DK is absolutely right about Elders scroll.
As the old saying goes “Wide as an ocean deep as a puddle”. It is such a shitty game, people only play it because there exist endless novelty mods they enjoy tinkering with.
Also the mods fix the base game that is completely broken with bugs which is flabbergasting to me how anyone can think that is okay.
November 8, 2024 2:03 pm
I just listens to the episode, I was very surprised how cold a take that was on Dragon Age. Until now both DK and Louis has had impeccable taste in games. I would guess Louis did the mistake of starting as a mage, The slowest start. Then went straight to the Deep Roads, A high level area which makes the combat ass unless very experienced in it. The Deep Roads is supposed to have a really hard encounter just before going to that area to keep people from entering to early. But the encounter is so under tuned that everyone… Read more »
Rusty Galloway
November 5, 2024 4:27 pm
I know you guys already did an episode on Mass Effect, but I can tell you guys have more to say about it. I would listen if you guys wanted to revisit it giving each game it’s own full episode
Depends what we are talking about here. ME was best RPG out of them, but the combat was the worst. Enemies and allies acting like retards running around everywhere.
ME2 had the worst combat, it was fracking ass to go from infinite ammo to constant running out of ammo to the point that killing even one elite enemy was impossible without running around all over the place to find ammo.
ME3 fixed that, the combat was a lot of fun. I played vanguard.
Feminine Bulge
November 5, 2024 5:06 am
in terms of FUN i don’t see much with a trump win, do i want to dunk on libtards with trump supporters? not really it’ll just feel like working for jews
do i want to shit on magatards and the hysterical trumpjews that their king of israel is done forever? now that’ll be fun
November 4, 2024 7:46 pm
Cleanse yourself of the poz and tranny AIDs, go play KCD
romance in rpgs is basically female and nerd slop marketing scheme.
and wether you like it or not it seems to sell well.
which is logical in a increasingly loveless materialist society.
Man, I played all those games when they came out but I cant remember details about them now because they were not memorable enough I guess. I remember there being a gay character and me wanting to kill them, but I totally missed the tranny shit.
November 4, 2024 10:50 am
“Ben Gvir is not an evil person because he’s just a heeb.” Is this some kind of post modern trick/gaslighting? Merkava stuff… it has an interesting history. I dont know if its just all ego for the jews to have a weapons industry. All weapons manufacturing in Israel is basically a jobs program for jews, courtesy of uncle sam and they get to make money off of essentially stolen US tech. From an engineering pov the one good thing about the Merkava is that its a warning on how to not design a tank. The thinking behind the decision was… Read more »
Last edited 4 months ago by Rolland5891
November 4, 2024 9:52 am
To add to reasons why Trump would be a better peace presidentdespite being a nigkike loving traitor. It’s not that he’s not a warmonger that loves to sacrifice soldiers to ZOG, he is probably far worse on motivation, it’s that he won’t be as capable of getting a consensus. While it’s doubtful that democrats would really be anti-war under Trump, the minority anti-war left would make a lot more noise, and more importantly Europeans in general would, it’s been a thing since the war in Yugoslavia that our political elites are warmongers under US Democrat rule and generally anti-war under… Read more »
November 4, 2024 9:12 am
i liked the first dragon age. they nerfed the combat in the second game. it was terrible.
Real Mujahideen
November 4, 2024 9:06 am
Some pretty garbage “hot takes” in this episode. DA:O is a great game, Louis should probably just stick to war commentary.
I’ll never deny it’s flawed, but it’s not “total garbage” or a “snooze fest.” I actually didn’t know hearing such a low tier take was possible on NIGR.
DK is absolutely right about Elders scroll.
As the old saying goes “Wide as an ocean deep as a puddle”. It is such a shitty game, people only play it because there exist endless novelty mods they enjoy tinkering with.
Also the mods fix the base game that is completely broken with bugs which is flabbergasting to me how anyone can think that is okay.
