I’ve listened to every show for 8 years. I don’t participate in any kind of community that talks about the show whatsoever and I have no idea what the criticisms are except what you choose to mention on the show but the casual hatred of poor white people is starting to get to me. If you really hate when the “yokel” whites do what they’ve always done in the town you just moved to, then go back to Jew York City. If you want to defend white people for what they actually are instead of what you want them to… Read more »
Last edited 5 months ago by Ignatius
October 6, 2024 3:19 pm
Prep 7 minutes hard, the show two hours even. to the second. That’s what I pay for
October 6, 2024 11:09 am
It’s not uncommon for restaurants to substitute meat ingredients when they’re out. I worked in a 3 star that did it from time to time.
Seems that we have been longhoused into the short prep.
October 4, 2024 1:09 pm
No prep is triggering. I immediately assume Sven is on vacation- which means a week of shows with no one to wrangle things into any kind of order.
Verr Klemptis
October 4, 2024 12:33 pm
Woke: No one at the post office because town is practically empty and feds refuse to hire staff.
Bespoke: Post office closed most of the time because of drug addicts are trying to stay warm in the building. Oh, and the trash bins are boarded up, because fuck you.
Last edited 5 months ago by Verr Klemptis
Verr Klemptis
October 4, 2024 12:26 pm
burger patty cheese steak is certainly a sign of the times. I’ve seen it. But we got some nigger “philly cheese steak” truck that sucks no matter what. Blacks and beef patties bro.
October 4, 2024 12:24 pm
I had something like that happen on the Garden State Parkway. There was one guy working the toll booth, and he was on break. I had to get out of the car, run over to the little shack, and bang on the door so he could take my 0.75 zogbucks. He was not amused. A lot of them don’t even have manned booths anymore.
October 4, 2024 12:17 pm
I’d love to see a supercut of sven starting when he moved there and giving the highlights into his descent into hatred of backwater nowhere places.
October 4, 2024 12:14 pm
Sven, nowadays you don’t merely complain about the fraudulent cheesesteak; you were supposed to make a TikTok video in situ
It was theatre of the mind TikTok (we didn’t actually SEE the sangwich)
October 4, 2024 11:39 am
As someone familiar with the trucking industry, I have to agree with Mike that that prefab house was probably going to a lot that it is being built on. That being said though, there is absolutely no way that was not a super load on that road. They absolutely should have had a state police escorts in addition to the pilot cars exactly the reason that it’s been encountered
I’ve listened to every show for 8 years. I don’t participate in any kind of community that talks about the show whatsoever and I have no idea what the criticisms are except what you choose to mention on the show but the casual hatred of poor white people is starting to get to me. If you really hate when the “yokel” whites do what they’ve always done in the town you just moved to, then go back to Jew York City. If you want to defend white people for what they actually are instead of what you want them to… Read more »
Prep 7 minutes hard, the show two hours even. to the second. That’s what I pay for
It’s not uncommon for restaurants to substitute meat ingredients when they’re out. I worked in a 3 star that did it from time to time.
i don’t feel so good prep bros
I love long prep.
Seems that we have been longhoused into the short prep.
No prep is triggering. I immediately assume Sven is on vacation- which means a week of shows with no one to wrangle things into any kind of order.
Woke: No one at the post office because town is practically empty and feds refuse to hire staff.
Bespoke: Post office closed most of the time because of drug addicts are trying to stay warm in the building. Oh, and the trash bins are boarded up, because fuck you.
burger patty cheese steak is certainly a sign of the times. I’ve seen it. But we got some nigger “philly cheese steak” truck that sucks no matter what. Blacks and beef patties bro.
I had something like that happen on the Garden State Parkway. There was one guy working the toll booth, and he was on break. I had to get out of the car, run over to the little shack, and bang on the door so he could take my 0.75 zogbucks. He was not amused. A lot of them don’t even have manned booths anymore.
I’d love to see a supercut of sven starting when he moved there and giving the highlights into his descent into hatred of backwater nowhere places.
Sven, nowadays you don’t merely complain about the fraudulent cheesesteak; you were supposed to make a TikTok video in situ
i just gave you the tik tok
It was theatre of the mind TikTok (we didn’t actually SEE the sangwich)
As someone familiar with the trucking industry, I have to agree with Mike that that prefab house was probably going to a lot that it is being built on. That being said though, there is absolutely no way that was not a super load on that road. They absolutely should have had a state police escorts in addition to the pilot cars exactly the reason that it’s been encountered
State police escorts? If that’s the case they are breaking the law all the time – I’ve almost never seen a police escort.
That’s probably some bumpkin from Greeley who bought a double wide trailer lol
I guestimate short prep will last all of one day before growing past 20 minutes…
Good morning
So is Alex up to speed or are street and creek shitters still tag teaming him?
Lol I never thought rightoids would be on the same level as pajeets. “Street and Creek shitters”, oh how you have fallen 🤣🤣🤣