Mike and Borz discuss the neoreactionary framing of WASPs for the decline of America, pivot to the mongrelized clown show of the Trump RNC, discuss how Trump humiliates his supporters, Trump's (lack of) foreign policy and the usual chicanery of J.D. Vance and "National Conservative" politics.

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Video will be out soon. My upload speed to the server is slow as heck rn for some reason. Working on it. Sooory.
sir pls to open ticket server.exe tanks u frend
There is no actual video in the video, just audio over the show logo. Been that way on the last few shows you uploaded (not TDS)
I dunno, I’m seeing video over it. Maybe it’s on your end.
Strange, I tried it in another browser and have the same issue on this episode of P&B, the previous one (July 9) and the last Mike Check. The video application works, but on all of them the video being played is just the show logo with the audio playing.
Np video for me either. No hour 2 either!
P&B and Mike Check videos don’t work since July. Older ones work. TDS works. Something wrong with the encoding maybe. Dev Tools say “Media resource tdsvideo+p-and-b-029-hr1.mp4.mp4 could not be decoded” and something about a metadata error in the file. Then it tries to load a webm file which gets a 502 error.
When I click the video, I get this error message: “The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.”
I get this error as well. I got this error last week also on P&B and Mike Check.
Amber Rose’s real last name is Lovenchuk.
James Randi the faggot exposed Uri Geller the kike.
Dallas viber’s club.
I’m moisturizing, nourishing and pampering my body as I watch things change.
Bants on the Vance.
Splendid analysis.
The whole idea of converting to a different denomination sounds like a lot of pointless work
Great show guys, just wish it didn’t have to end.
Great show guys, just wish it didn’t have to end.
Do NRx hypocrites ever do facial analyses and deconstruction of Haredis, or would they consider that peasant antisemitism?
Anyone else having problems with these videos lately? The mp3 downloads fine but the videos don’t work. TDS works but not these videos for some reason. Dev Tools say NS_ERROR_FAILURE for the webm. Script blockers, etc. are all turned off.
Yeah it seems all the videos Mike uploaded in July don’t work. Older ones do. Uploads by Sven work also. Weird.
It was penis inspection day and the shooter didn’t want his real size known so he concocted an elaborate plan to get out of it…
We’ll have to wait 40 years before the CIA declassifies the documents revealing the penis specifications of the shooter.
The episode of Hyperpodcastism with Borzoi and Moldbug is very good. It was sometime in late summer 2020. Hitler was not gay and Borzoi laughed at Moldbug’s insistence that he was.
Moldbug ran his mouth for 4 hours. I dunno what he thought he was accomplishing, talking to an audience thoroughly immunized to his arguments. If as Borzoi says, he was taken aback by the notion that his Jewishness motivates his arguments, then his lack of self-awareness explains a lot. As Kevin MacDonald has demonstrated, Jews believing their own BS helps them to “sell” it, in spite of it being so self-serving.
Just an an FYI: Silicon Valley abused the Living Gehenna out of H1B’s. They had something like a 10-hr work MONTH.
In the early Naughts when I was a Trotskyite, I considered Dialectical Materialism to be the true, Crown Jewel of Marxism. Kapital is DM applied to the Labor Theory of Value that was also very big with Adam Smith. The first hundred pages of both Kapital and The Wealth of Nations is all about it. But: Kapital also tracks the two dialectical antitheses of a commodity: its Use Value and its Exchange Value. Those cannot be reconciled. They just… are. A couple of concepts: The Interpolarity of Opposites. Like Use Value and Exchange Value. There’s really nothing to synthesize here.… Read more »
All over Twitter. JD Vance is a racist. No you liberal idiot. How much more obviouse can the nigger loving of Republicans be. They love niggers more than libtards, which is why we hate conservatives. But the racist republican meme is so ingrained trying to tell them that JD Vance loves niggers so much we hate him is a futile endeavor
Wow, Borzoi got the Hegelian Dialectic wrong, shame. Ackshually, Hegel never used “Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis” as a model, that was invented by his critics. The only time he’s ever “quoted” using the phrase is when he’s quoting one of his critics. It’s probably the biggest philosophical strawman in history and was designed explicitly for the purpose of deconstruction. I don’t remember the guy who invented the strawman. The irritating part, however, is actually finding stuff by Hegel himself, as most material available is written by his critics. How did he /actually describe/ the theory of conflict? “Concrete, Abstract, Absolute”. You… Read more »
I think the Church of England can basically be called a Western Orthodox Church. Definitely not Protestant.
That Jew was singing “When you Believe” a song from The Prince of Egypt. Which is ironic when you talk about the Tzedek association and The Prince of Egypt being an animated retelling of the Exodus story since according ancient gentile sources like Manetho, Jews weren’t slaves but leprosy ridden criminals who were kicked out for being “unclean” and a bad influence on Egyptian society. They weren’t “holy men” but rather a glorified criminal gang disguised as a “religion” which Orthodox Jews are the nakedly obvious example of this .
Amber Rose was a speaker at the RNC. The Niggerification of the RNC is in full swing! idiocracy was very prophetic. Man, serious people like Bukele, Orban, Putin and Xi are need in politics and not Donald Blorph et. al.
I had no idea she had a huge tattoo on the forehead.
