The Death Panel don't need a manual.

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PO Box 867
Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
Shaffir is an interesting case. He’s more of a subversive jew than a libtard shill jew. He got started with bits like “The Amazing Racist” where he would pick up beaners atHome Depot anddrive them to Immigration and Customs as a joke. Mostly he’s just a degenerate who flashes his dick to stadiums and hires prostitutes in southeast asia.
Youalso mentioned Roseanne Barr so I want to bring up the Norm Macdonald quote “Roseanne Barr is a single issue voter and that issue is Israel.”
I really miss Norm
I am so disappointed in you, Mike. You have presented yourself to the public in a shirt with out a collar. My entire world view has come crashing down around me! I suppose next, we will be seeing you wearing a “wife beater”, Mcnabb style! “WHAT IS GOING ON”
Those of us from South Jersey never understood the hate New Jersey gets until we ventured into North Jersey. Then it all made sense. I need North Jersey made into Western New York because it’s such a shit show compared to South Jersey where I grew up
Invader Zim? Sven hat back on. I like that dark but fun 00s atmosphere it represents. I got my woman that exact shirt this past weekend. The show wasn’t always that great but had some extremely funny moments.
The butt on Mars episode was a full on core workout from laughing so hard for me as a kid haha
I had to look that one up since you mentioned it lol. Idk if I had seen that episode but after rewatching a bit I realized this show funnier than I remember. Personally I found it really hard not to burst out laughing during the episode where Gir took control of the house computer. The voice acting is so wild and over the top.
Great find. Book and movie it seems. Gotta watch it. I think the title is “The city without Jews” though.
Where can I find that shirt?
LOL I’d like to know the same thing.
Senator Girls Name 😂
I always smelled a Jewish rat in that the whole Edison vs. Tesla thing. Thanks for confirming!
So Kamala supporters and libtards are community minded and emotionally mature huh? Not sure WHERE the FUCK you got that idea!!!! I live in an anti white,nigger loving,neoliberal hellhole of vote blue no matter who self righteous douchebags and uppity whores who think she’s the greatest thing ever!!! I will agree yes there are some individualist MAGA supporters/Patriotards who do hate community and might not be emotionally mature but at least where I am I have not seen what you’re talking about with Kamala supporters. To the contrary many of them are totally self absorbed and will vote for her… Read more »
I remember my first episode of TDS. Look up “kidding on the square” and have yourself a nice long think.
Ain’t never had a libtard roll coal on me before.
They’re environmentally responsible I’ll give you that. I was talking more in terms of day to day interactions with them. Calling them emotionally mature is a bit of a stretch because they will bitch at me about my “white privilege” or “male privilege” and will never listen to logic or arguments and just walk away. I’ve even tried explaining to them I support Palestine for the same reasons you guys do that it harms Israel yet their nigger brains still will still piss and moan about “anti semitism”. That said however there are SOME right toid/MAGA types who although they… Read more »
You told libtards you support Palestine because they hurt Israel?
Boy why would you say a dumb thing like that?
Because you support the same position and had said that libtards would be easier to redpill on this than conservatives and that right toids are hopelessly dumb and are going to be pro Israel no matter what but libtards who are pro Palestine also hate Israel and so it’d be easier to get them on our side. At least I thought that was the point you guys made a few months back.
Somebody’s feeling seen.
You know how two things can be true at once, I can understand how Trump can eat a bag of dicks and admitting it and moving on without figuratively rimming the people who hate us. On one hand at least they are honest about their actions and I respect that to a point, but I know they are the enemy. I am not going to hate my family, friends and neighbors because they have been fed garbage and yes are stubborn and annoying. It’s not about being seen it’s just hard to reconcile and when someone just asks a question… Read more »
I feel the same. My dad is an old school racist, and he agrees with me about jews and the holocaust, but he keeps getting sucked back into maga shit. It’s disappointing, but he’s still my dad. He’s basically the guy who taught me to be proud of being a German.
David Gilmour is top 5
>Green and Purple are usually the villain colors
Thanks Doc…
You son of a bitch
While I agree with Jesse that Trump sign households are petty types, the “community-minded liberals” love high-crime communities of color (services delivered thru means-tested govt funding) and fund-raise almost exclusively to give black kids backpacks, coats, and scholarships while community standards decline. So I see the “fuck yous” going both ways.
It kind of annoys me that we aren’t just shitting on both sides here. Both sides are the enemy. That’s why we chose a third position.
Back in the early 80s you’d see bumper stickers on pickup trucks in Willis (the hillbilly side of Floyd) that said SPLIT WOOD NOT ATOMS. Worrying about one’s carbon footprint wasn’t really a big thing then. And as late as the mid 90s if you were at a field party in Check (the hippie side) you’d eventually hear somebody yell “KILL NIGGER BABIES”
Holy shit I grew up in Check.
