Mike and Borz discuss the racial elements of fantasy tropes, the Jewish epidemic of sexual abuse in "psychedelic therapy," Ernst Jünger as a reactionary, pro-Jewish offramp, how nominally anti-Zionist Jews re-center the conversation around themselves, Pakoids and Sunnoids as Bio-Zionist foot soldiers, and Jews caught discussing how they use "neo-Nazi Christian Nationalism" to their advantage.

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What about former Alt Right Guys who fallen out of favor. We can call them “Altoids”. I coined that. I’m going to start using it. Until You all get sick of it.
Hitler said he wasn’t the one and that he looked for him but didn’t find him.
Just listening to Audiobook of Savitri Devi’s Lightning and the Sun. It’s very good.
Could Mike check out some Emil Cosman videos? He is a geo politics, news youtuber. He isn’t a Jew and he is anti-semitic. He is cool.
Regarding the Yellow Vests movement in France, the first few weeks of the protest – end of 2018/early 2019 – were generally apolitical with a big White working class, populist and non-urban component (it was flyover France on display). It was leaderless at first and organized on social medias to know where and when to show up. After the first 3 or 4 weeks of the protest, leaders started to appear: it turned out that all of them were fake and puppets for the Macron government and the Jews backing him. A lot of those fake leaders were far-left activists:… Read more »
Interesting insights. The same thing will probably happen with the protests in England, unfortunately. Could some English White Nationalists become leaders? So the Jews can’t subvert and deflect the protesters.
One more episode like this and you need to change name to: Peinovich & Boskovich rape simulator
Check out the ages of these settler terrorists in the West Bank… further proof that there’s no such thing as innocent jewish children.
Also, right on the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Geneva Conventions, Haaretz published an investigation on what we already long knew: that Israel uses human shields. We didn’t need jews to confirm all the video proof making its way to our lying eyes, but it’s interesting they chose this particular anniversary to mock us.
Drinking wine and Mediterranean lifestyle health’s benefits. It’s not the wine, it’s the whole package. My grandfather lived the agricultural Mediterranean life style 100% and of course he drank but he also spent ten hours a day outside, he worked a lot, he had a great social and religious life and everything he ate was cooked by my grandmother… and that way of life is gone everywhere, including in southern Europe.
So yeah, it’s not the wine, it was the food and the way and its lost… but drink wine in moderation and always with food. It’s fine.
Rick Doblin constantly goes on Joe Rogan and talks about doing ayahuasca.
McInnes openly thanks Israeli jews for creating the back end of his website and doing his payment processing, which he also revealed recently after merging with Cumia’s Compound was less than half the cost of what Cumia was paying. Alex Jones openly thanks Israelis for doing the same thing.
A lot of the recent organic online hatred of Indians has come out of Canada and the videos posted there of the crazy shit Indians get up to. I fear it’s headed for the states, this whole country is fucking wrecked from these people, coupled with foreign investment.
PQ? More like PU. take a shower, Punjab.
Moike explaining to the Britbongs that not all brown people are Muslims:
I always found Storm of Steel to be kind of boring. While fighting WW1 wasn’t pleasant for anyone, you can tell from the book how much easier he had it over the common soldier. He always had an adjutant to take care of him and got to sleep in buildings instead of a dugout most nights.
If his experience was typical of officers in the war, I can definitely see how the working class vets gravitated toward fascism or communism: either way they weren’t putting up with that shit anymore
More like Ernst Junker.
Alongside the info about the push for medical psychadelics, Borzoi and Mike should really compile a place for their recommended reads, books, news sources, infographics, etc. Just listening to a podcast isn’t enough for a non-autodidactic pleb such as myself. I want to have the intellectual and statistical knowledge to defend our views in real time. Intellectual curiousity is severely lacking on the right, even in our thing.
A single glass of wine a day probably just selects for people who have better impulse control. Some people can’t have only one and so they binge drink or don’t drink at all. “Perfect abstinence is easier than perfect moderation”.
“Abstinence is as easy to me as temperance would be difficult.” —Samuel Johnson
No such thing as perfect moderation. Moderation comes from experience. Knowing that the alcohol will be there tomorrow and that overindulging hurts more later than what you get out of it immediately.
A full glass of wine gives a perfect relaxing buzz in a way that beer or hard liquor just doesn’t
”Harm reduction” as used today just means ensuring drug abusers have a more enjoyable drug-abuse experience. REAL harm reduction is legally and with due process executing drug dealers. I too delight in the fact Hamas ruined these heebs’ drug party.
Moike, don’t forget to start the show extra early Thursday so that Randbot get cucked out of his chance to steam snipe the show…
Why did i think there was going to be a new TDS today.
Being sick sucks.
TDS 1225: Funhaus
It’s a Sopranos joke
Narrator: “But in explaining the joke, he had already lost”
Perhaps the figure of the sleeping king who will someday return (Arthur, Charlemagne, Ogier the Dane) is a peculiarly European archetype because it’s a mythopoetic embodiment of a low time preference mindset
It probably ties into our wanderlust as well. Europe being a green continent people moved to and from. Sometimes great men would probably be gone awhile.
Reee rss
There are a lot of Indian shows on a South African channel called E Extra. Obviously they are dubbed into English. But all I can say when I see snippets of them is ”Deng,deng,deng”, because thats what they all sound like to me.
