Mike and Borz discuss why the characterization of JD Vance as a creep and a weirdo is accurate, rape as a foundational aspect of Jewish identity, and the systemic institution of state mandated child rape in post-war West Germany, inspired by Jewish theories of fighting fascism through sexual "liberation."

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So you’re telling me, through fag marriage, jews not only ruined marriage, but faggotry as well. Just what won’t jews ruin?
He couldn’t build a real society; he had to join the army!
Bants on the Vance.
Speaking of jews fantasizing about raping Germans, th Adam Sandler movie Little Nicky, has satan sondomizing Hitler throughout the movie
JD Vance is just a creepy looking dude
Not defending JD Vance, but the “weird” thing is so condescending and I hate everyone who uses such language. Society would literally collapse without “low status” people to stock shelves at the grocery store, pick up garbage, etc. Not everyone can be at the top of the pyramid. As much as some of the incel longhouse style rhetoric is a red herring to distract from Jews and generally retarded I do hate how spoiled women are with their absurd standards and how it poisons male society at large. About half of young men are single and there’s really no explanation… Read more »
I don’t think it’s looks. It’s fundamentally economic: white men have been downwardly mobile since the 80s.
That’s probably true and I appreciate your input and pragmatic attitude. That said, maybe they’re doing this weird lookism stuff to try to appear more like a high status guy with money. I don’t like feeling pressured to participate personally in the lookism stuff. As for the economic situation though, don’t you think women should be more accommodating if a lot of men can’t make enough for them to have a fancy middle class lifestyle? It’s not their fault nor are these women themselves at the top of the economic pyramid. Sure these guys could bootstrap themselves to the top… Read more »
The Golan Heights discussion reminded me of the similarities between Whitoids and ISIS, at least rhetorically. Whitoids will argue that Palestine is a distraction and that “we have to focus on our people first.” ISIS argues the same thing when people ask them why they never attack Israel: “we have to purify the ummah first.” Both groups are too cowardly to acknowledge their mortal enemy and think that avoidance will give them some kind of leeway for parochial preoccupations.
‘weird’ and ‘creep’ name calling is Mean Girl tier fighting. Everyone knows this. This is how
women try to get inside your head – the Dems are the party of girls and its laughable and totally expected they would come up with this. Its effective – if you’re a Democrat female.
I keep seeing rightoids say this, how “creep” is a word only women use. How else do I describe Vance? He’s a creepy looking guy to me.
Vance is our guy. You can whine and bitch about it all you want, but if you want power at the national level in 2024 you’re gonna make compromises. This is what it looks like. Yeah you give up your ancestral line even, whatever it takes. The idea is you’re gonna take power for your peeps, which in this case are my peeps from the Radical Upper Midwest. Fuck all the rest of your weak sauce white tribes, Vance and mines the only one gonna change history.
Broke: The Right of Return
Woke: The Right to Rape
Who I Smotritch
Perpetually newscucked, many such cases!
“Small peepee dad with skinny leg won’t help jew and only is in army because small peepee. More at 11.”
Yeah, I’m going to skip this episode because I already knew this story and well radon is a problem in Kentucky, so there must be fissile materials within reach with a bit of effort and I don’t need anymore motivation.
The NrX stuff feels very embarrassing when it’s brought into the real world even though myself and you guys were really into this type of rhetoric once upon a time. I guess what I’d make of it to spare my own sense of “wow, I was this much of a douche?” is that there was a particular time where this type of thing felt way more organic and within the zeitgeist and JD Vance is years behind. Anyways, I think the biggest problem with Vance is that he looks like a creepy weirdo. Being handsome is really the only way… Read more »
Vibing but in different star hotels.
You have to understand that rightoid news sources like Limbaugh massively played down Abu Grave and basically made what happened there obscure. All they told you was prisoner abuse. Your average rightoid probably didn’t know what the actual accusations were.