All the pretty girls came from the Check side of the county. Whatever else you can say about the trustafarians, they gave the gene pool a shot in the arm.
I don’t want Trump because I get it—he’s fooled us enough, and I’m not falling for it again. But Kamala won’t wake anyone up either. People have gotten too good at ignoring or denying the truth, even when they know we’re right. They don’t want to face what’s painful. The only real way forward is for the generation of lies to fade away, and in the meantime, we’ve got to keep up the pressure and keep pushing the truth. It’s very frustrating they are like what Hitler said about Jews you can convince them today and tomorrow they act like… Read more »
“Evil is evil, Stregobor. Lesser, greater, middling, it’s all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I’m not a pious hermit, I haven’t done only good in my life. But if I’m to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all” Geralt
It’s harder and harder, no irony lost, I despise them too, at whatever the cost. For daring to speak, I’m burned with their brands, Sure to be called a fag, a Jew—attacked by the crew. F off, they say, it’s the usual cue, But I’ve heard this same song—old, bitter, and skewed. Analysis plays like a worn-out refrain, Learn to take yes for an answer, but here comes the pain. Ten years in this sphere, not new to the fight, Once it was edgy, it shone in the light. But 5,000 times? The thrill fades away, Not from my priors,… Read more »
Who could have predicted from the show notes that “The Floyd Prophecy” was not, in fact, about Saint George, but rather hippies and Jews moving to the mountains to escape asteroids?
btw, I think the 2% number is a lie. Or maybe Jews in America are just so off-putting and alien that they stick out everywhere they go. Their tiny presence is felt like a swarm of flies.
Alice Walker was friends with David Icke
Yeah but then they run culture in White countries and everything is niggershit Hip-hop, R&B, fag drag crap and marvel movies.
Jews can do whatever they want because look at this black and white photo of a guy holding a box of “wedding rings”. Don’t ask if those are actually rings or wonder if all of those puppy eyed Jews wearing shitty Hamburglar cosplays that you saw in that one episode of Band of Brothers were partisans and Bolshevik terrorists.
It’s this self pity while committing the most stomach churning atrocities is why Israel and by extension Jews are so uniquely evil and evoke this almost primal hatred among gentiles.
They have Harris Walz sign up here in the richer neighborhoods. The sign says “Harris/Walz: Obviously”
For a few years I was a low agency money order paycuck and I went to the post office to get some stamps and they gave me a sleeve of Marvin Gaye stamps. I used them to renew my TRS sub. I hope the envelope opener got a chuckle out of it.
i almost forgot about desmond is amazing’s existence, thanks for the reminder sven
A goy that becomes wealthy has been taught his entire life by Jewish cultural narratives that his ‘Whiteness’ is something that he should feel guilty about and that using his wealth to promote White interests is the ultimate evil. In fact, the economic system is set up to reward the rich goy when he acts against White interests.
The Jew, on the other hand, has been taught from birth that his Jewishness is the most important part of his identity and that using his wealth to advance Jewish interests is of the highest virtue.
This right here
I want a Hezbollah shirt. That’s groovy. All I see is shirts saying “Fuck Hezbollah “ and the like. I got a red triangle shirt a while back from England.
I can link one… One sec…
Awesome friend, thanks a bunch. Let’s see how fast I can get beat up at Home Depot. I’ll lurk in the grill section. Boomers are attracted by their scent. Thanks again.
Ps – if you ever run across a glow stick rave Hitler shirt my life would be complete.
What’s that look like? Have an image link?
that gaynigger wants to get porn out of school so he can keep it all for himself
“To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ and appreciation for culture to appreciate gay men having sex with other peoples’ poop…” -kikes, unironically
The Color Purple apparently opens with the negress main character getting raped by her dad, which was also a plot point in “Push,” the book that became the film “Precious.”
Makes me wonder how common that is in the nigger community.
What happens when a nigger girl turns 14 and is still a virgin?
Shes stronger than her little brother, faster than her older brother, and her father is still in jail.
The answer to Sven’s problem is that copyright isn’t a real thing.
I literally saw the EndWokeness tweet about this, checked the comments here, and THERE IT IS
Sorry, you said the magic words (“king of Israel”) so I must shill
A problem I’ve run into living in this south is that everyone has one fairly conservative/moderate type jewish acquaintance and they always use that as an example of how it’s not all jews or that it’s not jews acting as a collective
I’m from Utica, and I’ve never met one. It must be more of an Albany thing.
