Mike and Borz discuss a holocaust historian infight over the efficacy of debating deniers, check out the weirdest thing that happened at the DNC, dig into the Israel/Hamas "ceasefire" negotiations, and investigate the hermeneutics of a gay being suspicious as we laugh at the stammering of Peter Thiel in his Joe Rogan interview.

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“… thank fucking God…”
Mike worships Slaanesh… 🤣
The Jamie love is wholesome 🤍
Prince Hermann of the Cherusci would like a word.
Vege-cases > hedgecases
I thought Biden was stumbling over saying that since the napoleonic era Europe has been looking over its shoulder with dread at Russia until now. Like somehow sending Ukrainians through a meat grinder has assuaged the western fear of the Russian bear. Not that Napoleon put that to rest and now it has reemerged.
Yeah that’s what I heard too, it was a double negative so poorly worded but I wasn’t confused until Mike and Borz started saying it was confusing.
“Not since Napoleon has Europe not looked over it’s shoulder with Russia with dread, until now”
Jackie Kennedy (a jew) shot her husband. A frame from the Zapruter film got spliced out that showed her clearly holding the small silver gun, but it is clearly seen when she hands it off to her private security guard.
Fallout is a problem with nuclear war, in particular ground bursts that kick radioactive ash up into the atmosphere. Read up on the Japanese fishing trawler Lucky Dragon No. 5 that was poisoned by radioactive fallout from one of the Bikini Atoll atomic tests.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki had little lasting radiation poisoning because they were air bursts above the ground which doesn’t create fallout.
Great show. Really enjoyed the quality back and forth Thieltide alogging.
Been a while since you did revisionism.
Thank you.
You niggers were going hot n heavy in like 2021.
It’s so important. My two favorite things they do are revisionism And making fun of black shit like Tariq Nasheed
I was reading a Times article from a year ago on Alex Karp and this little quote raised my eyebrow:
“This is an arms race of a different kind, and it has begun.” It’s our “Oppenheimer moment.” Karp has also said that he is obsessed with his long-time fear that (white people) are going to murder him for his Jewish background.
The atomic bomb’s construction was driven by the zeal of jewish chauvinism for the mass-murder of whites, and now this jew is invoking it for the creation of anti-white artificial intelligence. Incredible.
Thing about ONLY a handfull or less of talented researchers and writers being good info sources for our things, is that it’s easier for their name alone to be slandered in the public eye, and citation of their works to be invalidated
I worked for Fungi Perfecti for a while. That lil weasel, Paul Stamets owns dozens of patents on mushroom strains. They grow and sell all different kinds, but their real intent is to eventually market psilocybin coupled with VR. The experience opens the neural pathways and makes it easier to accept virtual reality as real. This from the mouth of the second in command. No joke. The entire thing is so Jewish.
Thiel sounds like the poppers and Prep are wearing on him.
Hebrew text does look creepy, in an intriguing way. Looks like the script that the Yautja read on their led display wristwatches, but I almost feel that’s too cool a compsrison for the likeness of jews
Let denial flow!!!!
Epstien was a tax genius who had black mail material on government officials and these two things are related
Peter Thiel felt safe meeting with Epstien because he’s a faggot and everybody assumes Epstien only trafficked girls. Sorry Pete we only got girls here.
Joe Rogan would cop out and say don’t take the shrooms before the fight because it’s against UFC rules
I remember the dark days before TRS existed and I used to think Rogan’s podcast was intelligent. 😐
Imagine the only historical record of our period is a q-anon blog listing everyone of note being executed via military courts
Melodramatic faggot after drinking beers.
Self Imposed sleepy time.
Please to be only fucking buffering bloody fuck
For some reason I keep thinking the show starts at 6
Old schedule strike amd mike
4+ hours and counting? Dis gon be gud
Moike’s analysis of the popular (not the elite) support for the war being not so much an interventionist or anti communist sentiment as a reaction to the jewish oppo
Damn, these niggas are still going? Hurry up, so I can hear the whole episode!
Get a hair cut & a real job. Just like your big brother bob.
