajeets continue to flood in America as the latest favorite Jewish pet we are going to see the same shit we saw in the UK. The American Zogbots will cover up pajeet rape gangs, pajeet rapist will get slaps on the wrists. This same exact scenario will play out in America but it will just be pajeets instead of Paki’s. I stumbled on a page that just shows you the most recent prompts for Stable Diffusion Web AI. Basically the most recent AI images created. It was almost all little girls… Read more »
You can go on YouTube right now. Look for the “To Catch a Predator” episodes that took place in California. I guess that show was from the 2000’s. It will just be pajeets from silicon valley one after the other the entire episode
Pajeets are worse because at least islam does somewhat keep Pakis in line.
Well Journalist will promote Jeff Bezos giving advice on being an honorable person. Like they will shill Jeff Bezos criticizing some nobody saying something racist like he’s a paragon of virtue. And it’s like fuck you Bezos is a serial adulterer and I’m supposed to respect him criticizing a dude who did a racism as if he’s like a better person
How did twitter expect people to not being banned evaders when it is literally impossible to have a dialogue with a twiiter employee. It’s not just social media but the ability to resolve even the slightest problem even if it’s legit is impossible. They won’t even let you get a pajeet on the phone. There was no sense on appealing a ban because you were always challenging your ban with basically a bot that would just say no without the slightest elaborating on why they banned you. You would just trigger a bot to tell you to read the TOS
Sylvester Stallone is the new rightoid Hollywood darling. He’s supposed to be the rightoid icon in Hollywood. He’s also the nigger whisperer passing boomer boot strapping wisdom to the young buck. And he’s constantly having a mentor role to a black youth he takes a liking to
His show Tulsa King is pretty funny. It’s basically the new Yellowstone to Conservative Boomers
I remember from that Mark Walberg transformers the boyfriend specifically saying the age of consent being protected by something called “Romeo and Juliet laws” and I’m like A that sounds made up and B that makes no sense because I never heard age having anything to do with Romeo and Juliet
you, movie watcher: “muh faustian bargain, movie is too long, my feet hurt 4/10”
me, intellectual film enjoyer, 189 IQ: “demi moores clone is hot, tits and ass, body horror, 9/10”
but yeah the premise needed a little more
I distinctly remember you spending three episodes of this show analyzing Bird Box LOL