Mike and Borz discuss a holocaust historian infight over the efficacy of debating deniers, check out the weirdest thing that happened at the DNC, dig into the Israel/Hamas "ceasefire" negotiations, and investigate the hermeneutics of a gay being suspicious as we laugh at the stammering of Peter Thiel in his Joe Rogan interview.

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I’m with you Borzoi, there’s no reason to introduce more inebriants into the population. It’s interesting what you guys were saying about the double blind experiments. You’re right Mike, this is essential. You don’t have to be a logical positivist to see the advantage of double blind. Thiel’s a retard, and his argument’s completely disingenuous. It’d be pretty easy to design a good experiment that allowed for double blind. I bet if a lot of people are in the right environment, are given the ‘drug’ in the right kind of environment and then the experimenter goes “relax and let it… Read more »
What is the name of Jamie’s Holocaust website that Borzoi mentioned? I’m always up to add more sites to my reading list.
I may be wrong but I was under the impression that the interconnectedness of nuclear power and weapons had been solved with the development of thorium reactors, which can’t be weaponized?
Just got to say thank you to you lot for sacrificing your chance at a ‘normal’ life and being full time nazi’s.
Almost every piece of my political world view has been as a result of TRS – so thanks again all.
I remember making an edit of Thiel’s book that was “From 109 to 110”
Great episode!