The only thing I deeply appreciate about Apple software is that you can reinstall a Mac OS over an existing installation if that installation developed issues or corruption. That’s pretty cool.
November 16, 2024 6:02 am
tds should just stop all politics and become apple tech tips
Hannibal Leuchter
November 15, 2024 7:52 pm
So Matt Stone is laying on the couch making useless non suggestions like Rick Rubin?
November 15, 2024 2:51 pm
dallas is just as libtard as portland with similar issues that are slightly alleviated by being in a red state with different laws though that has its own set of issues, so it’s just a different shitty leftist city. I don’t really care about labels, either, but in terms of simply getting across what I want I think WN is good as in I want a white nation
The Hunt for Red Triangle October
November 15, 2024 2:20 pm
Sven is absolutely right that WN is nothing more than conservatism and always has been. It’s not just Patriot Front—all the groups going back to the interwar Klan never amounted to anything more than paleoconservatism.
WN is a meaningless category ready for the garbage bin of history: Winston Churchill was an objective White supremacist who fellated jews, just like any WN today. Since it has never offered any protection from jewish subversion, WN will always fail. You have to go Nazi or go home.
Last edited 3 months ago by The Hunt for Red Triangle October
And I agree that Antifa probably won’t be reactivated. Last time no one was even thinking about Israel. Jews thought they had the Middle East under control and were free to whip Whitey. It’s a different world now.
Antifa is seeing a jew vs. gentile schism: the gentiles want to protest Israel but their jewish leaders want to beat them up. The Salonius and Abishoor types either have to continue their jewish supremacist terrorism or continue ignoring the issue. They might try to deflect onto “Christian Zionism” but that’ll be hard after people saw how accommodating the Biden admin was.
Last edited 3 months ago by The Hunt for Red Triangle October
Those conservatives you describe as WN didn’t describe themselves as WN, however. The people who came up with the WN term and popularized it were people like William Pierce who would also describe themselves as NS. The problem has been that the alt-right tried to Big Tent the WN label and the term has lost all meaning as a result. Conservatives can only be WN if you stretch the term so broadly that even frauds like Greg Johnson can claim to be WN, complete with ZOG foreign policy talking points.
November 15, 2024 2:10 pm
Svenjeet git version control arch when
November 15, 2024 1:46 pm
Would you believe it, Matt Stone’s net worth is higher than Trey Parker’s.
November 15, 2024 12:34 pm
You mention powershell, I’m sure it has something like sed or awk that would let you do some really fancy bulk renaming*, although yeah having a well-thought-out GUI for it is great.
* like, you said you don’t have extensions on some files – you could probably use awk to examine their metadata and bulk-add probably-all-correct extensions.
ChatGPT is pretty awesome for creating bulk renaming scripts in your programming language of choice. You can tell it to re-organize and rename your media library into a Plex-friendly structure, and it’ll go to town for you.
Sven mentions you can’t do it in the CMD Prompt or Powershell, but you certainly can, and it only takes the time of specifying what you want into ChatGPT. Having said that, I agree with Sven that it’s a useful feature to have built directly into the file browser.
Last edited 3 months ago by Grand Nagus
Autistic Realist
November 15, 2024 12:21 pm
Speaking of irreverent cartoons and raw milk
I watched a Family Guy episode a couple of days ago where Lois takes Chris and Meg to a Christian camp and in art class they’re all drawing pictures of Jesus and the counselor critiques Chris’s picture of Jesus. “We want to go lighter with the hair. Much lighter. And the eyes should be blue. We know Jesus wouldn’t look like a typical man from the Middle East but more like a man selling raw milk online.”
Last edited 3 months ago by Autistic Realist
Autistic Realist
November 15, 2024 12:12 pm
South Park was genius. Season 5 through 10 are awesome. I haven’t really watched it since 2017 or so. Wonder what they’re doing these days.
November 15, 2024 12:02 pm
Coeur dalene and Boise are really nice conservative leaning cities but there aren’t many of them left.
Haha. Ya I would imagine it was. Even 25 years ago Seattle & Portland weren’t that bad. They are worlds different now. Portland is a shitty drug den and Seattle is filled with chinks and pajeets. Unrecognizable.
