The Death Panel rename and rebrand.

RSS Feed
- Pax Hillaryia
- People Just Shoot At Trump, Bro
- Office Space
- Eating Cats
- Obliterated Serial Numbers
- Just Let Blacks Do Crime
- We Can't Pick Our Off White Knights
- We Forgive You, Haiti
- (Now Go The Fuck Home)
PO Box 867
Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
Nigga i ain’t clicking that shit
Talking about the difference in the twin towers falling or not, Larry Silverstein got two large insurance payouts after 9/11. Maybe he would have received them even if the towers hadn’t collapsed but then he’d be on the hook for the demolition or repair/rennovation himself. Without a collapse we still would have gotten the GWOT. We’ll never know if the juice was worth the squeeze to go the extra mile. What we do know for certain is that Mossad’s moving van tested positive for explosives.
rightoidfatigue is real. I am with you Sven.
Rightoidfatiguefatigue is real. I’m not even sure why we focus on it anymore. They’re a joke and a distraction.
Royal Caribbean built a resort stop for its cruise ships on the north side of Haiti. You are literally not allowed to leave the resort and go into Haiti itself. And of course why would you want to?
The collapses killed like 2600 people in New York. If it were a few hours later and the buildings were completely full of people, it would have been tens of thousands dead.
WW3 would have to be started by a state free of Jewish power. WW3 would ultimately be the end of Jewish power; because it would be the world challenging Zog.
Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop – Audiobook –
I listened to this while I was cooling down for a few days.
We drove around Springfield on Sunday for about 2 hours (5pm to 7pm). We went all over, down side streets, north side south, east, west sides and not a sign of Hatians. (Maybe a couple of the niggers wearing striped polos with plaid shorts were Hatians but they were by themselves.)We saw 4 cats running around the south end. Don’t get me wrong, my old hometown looks like shit but we didn’t see any Hatians. Maybe the Republicans already adopted them to hide them away from those evil Democrats trying to gibs them handouts. Maybe they found some kike tunnels… Read more »
They set up a Potemkin Haiti for visitors
I’m scrutinizing the reflection of Mike’s computer screen for tentacle holocaust denial
What exactly is this guys problem. I missed it
Re. Tyreek hill: A standard reflex among humans in response to mass hooplah over a black who escalates a police encounter to the point of provoking physical restraint is to rebut that if only he had done X or not done Y there’d have been no problem. It derives from the mistaken inference from the hooplah that those participating in it are objecting to the use of force and don’t understand why it was applied, a la “these nogs are so dumb they don’t understand how their actions provoked the police to use force.” In fact the provocation is a… Read more »
we should all do our part and call out the cultural appropriation of cat eating
alternatively, we can minimize the taboo of eating cats to make our Vietmese-Americans feel more welcome
sven giving up racism to own the rightoids kek
I felt slightly responsible and seen when he said that, and I approve.
Newsweek reported the secret service was a hole ahead and shot at Routh while trump was at the previous hole.
Trump had stadiums full of White people doing political chants. It freaked the Jews out.
That’s why you have the hyper-liberal over reaction.
You can’t rebrand right now. I just told a Mexican buddy of mine about the Shoah he went crossed eyed and said, the Daily Show, Nazi? I clarified and he died laughing so I expect an influx of one brownish person in the audience. Don’t duck this up
If Sven changed the opening music to German polka that alone would draw half the mestinx population of the US.
I unironically care more about cats than 90% of people. My avatar is an exactly just for funsies
Double-privileged, eh?
I lived in a double-privileged subdivision once.
It had 2 boat launches.
Birds are dumb. Geese are birds. Geese are dumb.
An impeccable syllogism sar
I think people would be far too comfortable right now if Trump hadn’t been elected.
Do we want people to be comfortable though?
Gas would still be expensive under Hillary because the Ukraine policy has been pursued since at least 2008.
The biggest difference with no Trump is we would be competing with the Jeb! conservative ecosystem instead of the MAGA ecosystem. It would be a massive improvement because people would still be absolutely fed up with American liberalism. I’m sure the Alex Jones et al sphere would still exist, but I don’t think they would have the mainstream right wing support they got with Trump.
Seriously great show today. I know it’s hard to do 3 shows a week but still make some of them good like this.
It would be far more convincing to just say that you are here for war tourism and to kill people, than to make up some weak bullshit argument about good vs evil.
If I’m ever forced into a warzone I would hope to have a clear idea on why I’m here in the first place.
Spiritual boomers think (((movies))) are real
the educated black man is a disgruntled nazi, he knows that immigrants commit less crime than natives just like matthew crooks
This is still the undefeated champion of Negro Felon League names.
Sven should realize Rand is just very concerned about the Haitian eating cats rumor because he himself is a black cat. A nigger cat even.
Save the cats!
Cat Lives Matter
Rand has wet brain.
