there are some people who have more systemic analysis of the video game subversion and realize it’s jews (synthetic man) but yeah mostly they just complain about symptoms, keep going into it and denying/ignoring who is responsible and why. I play have 1 kid and another on the way, work and enjoy my games but I don’t buy modern shit
The Ghoulish_Knight
October 16, 2024 2:22 pm
It’s so funny that these anti-woke brokes trying to reclaim their escapist dopamine entertainment when they could say to make White people collectivize, and becoming aganst the source of the world’s problems (Jews), and get rid of the escapism that’s dragging it back. Yet you get these GamerGate incels insisting that they want their escapism back, that’s never going to happen, and the collapse isn’t coming soon. These are lumpencoaletariat cowards, and they’re as anti-revolutionary (calling us feds or nazbols) because they want to consume product as the bugmen (last-men). They’re no different than liberals, they’re as complicit to White… Read more »
The Ghoulish_Knight
October 16, 2024 2:13 pm
It would be a good idea to take notes if you do a interesting bit in the prep so that you don’t forget during TDS, it will become easier and expand that idea to the shoah.
Cormac Ruadri
October 16, 2024 12:47 pm
Dennis Kucinich on the Duran now. He basically just admitted that the US is under the control of the Jews in replying to a question. He didn’t say Jew but it was in response to a questioner asking about if the US is controlled by Israel.
🦢The Autiste formerly known as Swampy🦢
October 16, 2024 12:46 pm
Who is the movie reviewer the boys were imitating?
Tommy Robinson claims to not receive a penny. Ok then what is your job. Are you working another job than being a zionist hack. Your making money somehow and you don’t have a job to clock in every morning
“I suck cock, yeah? 24/7, yeah? Bet yer feel like a wanker now, yeah?”
October 16, 2024 12:42 pm
Pleased to be worst comment
October 16, 2024 12:33 pm
Thank you for the content! I appreciate it!
Last edited 4 months ago by content_consumer
Verr Klemptis
October 16, 2024 12:15 pm
There is no “prep on the show”, only lack of prep. Prep is a warm up, a behind-the-scenes-style bonus content to stave off f5 gang paychads. The personal, domestic and mundane points discussed on prep should be specific to prep. And prep should return to the woods. IMO.
Eugene Hicks
October 16, 2024 12:08 pm
Just now hearing mondee’s show, performance enhancing grug is the pun you were looking for
Listening to the show IS my 9 to 5
(Glows furiously)
October 16, 2024 11:58 am
I’m just as anti-semitic as the next guy, but getting a little burned out on Israel shit. A Prep in the Car Shoah for 2:53 minutes would be awesome.
October 16, 2024 11:56 am
internet nationalist money should go to upstart nationalist projects and proven good ones, nothing else dont fall for the feel good cancer collection shit or any such scheme. and frankly im starting to question if we should even be so donation oriented internally as we are, its a legacy conservative feature. granted i can rarely properly subscribe to orgs as you all work with creditcards or the payments systems are just banned etc, thank god for crypto ey. but yea what im trying to say is start subbing to orgs stop irregular donations, this also goes for charities, a pro… Read more »
Bitch Supressor
October 16, 2024 11:51 am
The best shows were after they worked their day jobs, Sven was hammered and Mike was eating.
Wow wowow
there are some people who have more systemic analysis of the video game subversion and realize it’s jews (synthetic man) but yeah mostly they just complain about symptoms, keep going into it and denying/ignoring who is responsible and why. I play have 1 kid and another on the way, work and enjoy my games but I don’t buy modern shit
It’s so funny that these anti-woke brokes trying to reclaim their escapist dopamine entertainment when they could say to make White people collectivize, and becoming aganst the source of the world’s problems (Jews), and get rid of the escapism that’s dragging it back. Yet you get these GamerGate incels insisting that they want their escapism back, that’s never going to happen, and the collapse isn’t coming soon. These are lumpencoaletariat cowards, and they’re as anti-revolutionary (calling us feds or nazbols) because they want to consume product as the bugmen (last-men). They’re no different than liberals, they’re as complicit to White… Read more »
It would be a good idea to take notes if you do a interesting bit in the prep so that you don’t forget during TDS, it will become easier and expand that idea to the shoah.
Dennis Kucinich on the Duran now. He basically just admitted that the US is under the control of the Jews in replying to a question. He didn’t say Jew but it was in response to a questioner asking about if the US is controlled by Israel.
Who is the movie reviewer the boys were imitating?
Tommy Robinson claims to not receive a penny. Ok then what is your job. Are you working another job than being a zionist hack. Your making money somehow and you don’t have a job to clock in every morning
“I suck cock, yeah? 24/7, yeah? Bet yer feel like a wanker now, yeah?”
Pleased to be worst comment
Thank you for the content! I appreciate it!
There is no “prep on the show”, only lack of prep. Prep is a warm up, a behind-the-scenes-style bonus content to stave off f5 gang paychads. The personal, domestic and mundane points discussed on prep should be specific to prep. And prep should return to the woods. IMO.
Just now hearing mondee’s show, performance enhancing grug is the pun you were looking for
I listen to this show during my 9-5 job.
Listening to the show IS my 9 to 5
(Glows furiously)
I’m just as anti-semitic as the next guy, but getting a little burned out on Israel shit. A Prep in the Car Shoah for 2:53 minutes would be awesome.
internet nationalist money should go to upstart nationalist projects and proven good ones, nothing else dont fall for the feel good cancer collection shit or any such scheme. and frankly im starting to question if we should even be so donation oriented internally as we are, its a legacy conservative feature. granted i can rarely properly subscribe to orgs as you all work with creditcards or the payments systems are just banned etc, thank god for crypto ey. but yea what im trying to say is start subbing to orgs stop irregular donations, this also goes for charities, a pro… Read more »
The best shows were after they worked their day jobs, Sven was hammered and Mike was eating.
You should give randbot a try
personally i’m not a fan of circumcision content kek
Hour 1a
State to Mike: “I just gave you the abuse”
Mike in studio. Going to be a good show.
The threat of knees touching gives an electric energy to the proceedings
What we have here is a pretty standard knee touching party. We have them about once a month….
I’ve been to the studio three times since we last spoke… These takes that I have rightoids just don’t know what they are…..
Sven says these takes are from too much content but I somewhat disagree…
Hour one last episode was great. Prep on the show is good
Prep is the secret to good prep
First to denounce jews