Mike and Louis do a map check and update you on the latest war news from the most important political and military conflict, that is directly relevant to the lives of hundreds of millions of White people all over the world.
by Mike P
Mike and Louis do a map check and update you on the latest war news from the most important political and military conflict, that is directly relevant to the lives of hundreds of millions of White people all over the world.
Late to the party but I’m working and wanted to hear some more about Hezbollah. Louis is a refreshing voice, thanks goyim, cheers!
Mike checking in on Louis is the best!
Excellent show. Louis is a good replacement for Striker. Well done. BTW, I didn’t catch the link his podcast. Which was it?
I like how Mike and Louis are careful to get an accurate picture and not simply cope.
Ryan McBeth codes as every Northern VA system enjoying DOD employee.
You know, I rather just be a race traitor and date a girl from china, then a girl from a Palestinian protest. I’d rather put a ring on on a Chinese girl then date someone 1/2 jewish, or a complete Libertad drug addict, or a tranny from the Palestinian protest.
Not to be mean, I don’t why you’re saying this nonsense, but this is the most dishonest narrative being made by TRS.
Besides us, the only people to only show up at these places are 100% libtarded.
weird way to say you have yellow fever.
Interesting how in American WN, libtard bullshit is considered an irreconcilable red line, but conservative bullshit is coddled like a cat about to be eaten.
Despite both sides being thoroughly anti-White, notice how WNs keep groveling and attaching themselves only to one side. More evidence that American WN has never been anything more than fossilized conservatism.
WNs on conservatards: “OMG, they’re eating the cats! We can use this to redpill so many people! Oh, and check out this based jew to bring on the show!”
What makes you think a conservative is any better?
0 days since a WN has admitted to being a rice burner or obsessed with latinas.
Happas and latinas, hap, hap, hap, happas and latinas.
the asians were the hardest part
Not every libtard woman is beyond saving. Most have only known (usually abusive and very degenerate) low T libtard men. Show them a kind, compassionate and intelligent man who’s a strong provider and they’ll practically be begging to become a trad wife.
I’ve seen it happen several times.
This doesn’t make sense. By “provider” you mean money, yet these “low T libtard men” have money. So can we be more specific here? You’re not talking about financial providers, you are talking about positive traits like the ones you mentioned as well as strength, loyalty and reliability. American white nationalists, particularly those without a family, do not understand the first thing about being a good father or husband or any kind of reliable pro social member of a real society. Women are not gold diggers. They just want a man who will not spend his monthly pay on binge… Read more »
Reactionary conservatism appears to still permeate in WN brains.
Being a provider is more than just fiscal. As you said, you have to be a good father and husband. WNs tend to have these qualities much more then conservatards and many liberals (at least in my circles. YMMV)
remember when yellow fever niggas would just say honorary and post pictures of japs in ss uniforms before moving to Kyoto and leaving the WN movement alone.
i miss that time.
The idea that you cannot change them is radically wrong. Mike admits to being a libtard, I was as well before having some events happen that led me to TRS and radically transformed my opinions so that they are in line with TDS today. You can DEFINITELY change them.
oh man. “You Gentiles” is on the book club list. I flew through it in a few days. Like a brick to the face.
Yakubian trick-nology.
Comment for the algorithm.
“I’ll leave that to you, the listener, to go and find out.”
Holy shit guys Moike broke the fourth wall
Nigga really just said strategic spaghetti drips 💀
Today it’s Lebonise with pagers going off and then exploding, tomorrow it’s Whites with smoke alarm low battery beep bombs
Smoke alarms > black people *chirp* boom
Has there been an explanation for how the pagers were triggered? I think back to that Seymour Hersch article on the Nordstream explosion claiming that the bomb was rigged to respond to an extremely unique signal to avoid going off due to background noise. and just waiting there until the explosion was wanted. Different things blowing up on different days with different signals. Maybe I’m just falling for Telegram FUD on US communication planes in the area for each event.
Iran’s getting a lot of new equipment and training (and probably personnel) from Russia. They’re probably feeling through their new options right now.
Just noticed Stew Peters is promoting holocaustencyclopedia.com now. 👍🏻
Stew peters has been interesting to follow. I can’t say I expected him to be touching these subjects. I support anyone criticizing the holocaust.
>The pagers exploded at 3:30.
It’s clearly the Masons guys, I bet Israel had nothing to do with this.
Erm actually the Masons use 24 hour time so it was 15:30.
Therefore Benzema was the one behind it.
The beeping guys tend to stay in this corner.