Sven libtard arc complete with the thunderbolt connections
November 15, 2024 11:04 am
Officially requesting a pitch meeting with Pete Hegsethammer selling the next war
”But Paul, you threw shade on that other war”
”Sir, this one’s gonna be TIGHT”
The only thing I deeply appreciate about Apple software is that you can reinstall a Mac OS over an existing installation if that installation developed issues or corruption. That’s pretty cool.
tds should just stop all politics and become apple tech tips
So Matt Stone is laying on the couch making useless non suggestions like Rick Rubin?
dallas is just as libtard as portland with similar issues that are slightly alleviated by being in a red state with different laws though that has its own set of issues, so it’s just a different shitty leftist city. I don’t really care about labels, either, but in terms of simply getting across what I want I think WN is good as in I want a white nation
Sven is absolutely right that WN is nothing more than conservatism and always has been. It’s not just Patriot Front—all the groups going back to the interwar Klan never amounted to anything more than paleoconservatism.
WN is a meaningless category ready for the garbage bin of history: Winston Churchill was an objective White supremacist who fellated jews, just like any WN today. Since it has never offered any protection from jewish subversion, WN will always fail. You have to go Nazi or go home.
And I agree that Antifa probably won’t be reactivated. Last time no one was even thinking about Israel. Jews thought they had the Middle East under control and were free to whip Whitey. It’s a different world now.
Antifa is seeing a jew vs. gentile schism: the gentiles want to protest Israel but their jewish leaders want to beat them up. The Salonius and Abishoor types either have to continue their jewish supremacist terrorism or continue ignoring the issue. They might try to deflect onto “Christian Zionism” but that’ll be hard after people saw how accommodating the Biden admin was.
Those conservatives you describe as WN didn’t describe themselves as WN, however. The people who came up with the WN term and popularized it were people like William Pierce who would also describe themselves as NS. The problem has been that the alt-right tried to Big Tent the WN label and the term has lost all meaning as a result. Conservatives can only be WN if you stretch the term so broadly that even frauds like Greg Johnson can claim to be WN, complete with ZOG foreign policy talking points.
version control arch whenWould you believe it, Matt Stone’s net worth is higher than Trey Parker’s.
You mention powershell, I’m sure it has something like
that would let you do some really fancy bulk renaming*, although yeah having a well-thought-out GUI for it is great.* like, you said you don’t have extensions on some files – you could probably use awk to examine their metadata and bulk-add probably-all-correct extensions.
ChatGPT is pretty awesome for creating bulk renaming scripts in your programming language of choice. You can tell it to re-organize and rename your media library into a Plex-friendly structure, and it’ll go to town for you.
Sven mentions you can’t do it in the CMD Prompt or Powershell, but you certainly can, and it only takes the time of specifying what you want into ChatGPT. Having said that, I agree with Sven that it’s a useful feature to have built directly into the file browser.
Speaking of irreverent cartoons and raw milk
I watched a Family Guy episode a couple of days ago where Lois takes Chris and Meg to a Christian camp and in art class they’re all drawing pictures of Jesus and the counselor critiques Chris’s picture of Jesus. “We want to go lighter with the hair. Much lighter. And the eyes should be blue. We know Jesus wouldn’t look like a typical man from the Middle East but more like a man selling raw milk online.”
South Park was genius. Season 5 through 10 are awesome. I haven’t really watched it since 2017 or so. Wonder what they’re doing these days.
Coeur dalene and Boise are really nice conservative leaning cities but there aren’t many of them left.
It’s a conservative city. So that means there’s no good restaurants, right?
I am from the PNW Portland is not nice it’s just not as nigger filled as the rest of the u.s.
When I was last there about 50 years ago it was really nice
Haha. Ya I would imagine it was. Even 25 years ago Seattle & Portland weren’t that bad. They are worlds different now. Portland is a shitty drug den and Seattle is filled with chinks and pajeets. Unrecognizable.
Patriot Frontbutt
I loled
If they were patriot frontbutt then I’m sure Tuckah and Rogan would have loved them. But they ended up being lame anyways so nevermind.
Genuinely funny. Ty
Sven libtard arc complete with the thunderbolt connections
Officially requesting a pitch meeting with Pete Hegsethammer selling the next war
”But Paul, you threw shade on that other war”
”Sir, this one’s gonna be TIGHT”