Mike and Borz discuss why the characterization of JD Vance as a creep and a weirdo is accurate, rape as a foundational aspect of Jewish identity, and the systemic institution of state mandated child rape in post-war West Germany, inspired by Jewish theories of fighting fascism through sexual "liberation."

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What started Camus from moving away from Sartre and the others was that they were bourgeois cowards preaching violence while being very clear that they would never engage in violence themselves. They wanted to incite the youth to carry out their bidding while they sat in cafes drinking alcohol and talking philosophy. Camus ideal world was people just getting along and being friends, whereas for Sartre, Beauvoir and so on wanted to repeat the failed French Revolution. He was pushed further over the edge during the Algerian Revolution when they were celebrating pied noirs (of which he was one himself)… Read more »