The ”They’re eating the dogs,they’re eating the cats” song is produced by a South African electronic music artist called The Kiffness whose real name is David Scott. A Palestinian who I follow on X (Twitter) asked me to retweet his pinned tweet because his account had been banned after being mass reported by Zionists. He also wanted help for a child who is suffering from convulsions. I told him that I am in South Africa and can’t send him money. I also told him not to let the Zionists get him down. Admittedly, I don’t know how to retweet.
As far as how niggers could afford the gear to make their shity beats, the story I always heard was after the NYC blackouts of 77 they stole a bunch of it.
Don’t know how true that is, but it checks out.
I am in vt and I notice more brown and black men just hanging around midday, downtown. We are starting to see shootouts in Burlington because of blacks. I’m afraid gun control is coming because they won’t confront the real problem. 95 percent white is not white enough.
The original of Dazed and Confused was by a guy named Jake Holmes, a White singer/songwriter folk rock guy.
Stevie Ray Vaugh > Jimmy Nigger Hendrix
Definitely, SRV was awesome. And his version of Little Wing is superior to Jimi’s
Still listen to 90s rap at times. Is what it is
The only culture the Jews have they attained by infiltrating and imitating other people’s culture.
The undertaker confirmed for a wigger during his early 90s (black and purple ring gear) run.
I’d like you to stop posting on this website, please.
that underscore fag has had his username uttered by everyone’s favorite celebrity Uncle aka Sven. He’s not gonna stop! It’s time to bring about the age of TRS paychat BANS.
*but he didn’t stop posting on that website*
He makes judaism out to be just a quirky religion the same as Catholicism or any other. While sharing similarities with other religions it’s more specifically an ancient mystery cult that enables infiltration and domination of non jewish societies. When orthodox jews rebel from their roots they usually spread toxicity on to Gentile societies that allow them to.
You don’t think counter signaling every fucking show makes you look dumb? 🧐
“Please stop explaining things to me I already know.”
Well you talk exactly like someone who either doesn’t know, or who does know but is deliberately trying to subvert the message.
Try posting less and lurking more, and if you aren’t here to subvert, try internalizing the TRS message rather than merely “know” it.
“Oy Vey, you’re not being antisemitic the right way! Stop assuming we…uh I mean…they’re all subversive and hostile in everything they do. It makes you look bad ok????”
Eat shit
My mom is all caught up on DONALD TRUMP SAID HE HATES TAYLOR SWIFT, HOW DARE HE! Also she’s mad Patrick Mahomes’ wife supports Trump. She’s also all ABORTION RABBLE RABBLE and she only cares about abortion because MEN AND THEIR DICK PILLS INSURANCE PAYS FOR THAT’S NOT RIGHT! Normalfags are weird.
When a woman is obsessed with abortion, it’s creepy as fuck. And when you tell them it’s creepy it kinda fucks with their head.
Brain-rot bitches.
Mike… Tower Hamlets these days is 70% paki, 20% childless libtard whites and 10% alcoholic seventy year old whites waiting to die. It is a truly awful place with the only redeeming quality of being very close to the city… in fact, Tower Hamlets made me a nazi.
I got a DWI in 1975 in DC. It was the standard walk the line test. In fact, never received any more communications after I showed the ticket to a cop who worked the beat where the nightclub I worked at was located. He looked at it, said I know him, I’ll talk to him and took my ticket. That straight line was so straight. The concrete was pushed up and slanted towards the curb. That was caused by the tree root. Anyway I pointed that out and he asked, do you want to take it over. I replied, that… Read more »
Did the cop give you back your stash of reds before you drove back to the Victorian home you bought for $13k ?
Thought I was the oldest fart here, I didn’t get my license until 1976
The truth is on the plate. People will eat bratwurst from Germany, croissants from France, and lasagna from Italy, but you will never hear a family and their kids say “let’s go out for Jewish tonight!”
Most normal people don’t like eating child penis.
The more mcnabb talks the more I fast forward.
Austin TX had a lot of the Jew hippy type too. not really the South though but who is worse? the disgusting Jew, or the disgusting Christians that worship that Jew as gods “chosen” people? Texas sucks
Man, I can go on a long ass rant about Texas.
I’ve known some gregarious fat black mammy types, they were all older though, so either there’s some age where if black women live past, they learn to be social, or past conditions were able to create some black women with the gift for gab but those conditions are gone.
“Jewish Farmer Max Yasgur Made the Woodstock Festival Possible”
“The four Jews who organized the Woodstock Festival, Michael Lang, Artie Kornfeld, John Roberts, and Joel Rosenman”
Completely kiked festival
Heil Hezbollah! Death to Israel!
From every river to every sea
All these gun ads with bearded fat tough guys really speak to me. I’m going to join the army and fight for Israel. Gobbless
“Is this the Army recruitment office?”
Sure is, son.
“Good, i need to recruit an Army to destroy Israel.”