Can't edit a livestream, bros
GET THE ALBUM OF COLOR ON CD NOW. (Or look it up on streaming services whatever)
by Seventh Son
Can't edit a livestream, bros
GET THE ALBUM OF COLOR ON CD NOW. (Or look it up on streaming services whatever)
I liked the anniversary song…
I’m a subscriber, but I’m gonna check this out…
Best part was Sven talking about the political journey he went on and his view into the mindset of the rightoid
Personally I’m comfortable in the conclusion that i’m just a very antisemetic liberal of sorts
Thanks for posting this, it brightened my morning today.
Lub u sben
This content is still hitting well. Paywall has been worth it. Keep it up please
I listen to TDS on a 14 speaker setup, so yeah I do feel your pain in the 3000hz region.
Borzoi with “Iliad with two Ds?” had me dying. On one hand the site is owned by a jew but on the other the SEC politically fucked them over their libry coin.
Borzoi: The Brief History of White Nationalism may have more fiction than fact but one thing is true; Feds like to see fucked up people at the front of White Nationalism.
writing in with positive feed back. This show is hands down my favourite. Svenologues cant be beat for the pure kino content held within. These are a rare audio treat, to be savoured due to their limited production runs.
Also, I want to say I count my self lucky to be “here” with TRS in the ideological team-death match arena. No other faction/side/site has consistently been closer to the truth on any given issue; almost all other places/groups have either exploded, gone stupid or been dishonest all along.
Everyone has the courage to bantz Borzoi for saying “aspect” a lot, but do they have the courage to bantz Svenjeet for saying “yadda, yadda, yadda” a lot? That’s also a Yiddishism, so we have to purity spiral now.
Some positive feedback: Jesse is the most likable personality in WN for a long time.
But attacking poor people on the basis of doing things that only poor people do is extremely unlikable. I say this from socialist priors, not conservative ones. Republicans deserve to be attacked – self-interested business owners, ideologues, religious charlatans, and economists, not “uneducated bumpkins”.
Most likeable? Okay calm down.
I have to say, I’m taking a lot of guilty pleasure in the anti-bumpkin rhetoric, despite being one. I have to deal with them all the time and finally having the permission to not have to pretend they’re my allies that will come to my position and be useful one day is a big weight lifted off my shoulders. Trump 2016 somehow gave me amnesia and I forgot I’ve been a bohemian with contempt for performative americanism since I was old enough to have a coherent political thought. I will abuse them rhetorically until they come around to where I’m… Read more »
The aspect that Pete Q. is such a basic magatard is so funny given the shows he does with Thomas777.
“I’m rootin for Putin!” that’s who I tell people when they ask who I’m voting for. I share your blackpilled outlook on the politics. I will never vote Republican again after the first term of trump. his presidency was similar to erectile this function. they had control of the first two years and accomplished nothing on immigration. and they’ve gotten worse since then getting rid of Jeff sessions, Steve king or anybody who wasn’t a total cuck. a lot of Soviet countries got rid of Jewish power with a one-party state. this two party system we have is worthless only… Read more »
erectile this function
Electile dysfunction.
good thing about working a trade you already have the batteries for electric garden tools, using corded ones tho….yuck haha
Having tools is OP, makes working trades worth it.
Ye, black bears steal my car too.
…and my bike.
whoa! I had given up on having anything for tonight. Thanks, Sven!
Home run episode. You outlined most of our timelines. Liberals are liberals, conservatives are real liberals, and libertarians are advanced liberals. Spot on.
Rand showing the 89% abo ancestry just constantly stealing
money order ok for that $5?
Tawk Tua—>Just Jesse—>Randbot
O good the rasslin aspect
The worms are running the graveyard.
Consumer theology governs status distribution across the astroturf spectrum of popular political postures. Conservatism inc. conserves nothing and liberalism inc. liberates nothing. They’re sets of metal teeth acting dialectically against each other in the machine grinding the plebs into a plastic putty denuded of the cultural inheritance with which their natures co-evolved.
Maybe you’re just a fuckin’ black bear. Ever think of that? Didn’t think so, retard.
Chat disabled on youtube. How dare you. I was just about to post cringe.
Nigger rigging a live chat by frequent tab refresh is a nice post-apocalyptic vibe.
if germany had gotten to australia first they would have filled it with gypsies and the end result would be about the same. thieving aussies.
Chuck Neely more like Needs to be Chucked off a bridge, cunt >:(
Greetings from South Africa!
Germany would have sent Landsknecht mercenaries to wipe out the abbos.
My apologies for thinking you were Jazzhands on Twitter based on your profile picture.
Rudy isn’t a Jew.
Speaking of, random lovecraft song
Rand prolly stealing y’all stream like a mug full of petrol
it’s a gift, you can’t steal it!
Hello everyone!
Hey man!