Mike and Borz survive America (barely) with some more Helene FUD, watch Trump stack rocks at the Rebbe's grave, talk about why Joe Biden wants to pretend that he talks back to Bibi, preview the groundbreaking new children's book "Philosemitic Baby" and read a very funny article about Jewish exceptionalism that takes them into many historical tangents.

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The Jesse Owens 1936 Olympic thing,, Ernst Zundel put out one of his dissident voices shows That touched heavily on the 1936 Olympics. The Germans produced a nice glossy magazine, and it showed a picture of Jesse Owens and some German athlete. He had befriended. It also referred positively to Owens and his skills and speed.
Zundel episode on 1936 Olympics https://odysee.com/@magiclamps:6/b-Adolf-Hitler—Artist,-Architect—Designer—Part-3-of-3-(Ernst-Z%C3%BCndel-1983):7
This idea that Nazis somehow had a blind hate for blacks is completely ridiculous. They just recognize that each people should belong to their respective land. Of course they would acknowledge positive qualities in each other.
Your comments about Jews and Trump in 2020 explains both the boldness of the election theft and Donald Trump’s willingness to stand down. It also explains the obvious fact that Benjamin Netanyahu knew he was not going to stay in office.
Indian guy walking around town “I’m such a brownpilled brahminmaxxer”
Thank you for addressing a certain aspect on this.
You just need to tune down your aspect ratio brother.
Tommy often seems slighty chemically over-stimulated when he streams
shrapnel was named after a fragmentation shell invented by an artillery officer named Shrapnel
Doug Dimmadome’s Dimsdale dimmadome dhimmitude
Epic show title
I have to say that the Chad meme is funny because every guy I ever knew named Chad was a complete Soyjack.
If we, paychads.. Pay $10 more a month could we get a substantially more proficient media player?
You want Sven to go Svenjeet mode ? good luck
Yes. Cyrus is mentioned in the Old Testament as the Messiah. It’s funny that Christians basically worship Jews and the Jewish state of Israel when Jews consider Jesus to be a complete fraud.
Regarding the intro music. I’m a guitarist. I have immense respect for Morrakiu and think that ‘Out Where The Rat Kikes Are’ is one of the best things I’ve ever heard. Morrakiu does brilliant art with cover songs written by someone else.
Sven, however, writes and records original music. He plays all that guitar you hear. That latest song is absolutely big league and could be a release on a major label. I can only hope that both Morrakiu and Sven keep doing their thing.
They are the most creative people in this sphere. I see nothing even coming close to as funny and engaging content from any other aspect of the online “right”.
It is funny that you said to avoid chabad lubavitch because last week I confronted a couple about their beliefs. They were stunned. There is not point in not taking the fight for them. As Hitler once said: “For whosoever undergoes the struggle against Judah initiates a struggle for life or death!” There is no point in not taking the fight to the Jews head on. That is not to say that we should risk everything for one argument, but we cannot act as those we criticize for inaction. At the end of the day our goal must be to… Read more »
I was raised in a family filled with public school teachers and educators in the Midwest. There was definitely programs, paid for by both NGO’s and the government, to bring teachers to Europe for Holocaust education, and to Israel for some reason as well. But it’s a thing, teachers to get a free European vacation by going to a few days of Holocaust camp. It’s often a general WW2 tour.
“Raised by educators”. There ‘were’ definitely programs.
I watch Alexander and his daily show often. One show that sticks out to me was one he did last year. He said 70AD was the most historic date to him, and that date is the reason why we live in the world we do today… if you know history, you know why
Wow I still caught you guys! Love 4 hour P&B
“They totally would invade/enslave us if they could”=counterfactual nationalism
Even if true (it isn’t), that is a bridge we can cross when we actually get to it. One problem at a time.
These people think we shouldn’t fight to get the Jewish boot off our neck because it might be replaced with a hypothetical Islamic boot at some unspecified point in time in the future. Or, they think we are stupid enough to be distracted by that hypothetical.
Historically Muslims without Jewish finance are largely weak and ineffectual. Iran being a major exception (in fact its mostly dependent upon China and Russia for military assistance). Muslims could never have conquered Spain or other parts of Europe historically without help from subversive Jews within the host country.
I got it
P&B Tuesday’s. Lets goooo!
If Jazz ever comes back they can have PB&J
I wish jazz would come back. :/
Unpopular take: I want Jazz back for Jazz and Jesse takes live calls
Great take. lol
dear mike, the biologist and starter of the semiotic (biosignal) science and a baltogerman noble, uexkull, is partly the origin point for the argument that nazis refer to the jews as a parasite race, before julius streicher.
i dont remember wether it really was like that frankly, nonetheless.
i thought you might find that interesting.
Just here to say I am surprised to learn that someone else here has read uexkull. That is all o/
Try “Decline and Fall of the Sasanian Empire” by P Pourshariati.
“Jewish kids need more protections”
“Jews have the strongest protections ever in history here in America”
Erm… Jews you are really edging super close to the line these days.
I’m genuinely missed off that Jews being afraid of getting sucker punched is top priority for the government when white people are killed everyday by brown and blacks. Whites are afraid. We can’t go into any major city without putting our life on the line
Hewitt was also a frequent fill in host for Rush Limbaugh
Nigga said “scarytale”
Yeah, dammit. My ears really wanted to hear “Fairy tale”
I dunno Mike, it seems like you’re really reaching to say Lazar Berman is Jewish. I think this needs to be fact checked.
P-n-B has been fantastic lately.
I took the demise of S&M pretty hard; that show was pivotal in shaping my understanding of the JQ. But Peinovich and Boskovich has been really solid lately.
That Justice Report expose on Salonius is incredible and the level of worldview confirmation is off the charts. The evidence continues to pile up for why Antifa’s been so quiet since October 7th—the mobilizers and agitators are all jewish.
Every jew from Chuck Schumer to Bill Maher is a Salonius. Our faith is foolish fakery, but theirs is sacrosanct proof of their indigeneity. When they turn our cities brown it’s “beautiful”, but they will ship Arabs from their cities to Brazil if necessary. If there ever was a perfect microcosm for how jewish supremacy works, Salonius is it.
Remember the end of Schindler’s List when the old kikes were putting little rocks on Schindler’s grave
Sven’s best tune imo and he’s made many good ones
He sounds more inspired than he has in a while. I think he found his muse again.