You should use “pakled” instead of “pakoid”. They’re literally the retard race of trek lol.
Pleased to be doing ship repairs with chat gpt saaaar
Scrupdeep Ramshit
Nons also sounds like Naans, great way to refer to Pajeets
Borzie Amin says no to subcontinental rights, baby!
I can vouch for the diaspora Iranians being irannoids btw, MEKoids and Shahoids
Any Sassanoids in the bunch?
I miss Larry Ridgeway so much.
He is not dead but sleepeth
He’s on odysee
Was the blind sheikh the guy behind the 93 WTC incident?
we should just start making maps of a new country and declare certain cities white cities and start moving there. Spokane Coeur d’Alene just declare that a white City and have people move there. pick city is in areas that are already mostly White. it’s sad we don’t want to retreat from the sunny parts of the country but, maybe make some white towns in those areas too
The gulf coast should be designated for Whites. They can have the entire east coast from Miami to D.C. Just give me those sugar white beaches blessed with quartz sand from Appalachia.
Lots of White areas down in southern Mississippi. Just got back from visiting my in-laws down there.
Some mid-level cities IE Portland (ME and OR), Vancouver, Seattle are still very White. On a long enough timeline we need to re-stake claims to certain parts of prestige metro areas as well. You’re not gonna get much out of east Washington or Idaho other than another place to run away to, plus that whole area is crawling with rightoids
I moved to Eastern Washington, from the Seattle area. but they’re shipping and tons of Mexicans. they targeted northern Idaho and the Spokane area for refugee resettlement. I drive trucks and go all over the country. Indians control every freaking hotel and truck stop in this country almost now. there really is no escape
Can confirm. I drive all over FL every day. Btw… West Palm Beach down to Coral Springs is literally two and a half megakikes
Arn Durand’s memoirs of his South African border war experiences are kind of like the right wing Junger/Evola macho stuff but I still find it interesting to read. He’s a lot less pretentious than those two though and is honest that he was a former street thug turned thrill war junkie.
It’s just the right wing version of “Eat, Pray, Love!”
Work call cucked me, started at 1
Borzoi pls read Rose of Paracelsus by WL Pickard, and watch a Carl P Ruck vidya or two
Complexity bros are mentally stuck in movies with overly complex midwit written conspiracies and lack spine or integrity
Paying attention to the world around you can raise your blood pressure
Weed is psychologically addictive/ easy to get latched on compulsively because of the lack of hangover type symptoms and cultural approval making it more permissible nowadays to get blitzed
I’ve noticed in bums that smoke, the weed hangover is more retardation than physical symptoms.
Don’t berate me, but well-controlled ketamine infusion therapy has its uses. A good friend of mine from high school was run over by a semi, was hospitalized for months and struggled for years to get off the opiates he was treated with. He was finally able to get fully off opiates by going through one of those ketamine infusion programs.
Note this is far different than these Jewish studies on getting a bunch of people together in a “therapeutic circle” high as fuck on ket.
I believe it; pain and addiction can be weird things to handle, got to be open to variety of methods. As always, the first step is having a system and society (in this case, medical) that doesn’t have perverse incentives and isn’t run by evil people.
We routinely give patients ketamine for intubation and also pain control.
Psytrance during oral circumcision would make you a misanthropic hedge fund manager too.
Similar situation in my mountain/wilderness town – – walked into one of the many country stores to see Apu behind the counter. Now all the new, gross, multi-colored window decals made sense. Will never go back. I hope a meth head flicks a cigarette on a hot day.
As a certified racist, I find the “Apu” character offensive and insulting.
He gave a false sense of humanity to the soulless, insectoid Pajeet.
It does.
Yes, I remember Jewish articles written about “The Simpsons’ racist character…” I’m like, nigga, they wrote several episodes specifically highlighting Apu as a smart, sensitive human with a deep love for serving his community. “But he’s not even voiced by a real street-shitter!”
Streetshitters are the most viscerally offensive nonwhites and the lack of humanity that they express make them a first choice by kikes.
Comparing pajeets to animals, even insects is utterly insulting. They’re literally starving the soil by eating manure and poison the soil by their toxic feces!
“Might makes right” is the only “golden rule” that actually matters.
Did the new owners look like this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey-man_of_Delhi
Thanks for the show, guys! HH
Whenever I think about this show my brain always reverts back to “Mike and Borz”. It takes me a second to remember the real title.
I want to sing the title to the tune of “Ebony and Ivory”
pajeets might be worse than niggers seriously
Pajeets have agency. Niggers are simply blunt instruments wielded by the jews.
I don’t think one is worse. They are both horrible and I don’t want to live around either. Having said that there is something primal about niggers that is forgiveable. There is nothing about streetshitters that is forgiveable, they are horrible in every way.
That deli was turned into Delhi 😔
deliriants > psychedlics because they’re inherently less soy
It’s hilarious to me that there’s someone in this audience popping 700mg of benadryl, and named themselves after it.
Deliriants are great at making you see scary shit and having conversations with people who aren’t there. Whether that makes them less “soy,” I don’t know. Both are a waste of time that can harm you.
i don’t do drugs, its a joke, but you don’t see deliriant enjoyers pushing it on other people
Borzoi confirmed ingester of psychedelics
jews weaponizing psychedelic drugs to lobotomize their potential political enemies ?
Topographical evidence of MAPS