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Portnoy showing how he can’t swing a hammer is a flex. The implication is that he and his people, and his culture, don’t do that. They have people for that. Years ago Gavin had a bit where he talked about his Jewish neighbor who couldn’t assemble his squat rack. Drilling into concrete, using tools, that wasn’t for neighbor guy, which Gavin explained as a cultural thing.
To your point about how Jews have been behind much of this degeneracy while that is true as far as LGBTQ bullshit,only fans,pornography, and while they have promoted this whole sexual liberation crap I never got why at the same time they’re also behind sexual harassment laws as far as feminists were concerned. Especially nowadays they have created a culture where guys hitting on girls is frowned upon completely. Why wouldn’t they wanna have it so that more guys are flirting with girls? You’re not wrong but the puritanical attitude of feminists which is a Jewish movement in itself contradicts… Read more »
I was an emergency worker at ground zero. One of the striking things about the downtown area was how many papers from the offices in the trade center and other damaged buildings were strewn everywhere in the vicinity. There was tons of it. So to think everything in those buildings was just vaporized is a fallacy. However improbable it might seem to find a passport, it was not an impossibly.
Not an impossibility but as you just said there were papers everywhere. Was everyone checking every scrap of paper to see if it was a hijacker’s passport? Out of tons of scrap paper and office records? Who does that?
Montreal is a nest of faggot.
Germany gives the right of citizenship to americans who have at least one great grandparent born in Germany. I have 2 grandparents born in Germany and have considered it. It would cost thousands in legal fees and take years but apparently the option is there. Italy has a similar program.
Steve Sailer blames the ballooning of rightoid conspiracy theorizing on the importation of blue dog working class democrats, totally ignoring that it’s just a function of the right slowly realizing they don’t have any power, but not yet realizing why.
Steve Sailer is very good at giving just so story explanations that miss the point.
Douglas Adam’s “Dirk Gentry’s Holistic Detective Agency” is good too.
Also I’ll point out that obviously we all hate the 9/11 narrative so much because it distracts from the Jew narrative. But the idea the building 7 fell on its own power is just fucking crazy and no one will convince me otherwise
Building 7 was damaged by falling debris from the twin towers and then allowed to burn out of control which will collapse buildings. Ryan Dawson believes the fire suppression systems were disabled.
Although the impact of the airplanes or falling debris could have disabled the fire suppression system as well. This is also why the pre-installed demolition charges or thermite theory is so improbable: the impact of the airplanes would have cut ignition wires and dislodged pre-planted explosives or thermite charges.
I also saw 911 with my own eyes, I just don’t understand accepting government narratives on some things but then constantly knowing the government is capable of gay Ops at any point. Like how hard would it have been to drone that plane into a building? Or just have one dude fly an empty plane? Or any number of other possibilities? I’m not saying any of those things happened because I don’t know. But just accepting the Jewish government narrative at face value is kind of crazy, especially when we know MOSSAD was behind the whole thing. I think you… Read more »
LIHOP/MIHOP works just as well for the narrative we want, and is more palatable.
Not believing bullshit truther narratives is not the same thing as believing government narratives. For years people like Justin Raimondo at and others pointed to the dancing Israelis, the Israeli moving company, the Israeli art students, the Israeli agents living next door to or otherwise keeping tabs on the 911 hijackers, the Israeli company that monitors our phone records (I forget the name) and the Fox News series on Israeli spying linked to 911, and they were ignored and drowned out by the truthers and their ever expanding list of improbable and unprovable theories.