Mike and Borz dig deep into the conflict over race, ethnicity and governance in Britain, talk about the evolution of the new idea of "British Values" as described in the show title, and briefly discuss Kamala Harris' VP pick (please get a paywall sub because we are both broke due to betting the farm on Mark Kelly).

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Chick in Chile
If Tommy Robinson stupidly accepts the role of the leader Zog will stab him in the back like they do all thier pawns and he ends up serving life.
I’m going to alienate the White working class and say Mountain Dew is gross.
Surge is superior.
I was on the Total Bobby Death train when they let that bull dyke arrest a girl for pointing her out as a bull dyke
It was Hurricane Katrina, Mike, that’s what Celine was whining about.
OK borzoi got it.
Mike: British people keep telling me to stop talking about Tommy Robinson
Also Mike: So anyway, about Tommy Robinson…
They’re not my boss.
When a population has no way to challenge state policy through the political system, when the democratic process utterly fails them, what other recourse has the state left them besides resorting to violence?
Well…massive inconvenience/disruption might be the first go-to here. This does not mean community defense should be deferred however.
Great title.
lmao best title
Well remembering the Jupiter Paulsen murder. The state was bending over backwards to just let that nigger off with an insanity defense until NJP got involved
Cannon Hinnant, the little blond kid who was in his yard when a random Black ran up for no reason (other than hatred of White people) and shot him in the head.
It wasn’t a random black, it was his next door neighbour.
Don’t forget Johnathan Lewis
Jupiter Paulson, Ethan Liming, Molly Tibbitts, Christina Spicuzza, the whole town of Waukesha, etc.
His murderers are getting off right now.
See you tomorrow afternoon, by the time you get it uploaded 😉
I just realized that if Jazzhands returned and joined this podcast, it could be called PB & J.
Or James
I miss James
I pissed off a lot of yehud with my knowledge of Kahanism and the JDL’s activities
Pretty sure this new Democrat VP candidate *IS* half Jewish. See link number eight on his Wikipedia page for a newspaper clipping of his parents’ wedding.
Everyone Jewish.
Everyone is Jewish except for me
Nobody is Jewish except for me
He’s an Evangelical Lutheran, so probably Pozzed AF. Army NCO… coached football… born in Nebraska.
My Jewdar hasn’t a blip on the screen.
Ew brotha.
Tom Baker was a jewish lay preacher (Christian). I like him too.That’s not so. Can’t remember where I heard that, but no, he’s a regular vicar’s son or something.No, edit and re-edit. His father was a kike. He himself *trained* to be an Anglican vicar but don’t think ever took it up properly.
He’s funny, but he’s Alf Garnet funny. That monologue we just heard was meant to poke fun at the gammon.
Anyway, he’s still entertaining.
Reprability! Fucking foreigners!
NiggerFaggotDrWho would be a great screen name
Tim Walz Harris VP pick.
Verbal Kunt
Buckley is so horrible that Chomsky comes across as the good guy in their exchange
Dental plan
Lisa needs braces!
Dental plan
Flintstones chewable morphine.
Does anyone have the title of the article I missed its introduction
Thank you Mr dog
Karen for National Socialism u/a
There’s this small old rust belt town south of Pittsburgh where hundreds and hundreds of Haitians have been imported over the past few years. And the ones that work do so at a meat processing plant run by some jew. It’s ridiculous how the people there put up with all the problems they cause. It would interesting to look into the people who brought them there.
The Holiday Inn where the migrants were being housed (in another city) was burned, but the mosque (in Southport) was not.
Yea but an ill maintained 2 foot brickwall was kicked over, so, it’s like another crusade.
Community Relations Service, Justice Department is what you are thinking of.
Sven’s job lottery win tainted by Boomer non-renewals; flow of Megadeth/Metallica/Anthraxx MESA Boogie signed special editions painted in Tribal Tattoo themed Wolverine-hyde (reg TM) interrupted
Gage is Lannister Stan
Yeah, there’s a girl on Twitter named Kheleesi or however you spell it.
she’s one of Suleiman’s side kicks – her twatter handle is Khalesee
Khalesie is a twitter pro Palestine Pakistani character
It’s still not too late to invest in JamahiriyaCoin!
“I wanted to get a mic for Louis” this is turning into the gift of the magi lol
Whenever I read about Afrikaners being “bad” to kaffir, coloreds, etc. I just roll my eyes, as a rule those brown/black hordes were psychopathic scumbag invaders like the Israelis
*yeets pipebomb*
Does all this mean we can’t call England cuck island anymore?
See also victor Lavalle, the darling of the horror world for negrofying HPL
BAP beads?
Wells’s contemporaneous “Anticipations” is interesting also
the Wanting Seed was close, still don’t have a kayfabe WW3
I just wrote a comment about The Wanting Seed and then saw this…
Broke eh? So that’s why you had to let Sven go
Show title had better be The Absolute State of Britain
I don’t know if they have a loicense to use that title
Audio levels are good but I’m hearing somebody move and bang the mic
Bad dog!
there’s no video
And we are live! Borzoi must have been chasing rabbits 🐇
He’s doing it for you
lol politico ran a headline saying Waltz drinks Diet Mtn Dew. Can’t wait for the VPs to debate best Mountain Dew flavors, favorite CoD double XP promotions, the societal impact of being able to purchase Baja Blast outside of Taco Bell
Best flavor is voltage
I just gave you the comment
Man, what a boring time to do a political podcast. Absolutely Nothing Happening in the world right now, because Nothing Ever Happens. Well, 3 hours of Star Trek today I guess.
At least 30 minutes of how they lost money betting on the VP pick
I do love the Star Trek posting, never even watched the show
Wait, it’s a real show?
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Edit: This looked like a bitching Enterprise coming right at you when I typed it into ze chat, I swear.