P&B being pajeeted into hours 1/2 and Hours 3/4 audio files for earlier listening would be perfection.
sir, pls allow me to complete split.exe
RE Thiel whining about NK: There’s a North Korean song that has the most anti-boomer lyric in existence about working hard in the present for descendants to celebrate in the future
What a joke, pretending that mind altering substances can offer legitimate medical treatment. Rogan has been going on about shit like ayahuasca and psilocybin for years, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard him tout the legitimate health benefits of non-psychoactive fungi like lions mane, reishi, turkey tail, etc.
I’m going foraging after the show’s over, specimens for culinary use only, kids.
there are definitely benefits from mushrooms…the ones that aren’t poison and don’t convince your brain you’re dying.
Your original comment was much more interesting.
I know, I put it at the top.
The use of medical weed as a wedge to get weed mass legalized should’ve been a warning, now we see it happening with club drugs.
“Legalize it, I will advertise it” – Bob Marley
Joe Rogan is helping to create a generation of white drug bums. Fuck that guy.
Any sober person can spot a drug user or someone high immediately. The idea that drugs is anything but a crutch is completely retarded. But kikes know that and that’s why they make people take drugs to “stahp being racist”
Generally fuck JRE & drugs.
But I did just watch an episode with this guy who lived off the land in the Artic circle. Glen Villeneuve. Definitely a great episode. And this guy isn’t just some antisocial sperg. He raises an entire family up there.
Did Toe Rogan just say drugs give you better “edge detection”?
I do find that methamphetamine and MDMA enhance my edging experience.
mixed martial arts on mushrooms – brah thats retarded
Joe Organ confounding footnotes agin. Wheat ergot hypothesized by Carl Ruck as Eleusinian eucharist, has now been confirmed by testing residue in ruins of greek colony in spain. Psilocybin needed no proof, pictures of this very common in hellenism
The Chernobyl miniseries depicts a more healthy work environment than modern American office jobs with niggers.
Mike’s new favorite word “intransigent”, heil Mike!!!
Leftists (primarily because of Jews/mulatto midwits) artificially hitch apartheid South Africa stuff to modern day Zionism/israeli actions which is the wrong interpretation on purpose.
The destruction of apartheid (White-ruled) South Africa was largely done by Israel and Jews worldwide (and their proxies). Once Jews didn’t need South Africa anymore, they just threw it in the trash can. Good luck trying to make leftists understand this historical fact.
Republicans are chickenhawks in both senses of the term because they’re gay chomos and cowardly warmongers
We can handle a little earthiness in your humor
The story of him appointing the horse was him doing a flex.
Too many people think the sleazy movie was a true retelling of his life.
It’s more “fucking love history” types who love to promote the whole meme of “truth is stranger then fiction, man.” The consequence of this leads to people believing all of the wacky stories told by crusty old Polish Jews no matter how absurd because “truth is stranger then fiction, man!”.
Watch the reflections on the picture glass
In my experience, people aren’t convinced by the fine technical details of the holocaust but are emotionally blackmailed by the crusty old Jew with a thick accent that are brought to their elementary school to tell them about “the horrors they saw with their own eyes”. For many, telling a holocaust “victim” they’re full of shit is akin to kicking a puppy . It’s like telling a veteran their time in the military doesn’t matter and make them better then everyone else. It’s why I call passing their shit test, “smashing the violin”.
Could someone drop a link to the Mike vs Cockring debate? Thanks!
Thank you, borz
It’s on the website.
First day?
Is there a link to that debate? I’m just a retarded leaf, help a guy out lol
Can’t any of you niggers just search the site? lmao!
Uwe Boll’s Auschwitz is my first date night movie.
Uwe Boll’s Assault on Wall Street could never be made now because it ends with a DEI hedge fund office getting shot up/blown up by a vengeful but justified White man
Jake Shields is a retarded ape who went on an antiwhite rant on Twitter against the Boers because “muh apartheid is still impactful today!!111”
Are you confusing Shields with Sean Strickland?
MFW no Cottage Core Midwestern Holocaust Deep-Diving GF.
H.R. Giggidy
Damn cucked by work calls again. I’ll have to tune in later