Mike and Borz present a Halloween episode as they go into the jewish history of Jack the Ripper and Bram Stoker's Dracula and discuss how endemic Jewish identity is to the Trump movement.

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- Ripper's Advocate
- The Organ Trail
- Jack the Gooner
- Antisemitic Cinematic Universe
- CIA Glowhonkies
- Anti-Dracula is Anti-White
- "Inviting vampires in is just smart."
Just got the chance to listen goyimm, fantastic episode!!! The Jordan Maxwell TDS episodes are some of the funniest you ever did!!! Jack the ripper is a kike! Ha!
I bet the Zodiac killer was also Jewish. The new Netflix show was not convincing at all.
my polish grandmother once told me surnames ending in -ski are polish , -sky are jewish
Austin Witsit is obviously not a stupid person, but that doesn’t mean anything he says is actually correct. There are problems with throwing in with someone like Professor Dave, since the whole scientism thing is just objectively a weapon of ZOG soft power. One need only look at the “science” on transgenderism, the removal of homosexuality from the DSM, the mainstream denial of race against all evidence, the way these academic institutions treat scholars who reject the Holocaust, etc to see that these institutions will push whatever is ideologically beneficial to ZOG. The problem with being a reactionary in response… Read more »
Max Hadden of VNN fame wrote an article that was posted several places probably 15 years ago or so “Jack the Ripper and the Jews” that covered the points brought up by Edwards and of course since Hadden is a nazi, he didn’t pull punches. Hadden wrote an article called “Planet of the Kikes” which might be online somewhere still and is relevant to news regarding kikes and Iran.
“Inviting vampires in is just smart.”
*Chef’s Kiss* Perfection.
Excellent episode, thank you, gentlemen!
Mike’s ethnic nihilism is way overblown. Race is obviously the most important battleground and political category but Alexander Mercouris doesn’t look English. You could’ve used Werner Herzog (half-Croatian) as an example of ethnic mixing among Europeans. It’s necessary to fight the cowards and subverters who want to escape into faux-edgy ethnic chauvinism instead of the racial struggle, but I don’t think the answer is to pretend every ethnicity is completely interchangeable and has no particular value.
It was Lawrence Murray who wrote about skinning the invisible knapsack on the old TRS site around 2016-17. It was a critique of ‘Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack’ by Peggy Mcintosh that says White people have a ‘knapsack’ full of privileges that non Whites don’t have. Murray was a helluva of a writer.
I just checked in on Michael Tsarion, and he’s currently trying to convince the conspiroids that islamo-Bolshevik-fascism is the true threat the the Ayn Randian individualist human spirit. For fucks sake. I remember when the migrant crisis was kicking off in Europe he started sounding based. Little did I know that all ol’ Mikey Tz was doing was just taking up the mantle of counter-jihad.
Is the vampire immortality also symbolic of the eternal nature of the Jew?
Andrew Joyce mentioned asking a Jew “holocaust” historian David Ceaserani what the East End of London Jewish folklore was about the Ripper & he gave him an evasive & snarky answer – like “aaah yes I must tell you about that sometime”