The Death Panel try some sign language.

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- I’m a POG
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- I Just Gave You The Chelation
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- I Just Gave You The Assessment
PO Box 867
Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
Your cousin is silly. If you’re that desperate, just join the coast guard. Idk why people act like that option never exists.
Or go join some boutique army like Belgium or Spain and get out of this shithole country.
Good Swill Hunting.
Kristi Noem’s qualification is having signed the IHRA definition of antisemitism into South Dakota law.
It’s /kē,lāt/
I feel seen by the deus vult stuff. I always loved the crusader aesthetic. Pisses me off that rightoids have culturally appropriated it.
Is it just me or has the audio become fuzzy since Monday?
The only reason the draft for Nam worked was because Boomers parents thought the cause was just and that they had an actual country. It was sold as just a police action. I don’t think parents today are going to be as cooperative with the government sending thier kids off to war. You want mass self deportation, institute a draft
Mike needs to quit acting like he is even remotely aware of what is going on in politics. Difficult to listen to.
Two things can be true at once. The normie military age men of today are pathetic both physically and constitutionally compared to their forefathers (as most of us are), and the few who are able to measure up will be driven away by the woke stuff in the military. Removing the woke stuff will bring back the few normie men who can serve, but it won’t un-faggot the rest of the population.
Small thing to add here is commonly military involvement is a family legacy and dad is the one to either encourage or discourage, so how dad sees the political landscape matters more than how the kids see it.
I shot one of my dogs before…i put him out of his misery. It was ruff
Feel ya friend. Been there.
Sven is a raw milk centrist
You just wanna live out your biopunk fantasy of injecting BPC 157 everytime your knee hurts.
fox and friends is huge with boomers
they really love greg gutfeld for some reason too
I thought Gutfeld was their late night guy with his panel of dumb beaner conservative women
That was years ago. He’d have people like Gavin mccainus, Amy Schumer, and Steven crowder, Anthony cumia, etc.
Then he went to prime time and yeah, boomers love him for some reason.
I’m not anti vax. When the Polio vaccine was rolled out it pretty much shut down Polio. The Measles vax keeps Measles under control. Overall vaccines work. I don’t think the Covid vax was the death jab. However, the Covid vax clearly did not prevent people from getting Covid. Honestly I don’t know why this issue still gets this much airtime.
I never got the vax. I never got Covid. I haven’t had the common cold since 2020 which is unprecedented.
Daniel Penny is the perfect example of why whites stop joining the military. He serves as a Marine honorably. He happens to be on a subway with a crazy nigger going wild. The nigger dies because he is incredibly unhealthy. Even The black guy assisting Penny subdoeing the crazy nigger assures the other passengers in the video that Penny is not choking him; you can see Penny has his arms wrapped around the chest. The black guy later says race had nothing to do with it. But he just gets ignored. The thanks Penny gets for his service and trying… Read more »
Chelation is pronounced as ‘kelation’.
Why Sven: Procurement.
Procurement requires both parties.
The annual dog-and-pony-show changes: rape culture, sexual harassment, trannies, a hostile environment, pentagon bureaucrats with certain characteristics, happily married lesbians, safe spaces, etc. It allows Congress critters who code lib to prog to vote for the defense budget and stay elected.
What am I to make of the greyzone?
Don’t know why this is downboated tbh
Because it’s a rightoid narrative that is discredited
Captured by who? Corporations. Corporations like money. Hurting your cattle I mean consumers is bad for business. Therefore, FDA good.
Alex also said in this episode that society isn’t okay with the number of casualties that a capitalist entity is okay with.
Society can ruin profit margins for these entities if there are enough medical problems. They have a motive to not make us sick.
Is Purdue Pharma not ruined?
Very sophisticated of you to call appointees who create the illusion of serving whites while really serving jews “trompe-l’œilists.”
Hey jessie, what cigar website are you using? The one I’ve been using is based out of Easton PA so deliveries to Philadelphia are hella fast, but I’m a cheapskate so if you have any recommendations for a good website let me know
Sounds like the same one. Cigars-international
Corona Cigar Company is good as well. Good selection and good prices.
Doxed, now the israelis are going to get a contract to make cigars for those two places and somehow they’ll manage to pipeline exploding cigars to you guys and you guys alone, how could you be so careless?
The Virgin Deus Vult vs the Gigachad Allah Ackbar.
Allah Ackbar in Alex Jones’ voice.
If you want some decent Trump cope, check out Pete Quiñones.
