Mike and Borz do a pulse check on Biden, discuss the politics of the Netanyahu visit, why you're not going to get anything you want from the Trump campaign, the shaping of the Harris campaign, explain why they're pumping Kellycoin and listen to Peter Thiel make weird noises.

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Where was this debate?
It is on Nicks channel Night Nation Review.
Nice, video works again.
This would be a good jump off for some Goontent. If I had Podcast I would, sadly, I just abuse all the Boomer normies I come in contact with IRL.
ConversoCoin underrated
2:40 Mike is morphing into that Simpsons betting guy, “FOLKS, WHEN YOURE RIGHT 51% OF THE TIME, YOU’RE WRONG 49% OF THE TIME”
Sheeeeeit,,,no wonder you thought Beshear is a Jew. How does a white guy get THAT shit libby?
Roast the coal…
Roasties over the coal.
Speaking of cynical mid-2000s political shows, that show Veep had many jew-for-jew inside jokes. Some funny ones include the president’s inner staff wondering what some random intern was doing in the Oval Office and concluding “she’s probably Mossad” and another in which a gentile political operative shouted at his retarded reverse-converso nephew “thanks for putting the ‘jew’ in why people fucking hate the jews.” The Palestine conflict was also a recurring theme. The show was a good glimpse into the preoccupations of optics jews in the Obama era.
The People’s Hostage Square
The video upload works again!
Mp3 gang, gang!
Conservative Judaism was created to allow for American Jews, driving to the shul from the suburbs on the Sabbath, and seating both genders together a la christianity
I know they can be boomerish, but it’s still a major black pill what that black bitch in NY did to VDARE. https://odysee.com/@VDARE:0/Why-Weve-Suspended-VDARE-and-Ive-Resigned-After-25-Years:b?r=GdVzPgpUGuKjZ6bYbySBgfN9cAzdRMZc
That sound is like the sound of a loon
That sound you make when your 26 hour goonathon ends prematurely😪
Roast by your own Picard
Loughner killed John roll btw
In time for live show. 🙂
I’m not sorry cops. 2020 was the moment of truth. You sided with jews and niggers for a pension. If you get railroaded due to stupid niggers that’s what you deserve.
Yeah i’m fully on board with the NWA in this regard.
James Carville is invested in red and blue because he still doesn’t know the shot. He believes what he says. Jews didn’t fill him in as a member of the media
Prosecutors are supposed to care about the truth. Nothing else. But in America prosecutors just want to run for congress or get a judge appointment. So they aren’t even representing the state. They are just doing the bidding of Jews. They don’t represent the state when a nigger kills a white for pocket change. Unless you are saying they are supposed to fuck over white people because that is what the government wants
You can go frame by frame on youtube with the “,” and “.” keys.
Davis Aurini is smiling down at you from heaven.
I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean, but from the very limited knowledge I have of the guy I can’t imagine it’s good.
He once said he knew all the keyboard shortcuts. It was a little meme don’t worry about it.
They’ve been trying to do a new Saint Dindu for the past couple years now, but it just doesn’t take hold. Negro fatigue is real.
They do not want saint dindu under Biden, what would be the point in that?
A nigger…cooked!
Just saw a Medhurst interview pop up on Odysee w/ that Mohammad Marandi guy the Syriana Analysis guy has on all the time. It’s a 2h thing about Pezeshkian “who is he” etc.
De Klerk was a traitor himself tbh. Also as much as I hate the Soviet proxy kaffirs the reason why the Palestinian talking heads offered rhetorical support to Mandela was because SA were allied with Israel.
I still find it disgusting whenever I see pro Mandela shit because fuck the zanj/abeed
Roald Dahl talked about him confronting a Jew showing up to claim land in Palestine in his book, “Going Solo”. Dahl telling the Jew how they just can’t show on someone’s already claimed land and tell it theirs now. The Jew basically responds with “well just watch.”
That chapter is memorable! What was also striking was how uninterested the jew seemed to be in the war; he basically said something to Dahl to the effect of “yeah, your fight against Germany is important, but I’m busy setting up the next phase of jewish rule here.”
Heil Hipster!
Again think of how many White people that Hamas has saved due to their actions on October 7th which prevented Jews from creating a George Floyd 2.0 for this election year summer.
Not so fast, my friend. They’re working on ginning one up right now.
But will it be like the Buffalo shooting where yeah the media was clutching pearls but even normies were getting negro fatigue then.
The more that I think about it, the George Floyd shit was like the Avengers Endgame / extinction burst of media gay ops of showing you an apple and telling you it’s a banana. Because we have seen how people aren’t buying the atrocity propaganda for Ukraine and Gaza. There’s also George Floyd revisionism now being allowed like The Fall of Minneapolis.
“I’m here to chew bubble gum and say ‘fuck Israel!’ and I’m all out of bubble gum.”
Shit forgot the start again! I shall never see the first 18 minutes
We even got a half hour heads-up this time rather than the usual three seconds
I saw someone on Twitter say, “As a Canadian, I have to say I’m enjoying this season of America. My compliments to the script writers.”
Hard to disagree. Late empire collapse is not without its entertaining moments.
As a Canadian, I’d rather be an American.
As an American who hates America I thank god I’m not Canadian.
Audio is excellent, hear both of you at the proper levels
Clicked show first thing is hear is a distressed Borzoi, Mike! I can’t hear anything there’s no music! Lol, it’s endearing at this point.
Best live mic coverage since Sven won the Job Lottery!
Unit 8200 did this.
Now I hear Mike
Mike no!!!!
I hear Borz, no Mike no Music
Hello. Death to Israel. 1488!
Where can I find the full version of the intro song?
Looks like it’s from the same album as the old Strike and Mike theme!
Time to find out about the Dog Right’s take on Kabbalah.
Tuesday show long dog show
P&B bitches! Nice
P, B and no J’s.
Thanks for the heads-up, gents