Thanks for the JD Vance discussion. I live around more cat ladies than tech bros, so I had no idea how and why he was groomed to power, I think he needs to campaign at my local Target, he’ll pick up a few Indian votes there.
Does the Striker BPF debate still exist somewhere? That guy is such a massive faggot
I used to listen to that when I needed to mow the lawn or something and I wanted to get really angry while doing it
The video has no video again, it works on last weeks shows so I don’t know what changed
I’m getting the same error on the video applet that people have been complaining about for several weeks now.
Live video streaming was fine for me.
The lack of video will goontinue till the white race is secure! Grab your Iron noob. This was all just a ghost story.
Same here. Probably some weird encoding again that isn’t supported by the media server.
>He liked Sven but had no real connection to him
Wow he’s just like me
The MAGA Medbed operates using Trump commemorative gold coins.
I’m not happy about the home depot lady being fired but at the same time that type of woman would be celebrating if someone with our beliefs got fired simply for saying something they deem racist or anti-semitic.
I’m sorry but please allow repost song
I hum it when I hear stories like this
It soothes me slightly
Please please please a deep dive with Borzoi on Jewish advancement of Pedophilia/queer theory. Conservatives think this is recent history.
Seriously. Furthermore, everyone (almost) hates pedophiles.. Break the jew barrier with pedo history.
I don’t hate child predators. If I was dictator, I would chemically castrate them for their first offense and death penalty for the second.
I also hate the term pedophile because it means child love. There is no love in what they are.
You broke my heart
It’s not what Helmut wanted.
Lillyhammer with Stevie (((Van Zant)))
Edit: I was sure he was half-Jewish but can’t confirm
Got it right the first time Borz: “Du und Ick”
Makavejev’s “Sweet Movie” included a Situationist critique of leftism as a child murder cult, but he was influenced by Reichians. They eventually evolved to either embracing celibacy or arming the mentally ill, e.g., Socialist Patients’ Kollectiv
Lee Iacocca’s full name was Lido Anthony Iacocca
I’m kind of bummed Harmony Korine never did his documentary where he’d wander around interviewing random people to piss them off enough to fight him. Would’ve been great to see him get beaten up for real on film.
The Vincent Gallo vs Ebert feud was hilarious
Larry Clark did the movie Kids
I’m gonna puke
Just remembered watching the 1958 movie Auntie Mame several years back. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0051383/ In one of the scenes Mame the “progressive” advocates a child care center where all the kids are naked. The movie is a real eye-opener for folks who think all this shit is a new thing.
It’s not for nothing that gays have recently embraced the phrase “be gay, do crime” both ironically and unironically.
He wrote his ecrits in the batchroom
I don’t think either deleuze or guattari were gay
Weber’s lost opera: Der Freischitz
(The Free-shitter)
Keith Preston is still on Facebook (as Troy Preston, Troy K Preston).
How about now?
This segment is brutal.
To add to Mike’s point, with that cliche Holocaust story, I can already hear the stock violin music that they would play for that scene.
Jews when rape becomes illegal: *chimp out*
Jews when they’re being packed like sardines into a gas chamber: “thank U sir pleased to be genociding ourselves sir”
I wonder if the whole jewish rape scheme in germany was tied to Ray Holmberg, the NDGOp state senator here who was just let off with weak charges for going there on tax payer dime and abusing kids. It would. it surprise me.
The global bridges project*
All I’m saying is thag maybe israel shouldn’t exist
Neither the Jewish Diaspora, just sayin’.
“No more talking about jew rape…well, this is also jew rape” lol
I’m sure that stuff is what jews fantasized about doing to Germans
we won’t steal yr tweet, Mr Chairman
Kaballah Haaretz can do a White Men for Kaballah event and of course the republicans are disgusted, they would never dream of engaging with their actual voters when there is Jamal and Jose to shill to
This would be some great show material if you haven’t seen it yet. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/wikipedia-jewish-problem