On the subject of bar fights. Lister : It’s ironic when deep down, you’re such a basic natural coward. Rimmer : Coward? Lister : Planet leave, Miranda? That space-bar, the Hacienda? remember that? When that fight started up, Rimmer, you were out of that door quicker than a whippet with a bum full of dynamite. Rimmer : That was a bar-room brawl. That was a common pub fight, a shambolic, drunken set-to. Lister : Which YOU Started. Rimmer : I just made an innocuous comment. I merely voiced the rumour that McWilliams was sexually tilted in favour of sleeping with… Read more »
The YouTube Stealth Camping suggestion was hilarious Mike! 👍A+
Why does it even need to be stealth? Homeless people do it openly in the city
Recently, I replied to a libtard who said that she had South African friends, and that they did not consider Elon Musk to be South African. I said that Elon was born in South Africa but was not South African South African. The libtard thought I was agreeing with her, but she didn’t understand what I meant. I meant that even though Elon was born in South Africa, only his father was South African. His mother is Canadian. In order to be fully South African, both of your parents have to have been born in South Africa. Recently, a Miss… Read more »
Wiring a building for demolition isn’t something you could do without people noticing. It’s a huge operation.
Also the planes hitting the building would disrupt the wiring, potentially making it not work.
You get the same result if you simply turn the building fire-suppression systems off.
An unattended fire is going to collapse a building. The steel doesn’t have to melt, it simply weakens.
Moreover the WTC wasn’t s traditional steel girder skyscraper; every floor was hung between the core and the outer wall, on bolts. When those bolts gave way, the floors pancaked one on top of the other.
I suspect the point was that people did notice and you simply weren’t aware of them. People contradicting the official narrative were brushed off, even people with credentials. Edit: I’m not saying I fully agree it was rigged, but I’m not completely closed to that possibility. The only thing that strikes me in particular is that if they were able to rig it, then they would have had to be 100% sure the planes were going to hit, otherwise they would’ve been tasked with secretly dismantling the explosives as well. Or they would have to explain why planes were hijacked… Read more »
I’m aware of a lot of things people did notice, which the MSM won’t talk about, like the dancing Israelis etc. Focus on that, things you can prove, not on unfalsifiable “things that might have happened according to this bullshit theory which I will force everyone to argue over for the next 20 years such that the real provable points are drowned out.”
We don’t GAF who was responsible for 9/11. The interesting part isn’t whether it was a MIHOP or LIHOP; the interesting part is what it happening allowed jews to do afterwards in response.
I don’t think a gun would fit in most front pants pockets
I love reading the old pulps and golden age mystery novels where every chap just casually slips a revolver “into my pants pocket” before going out to dinner or the theatre
Depends on what kind? Rifle no. Keltec p32 pistols? Easily!
P-365 subcompact.
Nice 9mm firearm but the Keltec p32 is still smaller. I can slide it in my front pocket in jeans easily and it can not be visible.
I bet certain conservative talking point think tankers show up here and just seethe because I’ve been taught a bunch of new and exciting arguments to ruin thanksgiving with instead of cat related news items.
You didn’t do the teachers Reddit content that you were “saving for the show”
A suggestion for Halloween when dressing as a monster: just wear a kippah… 😆
ryan routh is as much a cia asset as thomas “immigrants do less crime than white people” crooks is a nazi
Between the cat stuff and the Trump shooting I need to take another several week break from twitter.
herr gunther is dissapointed in his arischen krieger
Hi. I don’t like Jews very much
But they’re so funny!
Jews? What’s that? I seem to remember hearing about them once, a long time ago.
Alex, Rough is not a boomer. He’s 2 years short at 58 which makes him Gen X! Just because they look older than you doesn’t mean they’re boomers. Boomers 1946-1964
I’m about his age, born 1966. In about 1980 I became aware I was something called an “Xer” as the media was full of nothing but nauseating Boomer posting — 1980 was about when the older Boomers were hitting middle age and were congratulating themselves on how they had “changed the county” with civil rights, anti-Vietnam War, hippies, Woodstock, etc.
Time for some judicial notificing lolcows
Congratulashions Saar you have earned 1 upcummy!
To be fair, he’s just America incarnate. People talk about “reaching the normies,” unaware that no such thing exists. This is a nation of 350 million schizophrenics, psychopaths and hallucinators. And they increasingly can’t even read their prescription labels. That’s what there is to “reach.”
Haha. Summed up nicely Saar!!! Ticket closed.
Hey Mike. The glass in the picture behind you reflects your computer monitor.
Been telling him that for weeks, he doesn’t care. Maybe tell Jamie
Plot twist: autistic realist IS jamie
better close all those inflation hentai tabs, Mike.
I haven’t spotted tranny porn yet, but I keep looking for it just in case.
Constant accountability comrade.
i definitely wish hillary had won at this point. it’d be funny to go back in time and tell that to my 2016 self
I was afraid Hillary was going to assassinate Assad
That would definitely be the down side to Hillary winning. We would definitely have destroyed all of Syria and maybe even gone to war with Iran already
My 2016 self would have believed future me, but been disappointed all the same. I remember I knew one guy personally that I’d known for years ask me if I supported Trump and he was disappointed I said yes, then he proceeded to rain on my parade by telling me Trump was a jew shill. I should have listened.
I will never wish Hillary or bush on anyone.
Todays subtitle: The death panel gets counterfactual
Hi guys enjoy your lunches
They having kitty cat fajitas.
The Haitians don’t prepare anything. They just set it on fire then gnaw on the head