I just listens to the episode, I was very surprised how cold a take that was on Dragon Age. Until now both DK and Louis has had impeccable taste in games. I would guess Louis did the mistake of starting as a mage, The slowest start. Then went straight to the Deep Roads, A high level area which makes the combat ass unless very experienced in it. The Deep Roads is supposed to have a really hard encounter just before going to that area to keep people from entering to early. But the encounter is so under tuned that everyone… Read more »
I know you guys already did an episode on Mass Effect, but I can tell you guys have more to say about it. I would listen if you guys wanted to revisit it giving each game it’s own full episode
I been talking to my friend about mass effect for the last 20 years now, It is a never ending discussion.
And therefore ever since we call Cheney “Dick-Liz” Cheney.
Dragon age 1 was good. People forget that ME games are pretty mid 3rd person shooters.
First ME is a fantastic game, 2nd and 3rd very average, 3rd at least got the advantage of having fun gameplay.
Depends what we are talking about here. ME was best RPG out of them, but the combat was the worst. Enemies and allies acting like retards running around everywhere.
ME2 had the worst combat, it was fracking ass to go from infinite ammo to constant running out of ammo to the point that killing even one elite enemy was impossible without running around all over the place to find ammo.
ME3 fixed that, the combat was a lot of fun. I played vanguard.
in terms of FUN i don’t see much with a trump win, do i want to dunk on libtards with trump supporters? not really it’ll just feel like working for jews
do i want to shit on magatards and the hysterical trumpjews that their king of israel is done forever? now that’ll be fun
Cleanse yourself of the poz and tranny AIDs, go play KCD
Good show
New NIGR!?
Tonight we sanctify with dynamite!
romance in rpgs is basically female and nerd slop marketing scheme.
and wether you like it or not it seems to sell well.
which is logical in a increasingly loveless materialist society. is the URL you need to download the MP3.
Man, I played all those games when they came out but I cant remember details about them now because they were not memorable enough I guess. I remember there being a gay character and me wanting to kill them, but I totally missed the tranny shit.
“Ben Gvir is not an evil person because he’s just a heeb.” Is this some kind of post modern trick/gaslighting? Merkava stuff… it has an interesting history. I dont know if its just all ego for the jews to have a weapons industry. All weapons manufacturing in Israel is basically a jobs program for jews, courtesy of uncle sam and they get to make money off of essentially stolen US tech. From an engineering pov the one good thing about the Merkava is that its a warning on how to not design a tank. The thinking behind the decision was… Read more »
To add to reasons why Trump would be a better peace presidentdespite being a nigkike loving traitor. It’s not that he’s not a warmonger that loves to sacrifice soldiers to ZOG, he is probably far worse on motivation, it’s that he won’t be as capable of getting a consensus. While it’s doubtful that democrats would really be anti-war under Trump, the minority anti-war left would make a lot more noise, and more importantly Europeans in general would, it’s been a thing since the war in Yugoslavia that our political elites are warmongers under US Democrat rule and generally anti-war under… Read more »
i liked the first dragon age. they nerfed the combat in the second game. it was terrible.
Some pretty garbage “hot takes” in this episode. DA:O is a great game, Louis should probably just stick to war commentary.
DA:O is a fantastic game but it is flawed. Pacing is an issue in a few places and some areas are not finished.
Being super racist against Elfs makes up for it though, that could never happen again.
I’ll never deny it’s flawed, but it’s not “total garbage” or a “snooze fest.” I actually didn’t know hearing such a low tier take was possible on NIGR.
hehe I have not listened yet. I agree thought it is not garbage or a snooze fest.
Am guessing they did mage beginning, that is the worst start it is so slow.
Are you NIGRS talking about vidya games or war?
This has to be the most pozzed game ever made. I can feel the AIDS dripping off of it.
Trump is going to lose the election, I can feel it
I can feel it like it’s in my neck
If he wins and inevitably fails White Americans, Trumpism could be over in 3-4 years.
If he LOSES, he can grift off the loss for at least 3-4 years before people don’t care anymore.