I grew up in a rural area and always got ads on the TV for Ivermectin, so I always thought of it as Sheep dewormer
The fact that left-coded media is calling Trump a “fascist” rather than a “White supremacist”, is one of the clearest signs I can see that points to ZOG’s desire to de-racialize and depolarize the political discourse. “White” is a race. “Fascism” is just an abstract concept.
It’s a subtle trick if only because they’ve already trained the left to view fascism and Nazism as the same thing. Ask a leftist to describe the difference between fascism and authoritarianism…(if they could tell you, they wouldn’t be a leftist)
If war with Iran does happen, will ZOG remove the prohibition on servicemen with Swastika tattoos?
Did anyone see the Piers Morgan interview with Dan Bilzerian? Dan did a pretty good job.
Why would I care what this entertainment product guy has to say?
He’s not the important part.
I like seeing antisemitism become mainstream.
He’s the only person in America with fuck you money that actually does a fuck you thing.
He has over a million followers. Do we want these truths confined to our echo chambers?
He didn’t do too bad, agreed, but as far as I’m concerned, he’s jumping on the Stew Peters train of trying to grift off antisemitism.
I’m with Alex on ivermectin. Pa always kept a tube in the fridge to worm out the fighting dogs
My favorite Ivermectin story was the faggot who took it and it killed the faggot worms in his intestine and he stopped being a faggot.
Where was that story?
yeah, second for a request on hard URL source on that. I’ve at best seen a 4chan screen snip of a shitpost about that. sounds too good to be true.
The average VetBro you see in the internet is the pure essence of vainglory in it’s purest form (which is considered a deadly sin), and it’s actually a great example because especially after WWII, since no vet benefits the so-called “valor” after the jews denigrated and gutted everything good in society where your grandson is a trans-mulatto sub-animal, you get killed or put in jailed if you defend yourself aganst a felon nigger, or your house is on fire because a dumbass spic construction scab worker didn’t tight the gas pipeline well. This GWOT hogwash of the rightoids and the… Read more »
I’d be down for some serious vet bro hate.
But that’s only gonna make more vetbros
I think that pro abortion activist choosing to scream at the white child of the Palestinian supporter supports the idea that their are pro-abortion activist who have been weaponized by Jews to just want mass slaughter white babies and small children. I have a neighbor who is feverishly anti-white and pro-abortion and I don’t put it past her to want to kill my son. She doesn’t do Halloween until the black kids come later at night. Then she gets all animated and in the spirit of the giving candy
Hopefully she commits suicide.
You don’t have to be pro-white to understand the democrats are openly anti-white and not like it and that is why whites went for Trump
Then explain the GOP’s obsession with non-Whites, especially with the Enriques and Tyrones?
I’m not saying the GOP is pro white. I never said that. I’m just saying the democrats are more blatantly and openly anti-white
Perhaps Democrats are coded as more anti-White, but the Republicans offer no meaningfully different policy distinctions. This difference in anti-White posture is mostly kay fabe.
Was it ever the argument that boomer GWOT would get young men to join up? But you better believe numbers would skyrocket if your NCO was rocking a Totenkopf and you were being sent to liquidate the Semitic Arab Untermensch SEMPER FI MOTHERFUCKER!
I’m afraid of this tbh
GWOT veteran…it’s the tranny shit
I went in in 92 immediately prior to clinton taking office and the beginning of “don’t ask don’t tell”, I couldn’t have cared less about the possibility of fags, I didn’t plan on taking ten showers a day or spending enough time in a fox hole for it to matter much, but then again they weren’t actively pushing faggotry as a virtue yet either. Today I don’t think I would be able to join, not because I would worry about ass rape, more because I would see it as a gay thing to do to join the us military. It… Read more »
It’s not even really the tranny stuff. I can’t see white men joining the military to fight for a country that goes out of its way to remind you how much it hates you. You would have to be extremely dimwitted to not understand America is anti-white. I felt it since I was a kid but then I thought I had the GOP as my representative. And the Republicans led me to believe that. The very introduction of affirmative action was enough to tip me off at age 10 11 or whatever that the libtards were anti-white
Trump being elected solves that problem for Jews. They get to trick whites into thinking they’ve won, and reap all the benefits that go with it.
