Mike talks about Bibi in Washington, flag burnings, impotent conservative cheerleading, Peter Thiel getting heckled, and why Jews will never help you get rid of Muslims.
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“I am a huwite colonizer!” Hey jew, you posted your libtard sissy hypno in the wrong chat.
There’s a character on the HBO show Silicon Valley based on Peter Thiel.
It was such a nice change of pace to hear that someone of twitter actually reconsidered their position.
Nice show!
Now that the videos work again Mike needs to check his mic…. cause its cutting out a lot.
Bro, I liked James Randi back in the day too, but he was complete faggot and “married” a Venezuelan (Deyvi Pena) he was like 30 years older than before he died.
You can see the faggot personality disorder and the degree of psychopath qualities of Peter Thiel by being a faggot shine in the public questioning
When Mike reminded the Whitoids that those British cops whailing on the Muslims at the airport would be just as happy to beat up Whitoids, I remembered this infamous photo from the British BLM protests just a couple years ago:
Whitoids are goldfish. After the US pulled out of Afghanistan and everyone cheered on the Taliban, I thought the “anti-American right” would be a thing. Turns out that was a mirage. There is TRS, and everyone else are still just unreconstructed Republicans.
I assume you watched this. https://www.youtube.com/live/Y8RmAY_Yzp4?si=syTmMzkKbmeUWYaK But maybe not. As an independent researcher — I like to call myself a “citizen scholar” — Peter Thiel resonates with me. We’re almost the exact same age and we’re so much alike. I guarantee we’d instantly connect. And when Robert Barnes talks about his synchronization with Ike’s final warning about the military-industrial complex — which also includes the capture of academia — I can testify to that. It’s dreadful. It’s obvious someone high up decides what all the answers are supposed to be, and all the scholars beneath them scramble to “prove” it.… Read more »
Just because a wider political discussion happens on twitter doesn’t mean “so I was arguing with a bot the other day” is meaningful content.
Yeah am not sure who Moike and Borzoi are referencing when saying that.
My problem with twitter content is that it is usually about twitter personality’s I have never heard of and will never hear of again once the show is done.
Unless they are talking about reoccurring characters like BAP. I still do not know who he is and why he is so important, but I also doubt anyone outside TRS has ever heard of him.
For the record I did not mind the twitter content in today’s show. I thought Mike made some good points with it.
My coworker had a theory that Doug Burgum was going to be vice president because of his connections with Bill Gates, giving Bill Gates more power. I guess he had the right idea but mixed the players up.
Libtards always burnt American flags at protests why is this all of a sudden something I’m supposed to be shock and appalled by. I got used to that back during the Iraq invasion. I’m sure they did it during Vietnam. They are just mad because the burning of that flag in the mind of onlookers is a public burning of the Israeli flag
It emotionally triggers conservatives to see their sacred symbols desecrated. Thus, they’ll probably code pro-Palestine protests as antagonistic toward conservatives.
Can you please link to your substack article?
Have you seen all the conservative fawning over Josh Shapiro as VP pick. This is just a sample: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/republicans-see-gov-josh-shapiro-harris-super-strong-vp-contender-rcna163322
I only want twitter react content.
bibi is the kapparot chicken
Re: Peter Thiel. This is why this country is toast. They actually believe what they’re saying.
You break down the counter jihad stuff in a great way. I hate these people who are happy to have more nigerians and indians in the UK because at least they are “Christian” or share a “common core”.
yes mike, i know the copper will kick me in the face aswell. im not falling into supporting the reigme. that being said Its muslims fault we have to have airport security due to their propensity to blow shit up and commit acts of terror. the muslim punched and broke a female police officers nose, because he didn’t want his bin bag looking wife to be searched. two others where attacked before the scene recorded happened. he didn’t have to stomp his head, but fuck it at this point. what has annoyed me is how the soldier being stabbed by… Read more »
Hey Mike, when’s the full video going up?
Asking for a friend, for no particular reason.
You have friends?
Can we get some average American citizen hate? Not just hating zog, but hate on the average citizen. I think most Americans are disgusting evil retards not worthy of anything good in life.
You’ve tried hating the rich,
But are you a brave enough man to try hating the poor?
I am. Fuck em.
Jake Shields started a podcast, might be worth trying to get on it or have him on yours.
He’s anti-wignat and Nick Fuentes butt buddy
You nailed that one, Mike. Great show.
Speaking of creating a liberal westernized form of Islam, they’re working on a gender neutral version of Arabic to make it more “inclusive”. https://thehoya.com/opinion/viewpoint-develop-gender-neutral-language-in-arabic/
That’s fucking retarded. That’s a little like turning German into English. German has grammatical gender, so an inanimate object can male or female (or neuter).
They tried doing that with Spanish too, but it went nowhere. I imagine it will be even less popular with the Arabs.
The amount of effort put in to shit like this, While many smaller and important languages are dying out due to a bastardized version of English spreading like the plague around the globe.
Okay. What is the break time song? This is pretty good.
It’s not MAGA it’s FAGA
the American flag represents Jewish supremacy. it really has for a hundred years. force them
BLM was backed by the state. It was ZOG doing an internal color revolution. Pro-Palestine demonstrations on the other hand actually face state repression; the kind of state repression Conservatives wanted for BLM but that Trump never gave them.
Wounded Knee was just about the last justified action taken by the US Army. I guess there was some stuff in the early 1910’s against Pancho Villa in Mexico, when he was raiding American farms and such. But after that, every war we have engaged in was fratricidal, of no benefit to the American people, or at the behest of Jews.
No jew in Israel is a White colonizer because jews aren’t White. Duh.
Yeah but Israel is doing all that stuff the Department of Interior uses as justification for rescinding Wounded Knee medals of honor.
Mike checkkkkkkk
I feel like alot of the burning of flags and graffiti is being done largely by Jewish Voices for Peace specifically to turn the public against the Palestinians.
It should have been a combined America/Israel flag burning.
Conservatives seethe over flag burnings because they’re superficial and still (unfortunately) identify with America. When they see an American flag set on fire, they feel under attack as well. They see it as a sacred symbol.
I am a veteran and I don’t give a crap about burning the American flag either. I never have and it’s always been just a stupid Republican patriotard issue. I’d like to see white nationalists burn the American flag. that’s a lot better than the Patriots front approach.
Patriot front is dumb because being patriotic about America is gay af. The American flag might as well be a herpe sore’d dick entering a man’s anus. With a Star of David in the background of course.
America has Big Ghey and rightoids only care about waving the flag because they see it as owning libtarts.
Right on time, like a consummate professional.
“The fuck was I gonna talk about?”
Well, a moderate professional 😆
Meditation with Mike
RandBot hardest hit
I’ll just play the whole thing once it’s uploaded.
Ichi the Killer with Due Process