Borzoi, Shane, and guest NotAReplicant spend the entire episode alogging converso Trent Horn's video on why Holocaust Denial is wrong.
~Third Rail is a Borzoi/Spectre Joint~
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
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“you can never deny claims of genocide, that’s evil, we’re going to set this standard so that I don’t have to get into the legitimate doubts against the holocaust and then later I’m going to go ahead and deny claims of genocide towards german people without providing any evidence for why the claims are wrong”
interesting how this “all genocide denial is evil” doesn’t apply to denying white genocide huh
Schvitzing and gooning.
The banality of basedness.
The Nazis only started bombing London after the British had already been bombing German cities for a few months. The Germans didn’t start bombing civilians and didn’t want to have to do it.
You should alog the youtube video of Jordan Peterson analyzing the Eternal Jew.
Thanks for the show.
Real Krema 3 is criminally under appreciated
If you’re a lapsed and confirmed Catholic adult, just get your ass to Confession and attend mass EVERY Sunday and take the Eucharist. You can work on everything else as you do this. Please. For our good and the good of all His Holy Church. EDIT DISCLAIMER: I was baptized Roman Catholic as an infant but was confirmed at Christ the King of 2022, by the Archbishop at his Cathedral in Detroit (yes that means a lot to me) I’m 51. I’m am about to happily begin my 3rd Litugical year as a faithful Catholic. If that makes me too… Read more »
Whenever someone brings up Ray Romano now, I just automatically hear Sven in my head going HEY DEBRA
Same for me, but with hurricanes.
Hurricane Deborah. I just can’t shake it from my mind.
I want to donate $$ to establish the inevitable Borzoi Chair/Department of Mischling Studies
Spectre out = old school 3R intro sans Ricky Gervais, no preliminary scripted bantz WHAT IS GOING ON
Srsly we appreciate all you do o/
Bless you brother.
Sunday is for rest.
Thank you for keeping us fed with gontent.
God damn it, I am getting old:/
– Die moderne Forstwirtschaft führt häufig zu einer starken ausroten des Waldbodens –
– Modern forestry often leads to severe erosion of the forest floor –
This is an example of the use of ausroten «to uproot» where as the «Ausländer raus» is: foreigner out, the ausroten would have been used to say: jews out and give them nothing to return to. (Pull them up by their roots and kick them out)
Only .. halfwits or modern day Germans that have been subjected to severe propaganda would say otherwise. Just look in a German dictionary prio 1945 ffs
Gas vans; no actual gas van. No execution method in such gas van.
Goebbels diary; Even complained that 35000 jews still remained in Berlin 1944.
Posen speech; read the Dalton translation.
Open pits; studied in detail
This shit gets me so fired up, particularly Trent’s “moral argument.” We can’t deny the Holocaust because to do would hurt the victim’s feelings and potentially make them suffer another Holocaust. Does the Holocaust claim itself hurt anyone’s feelings? Does it contribute to anyone’s dispossession and active material harm? Maybe we should consider the harm of your Holocaust claim itself for once. Here’s an argument: Holocaust fabulation is immoral. First, it’s a lie. Second, it is used to justify the murder of Palestinians and the destruction of entire civilizations. It idolizes the worst group of people on earth and gives… Read more »
Fuck that kike Trent Horn, that dirty Jew rat.
I don’t mean to offend any catholics, but who the fuck cares what some senile old man with a sinecure in Rome has to say. Respect for that is completely artificial
I’ve never heard of a baby theorizing about white privilege or saying that Jesus Christ is boiling in human shit in Hell.
i quite enjoyed this comfy hololive episode, cheers.
It just made me mad. Trent’s video is going to reach and be convincing to a bunch of people because accessing lies is incredibly easy and accessing truth is made incredibly difficult by censorship and the requirement to put in work.
None of the groypers flooding his comment section are going to be able to put up a coherent defense of Holocaust debunking. They’re just going to repeat memes and vibes. And if someone were to actually take the time to dismantle this shit, it would be removed from anywhere someone could see it almost instantly.
I’m not suggesting assassinations but… We have a right to fight back like the Palestinians are. No I’m not a fed. We have to do something when we still have a large enough percentage of the population. Or are we just going to be slowly bled to death over the decades?
the real reason the groyper, and peasant antisemetism as we perhaps may call it are bad is that when someone actually does intellectual work, he doesnt get liked for it, or boosted or put on a big show etc. instead we get jake shield and other schizos, literally the repeat of ernst zundel ad infinitum, i wish to disassociate with all schizos, from corona to ufo to whatever else, saddingly it appears thats all the mass is capable of. i know mike doesn’t like the term peasant antisemetism because it originated i think in NRX circles, but i think it… Read more »
Pressac’s Technique and Operation of Adobe Acrobat should be required reading for all PDF revisionists. We all know you can’t effectively revise a PDF in MS Word.
It’s funny you guys wanted to analyze this from a Catholic perspective because so much of my Holocaust indoctrination was in catholic middle school growing up. I literally had the task of painting Simon Wiesenthal on a tolerance mural in 7th grade. So much of the holocaust propaganda is just simple emotional blackmail. Much of their arguments are akin to those anti movie piracy ads in the Aughts. “You wouldn’t want this call this poor wrinkly elderly Jewish grandmother with the sad Eastern European accent and been through so much, a liar?! You might as well kick a puppy.” You… Read more »
It is not ghoulish to destroy evil. In fact it is a saintly thing to do.
Trent Horn just gave me people to follow/look up like richard williamson. Dont they realize they are giving more fuel to antisemitism? the chutzpah
Germans were not just expelled from “countries captured during the war”, my family is from what is now called “Slovakia”, and most of us were murdered or deported in 45 despite the fact that the Slowakische Erzgebirge was part of Germany in 1939
Yes, they moved the Eastern border of Germany West. So all those people that had been in Germany were no longer in it all of a sudden.
TRS replaces beloved host with peanut gallery member. Dark Days.
I was honestly thinking about making the same joke this morning lol
not a bad ep so far thanks for bein on
I’ll work on cutting out the filler words next time lol
I had a flash of irrational panic when I saw the episode because our usernames are similar. It was like I looked down and I wasn’t wearing pants but also I was appearing on a TRS show and I didn’t know until just now.
Why was Spectre absent?
You know, …meth.
Greetings from South Africa!
Thanks again for having me on guys
i plugged it on the ole Twatter.
how dis nigga git on the Raaaail?
He recorded two fire interviews with based Jew Brother Nathanael and based Jew Ron Unz.
The interview with based Jew David Cole is in the hopper until Cole gets his vodka re-up and a back rub from Ann Coulter.
We’re so back.

Well done. I despise Trent Horn more than just about anyone else on the internet. So good for you taking him down a peg.