I don’t think it. Will because the anti-white realities of daily life will not go away; and Trump won’t even imply it’s going away. Rightoids may try to convince themselves it’s not as bad. But the daily experience of your white American will not change
Sadly I forsee the Navy going back to it’s hyper masculine BODIES HIT THE FLOOR ad campaign and a spate of hyperpatriotic propaganda in the mext couple years
Very interested in wasting people’s time IRL with contrarian takes 👍
Pete Hegsenhammer
Pete is probably in a relationship with Mayor Pete Buttgig
Pete Hegseth: from dancing to “Flo Rida” on Fox & Friends to fist-bumping Erik Prince for some more grifts and bullshit for Jews.
At least Lloyd Austin is just a nigga that wants a cheeseburger.
post clip now I got to see him dancing to Nigger music Flo Ridda.
My dad is a Vietnam era vet and eats up the veteran worship. My cousin is a GWOT vet and absolutely hates when people say thank you for your service. He says all I did was sit behind a desk.
Yeah i’m a GWOT era veteran and have absolutely zero pride whatsoever in ‘serving’. I don’t live in the U.S. so the hero worship isn’t quite as bad and isn’t all the time but i still profoundly regret my time in the Army.
When I got out in ’99 there was no hero worship awaiting me, when people asked me what I had done after school and I told them I flunked out of college and joined the army they usually just changed the subject, sometimes they’d ask if I got a lot of chicks or whatever, but no one knew back then that I was supposed to be thanked as though I’d just saved Christmas. I could’ve never believed that it would be the way it is today with people conferring sainthood upon one another for giving up their first class seat… Read more »
I am a GWOT vet from 98-05. I was actually deployed to Afghanistan in October 2001 through April 2002 and then again from March 2003 through February 2004. Looking back all these years later I am appalled at what I did in service of ZOG.
Did your experience being on the military redpill you in the process?
I want to make sure since
Strikersaid that even if they manage to invite White men into the military, the problem is that what if they get redpilled during the operations and comeback to their country and see that it has gotten worse, do they expect these hardened men to do nothing while their race is being tortured by jews and their golem? This will make Waco more like a small accident.Yes joining the military and serving overseas definitely opened my eyes to how fucked up this country truly is and that kikes definitely control every aspect of this country through bribery, blackmail, intimidation, assault, and assassination. ZOG likes to bully people who can’t fight back in any meaningful way which is why they attack groups like Afghan goat herders, Iraqi civilians, Palestinian children, women, and the elderly, White Americans, ect. The problem with thinking hardened Vets or just hardened creek shitters are going to fight back in any meaningful way is just wishful thinking at this point. There are still… Read more »
GWOT vet here. My service was the main impetus behind my red pilling. And I agree with Striker here. If white vets get red pilled en masse there would be a REAL problem. I became a sort of Ron Paul libertarian/Ancap 1st. When I came back pre kids. I was no bullshit down for whatever action
Zoomer veterens won’t do shit when they come back home.
Mike you are missing a major factor in the inflation crisis of the past 2 years. The fed gave jew money institutions practically interest free money in 2020 and 2021. They then took that money and bought practically residential property for sale in every metro area and put it for rent at outrageous rates. They squeezed normal people out of the home and rental market. Gas and food are top line inflation factors, the fed was shidding andnfarting in 2022 because rhe housing market was burning white hot with institutional buyer cheap money.
Jews have no soul.
True, and they love to torture ours.
They do have it, they’re just demonic anti-souls. Those who don’t have souls are just things that aren’t alive, which I wished the Romans did when they conquered Jerusalem.
Ackshulllyyyy…Stihl offers a range of licensed products ranging from hand pruners to axes and mauls. Some of the companies that produce these products are ARS and Oschenkopf. They don’t technically make them but they are “Stihl tools”…they are orange.
I actually need a splitting maul right now.
Did they at least let you keep the shipping container?
What the fuck would you spend 20 bucks on American AK ammo when you can get steel case Wolf for like 7 bucks a box still?
Wait it’s been discontinued?!
Oh well isn’t this just fucking SWILL
Gayus Vult
Where there’s a swill there’s a Gay.
If Trump started telling people that he needs to get military enlistment up his cultists will join or pressure their kids to join.
You just wait, unfortunately.
The official celebratory music festival on PBS was a real hoot. Never a word from the Vietnam/Korea vets to question why the Greatest Generation won a war for Uncle Joe; wonderful Americana band (fake country) from Army with Suhrs and boutique amps…. The USMC has a jazz band in bellhop suit, with obligatory Deep Feeling grimaces and applause begging simulations of improvisatory soloing
And of course, the Army dress suit has been changed back to pinks & greens, to maximize identification with WW2 in the minds of children
Hit A Big Brain With An Axe
I fucking lost it at “I’m a POG” because I thought pawg and Mike immediately made the joke