Borzoi, Shane and Spectre are here to discuss why racist podcasting is better therapy for men, listen to Europeans about what to think about AfD victory in Germany, and react to the nicest jewish boys you'll ever meet.
Alt Titles:
* Einsatzgooning
* Based Ventura: Sped Detective
* Racist Podcasting is Just Therapy for Men
* Svenpai Noticed Us
* Two Nice Shire Boys
* Hava Banana
~Third Rail is a Borzoi/Spectre Joint~
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
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Also that feel when sempai reads my name on the show.
Russian propaganda might be bad but i will remain skeptical to the idea they paid millions to all the retarded Tim, Laura podcasters.
What would be the point in that? They already have the money they need.
The BSW thing in Germany is a party started by Sahra Wagenknecht. The Duran had Michael von der Schulenberg on (from it? although got a feel he’d just been pulled in b/c of his reputation) to talk about it. Maybe it’s my WNism, but it really just feels like an effort to pull votes away from the AfD with an “Anti-Immigration Left” party. Mercouris was depressingly enthused about it (like, “these are the politics I grew up with” …hopefully he’s just leveraging that history). Not that the party has any platform/policy similarities (just don’t know them tbh), but the way… Read more »
Great show guys. I’m “attending therapy” myself right now hah.
The only reason why FTRTTS has been deemed to now be kosher by FB, is because now that the jews are moving on the West Bank, FTRTTS is going to be used a lot by the tribes-members on their FB pages, and you can’t have the chosenites having their accounts reported or suspended.
Dr. Tobias Fünke was the first Analyst and Therapist.
Dr. Fünke – Anal/Rapist
If it’s any comfort, Russia’s shitty propaganda isn’t unique; most BRICS countries are just as lame and stupid. Xinhua’s propaganda is often just reheated, garbled western tropes, like that infamous political cartoon about gun violence in the west featuring ebil White men and zero blacks. The emerging anti-western bloc is extremely naive in taking and repeating western “self” critiques at face value, not realizing that these critiques are jewish attacks on host populations. Remember when Putin wondered in exasperation, “Why would the west just serve up its kids to be abused by migrants?!” a couple years ago? That is some… Read more »
A local non-profit in my town, led by a couple with 2 “trans” kids, is hosting a “men’s group” now. The website indicates that the group’s structure is based on the intellectual vomit of a black woman. I’m sure men will be allowed the “space” to bitch and moan like women, but ultimately, they’ll be told to check their White privilege. Me and the boys are thinking about going just to troll.
Whenever I hear “nice jewish boy/girl” I’m reminded of the Sarah Silverman and Seth Rogen types: jews who cover their genocidal bloodlust with a thin veneer of irreverence. As soon as a goy, Palestinian or otherwise, gets tired of it and fires back, that veneer cracks and suddenly Seth Rogen is stalking and screaming “Are you jewish?!”
The pile of media featuring genocidal bloodlust from “nice jewish boys/girls” continues to grow, yet those ICC warrants are still nowhere to be found. Fuck Netanyahu, by the standards of 1940s-era diaries there’s enough evidence to arrest every jew.
“The real villains of this episode are those who are pointing to the nice jewish boys’ opinions to buttress claims we are all evil genocidal maniacs!”
Translation: “No, don’t treat us as a collective even though we treat you as one!” So it was ok to use anecdotes to condemn an entire race for “White privilege” and call for “abolishing Whiteness,” but it’s no longer ok when the student becomes the master? If “from the river to the sea” is considered violence against a collective then so is “abolish Whiteness.”
I would press the button to kill all the Jews.
Without hesitation. In fact, is there another one?
Is there one that makes sure they feel every agonizing microsecond of their organs shutting down and liquefacting?
The third rail is my 4th favorite grandpa podcast on TRS
Thugs of Moses
Unfortunately, lions can turnout to be neutered cats.
Already best show title ever. About time you lazy niggers did a show.
Check the Luke Ford rating of yr jewish therapist
Jimmy Buffet v tweed patch; “hauntings” of the simulacra
Ah, a Rail day
I can mew and goon at the same time.
Emperor Goon Mew.
Third Rail is back. 😀
Hello everyone!
Thank you for covering Germany, Borzoi. I hope a native speaker can confirm the accuracy of the translations. In any case, we will have to wait and see what Hocke and his faction does with this little taste of power.
I want Europe to be able to succeed without the American millstone so badly
Same with South Africa, I really hope we see a strong anti-American/anti-zionist Afrikaner front emerging as American overseas power disintegrates