A nigger pornstar repsenting the RNC no surprises there, pretty sure she use to be kanyes bitch at one point too.
Good show.
I hate when I miss the livestream.
At the end of the day, the jewish plan of the last century is wildly more successful than they could have imagined. They were scared of whitoids when they popped up looking like white nationalists a decade ago. Then they realized that all they needed was gay Trump to reel them all in under globohomo.
Wow, the official Trump campaign website has some of the shittiest, most low-effort web design I’ve ever seen. With no scarcity of bold, underlined and lurid red text. I wonder if Trump personally designed it himself.
LOL it’s even worse than his NFT scam https://collecttrumpcards.com/
Its optimized for smartphones. Niggers don’t own computers
Reject modernity. Embrace Judaism.
Congratulations on the good news about the thing!
That guy reminds me more of Arthur Bremer (the Travis Bickle inspiration) in terms of behavior and he looks like the nerdy younger brother of Kinski (moon head guy) from Nightbreed
I just googled ‘amber rose only fans’ as you guys were playing her speech – I broke out laughing!! I fucking hate America.
“…where at least I know I’m screwed”
As Morrissey said: Stretch out and wait.
RNC is trying out “progressivize” the Dems. Dems are the real conservatives.
I love it when Mike references that Melville story every couple of years. Really good read.
How TF is it that Borzoi has never read “Bartleby the Scrivener”?
We got it as assigned reading in school
Same. Borzoi is younger, though, so he probably was assigned Harry Potter or some gay shit.
At least it wasn’t Ethan Frome. Best insomnia medication ever. Not one memorable phrase. Not a one.
Bartleby was the original NEET.
The Melville guys tend to stay over here, elbows deep in sperm (seriously, read moby dick, ch. 94)
I was wondering if Borzoi was going to comment on A Confederacy of Dunces, but I haven’t noticed anything. I assume Borzoi has read it especially since he used to live in New Orleans, IIRC.
JD is a very good pick for Trump. He’s a buttgoy in reality but, he has credibility with whiteoids. Look at the map around Ohio, all swing states. He will crush Kamala in their debate too. Perfect candidate for Trump in my opinion.
I honestly think JD Vance is stupid for tying himself to Trump like this. He will never be president if he becomes Trump’s VP
“I broached this issue with Mamaw, confessing that I was gay and I was worried that I would burn in hell. She said, “Don’t be a fucking idiot, how would you know that you’re gay?” I explained my thought process. Mamaw chuckled and seemed to consider how she might explain to a boy my age. Finally she asked, “J.D., do you want to suck dicks?” I was flabbergasted. Why would someone want to do that? She repeated herself, and I said, “Of course not!” “Then,” she said, “you’re not gay. And even if you did want to suck dicks, that… Read more »
FIFY. I broached this issue with Mamaw, confessing that I was gay and I was worried that I would get AIDS and burn in hell. She said, “you fucking idiot, who told you that you love dick?” I explained my thought process. Mamaw cringed and seemed to consider how she raised such a retard. Finally she asked, “J.D., do you want to suck cock and eat ass and get fucked in your ass with cocks and eat cum?” I was intrigued. Who wouldn’t want to do that? She repeated herself, and I said, “Sounds great!” “Then,” she said, “you’re a… Read more »
JD Vance.= Jewish Douche Vance
Back when I was a lad, everyone knew being a faggot was bad and contemptible.
When I was a kid I was blissfully unaware there were such things as faggots. Paul Lynde and Charles Nelson Reilly were just funny dudes to me.
Wait, they were fags?!? Circle gets a dong!
Not only did I not know what a fag was, My favorite slurs was “Bög” and “homo” as a kid. Both means fag.
I’m not even old and everyone used to call each other faggots for being faggots when I was growing up. Implicit racism all over the place too. I also distinctly remember being blackpilled as a kid (I was interested in politics from an unusually young age) because I supported gay marriage and everyone, basically without exception, around me was against it.
Bunch of people I went to school with are friends with trannies and I’ve lost a couple friends over my politics. It’s wild how much things have changed in such a short period of time.
Like that pajeet RNC lady was the last straw for me, no wonder why TRS hate cuckservatives, and I see why.
A Brahmin? What a bunch of bull
Vance probably should have went with his first instinct on this and become another ex-ruralite homo. We would have been spared so much bullshit.
Yes Borzoi please check on the thing
JD Vance’s “Mamaw” is a reprobate faggot and God hates them both.
l that singing Jew, sounded like the Jew singing on that movie eyes wide shut. lot of similarity there with that human sacrifice ritual singing in that movie
No Mas jewtunes plz senior~
have you guys heard of clif high. he predicted a major world changing event would happen on or around July 15. pretty crazy
So he made an incorrect prediction? Did something change?
Clif high. LMAO . He runs Woo News. kek
that is indeed where she belongs, i could consider no other cage for her.
Dude. Deep dive religion for sure.
*i and groundskeeper Willie*damn catholics, they ruined Catholicism
What’s worse is an outro tune that’s 6 or 8 minutes long
Keyed and White Jamahiriya pilled
I’m developing a 6th sense for when to F5 the page just in time.
Nazi ESP.
Noone knows why some people are more sensitive then others. The current theory is that the strongest ESPs are channeling the spirit of Hitler.