Mike and Borz discuss the jewishness of Batman, protests over jews selling West Bank real estate, watch the Houthis flex over Israel, cover some political news, the Israeli draft update, how Jews make coffee on shabbos and the reality of gay "culture".

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Judaism is even dumber than Scientology, and that’s really saying something.
Speaking of the Greene thread…
Does anyone remember this from TDS years ago?
That whole last segment about the disgusting faggots needs to be made in to a clip on its own so we can send it around.
Perhaps an abridged version.
Hey what’s the name of the song? Is it an actual song, or just an intro?
Momma Don’t Like a Tattle-Tale by Storm King
From the way that Walt and Mearsheimer defended themselves against early attempts to paint the original paper and book on the lobby as ‘bad scholarship’ and antisemitism, I get the feeling they’d have pulled out any jewish heritage as defense.
Thinking of the [london book review debate](https://youtu.be/VJoq5y5ofnE)), talking about basically “we aren’t trying to paint the lobby as jewish, just politically zionist; such-and-such percentage of the US-jewish pop doesn’t even support zionism.” I just can’t imagine any reason someone who’d use those arguments would have to _avoid_ mentioning his heritage as defense.
Would be nice to have the audio applet just get a width:100%;height:40px; The scrub-bar is a little difficult to do fine-grain jumps with.
My Palestinian friend is named Shawqi. He’s no kike.
Means seeks or desires in Arabic. Implies desire to know God.
In addition to auctioning stolen land, jews ethnically cleanse Palestinians by denying them building permits. It’s nearly impossible for Palestinians to build new houses, leading to overcrowding and incentivizing youth to emigrate. If Palestinians attempt to “illegally” build, jews just demolish their houses. https://t.me/PalestineResist/46259 It’s difficult to add to existing houses too, but there are loopholes that make it slightly easier than building new houses. This is why in a lot of Palestinian telegram videos you’ll see houses in perpetual construction with rebar sticking out everywhere. There are some advantages: by preventing Palestinians from spreading out, familial fragmentation and atomization… Read more »
Don’t know if I’ll continue listening to hour 2 on audio only since they’re reviewing video! If I don’t it will interfere with tomorrow’s TDS.
hour 2 video didn’t upload
Are Israelis Jewing the diaspora. Who the hell would by land in Israel. Especially now when it’s look dim for the Jewish occupation. Your gonna lose the land you bought to Arabs.
Hour 2?
The Shane arc has begun.
borzois right. Over 50 here. Fuck these loudmouth girl boss bitches, draft them. Let em
kick ass like in the movies they adore, foxholed up with the niggers fags and spanics they are allied with. Its their America, make em fight for it
I still feel obligated to protect them from their own retardedness. You wouldn’t draft a literal retard, would you?
For America? Yes, I would. Anything to hasten the demise.
The boomer needs his spiteful, cathartic, gloating release and can’t just say and do socially-conscious things. His enjoyment of women having mental breakdowns is more important than advocating for healthy sexual roles, because he thinks that women will take responsibility, not be turned away by his childish gloating, and end up doing what he wants. I also find that the people who do this support women in military combat roles as long as they can “hang with the boys” and completely ignoring the negative ways the sexual dynamic affects that kind of group structure. Because when you’re ultimately just a… Read more »
Mike, to your question, about a half million jews left Israel in the remainder of 2023. 2024 data doesn’t seem to be out yet or is too sensitive to share. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231207-report-nearly-0-5m-israelis-left-israel-after-7-october/ Part of the reason behind the Haredi draft may be that enough “world citizen” jews have fled to force the IDF to scrape together whoever’s left. The LA synagogue protest also shows the left’s strength in systems thinking. While jews have trained a cohort of MSNBC libtards to focus on personalities (“Bad Netanyahu, bad Netanyahu!”) the hard left still has the impressive ability to see beyond individuals, as seen… Read more »
If I ever see Thomas Rousseau IRL I’m challenging his faggot ass to a duel.
These faggots who “revert” to conservatism need to be patrolled, with physical violence (with the option to decline the offer of legal*, mutual combat, and prove to the world how pussy they are.)
*check your local statutes
Good observation. Conservatives are built around reigning in their more radical elements, whereas leftoids seem to always defer to their more radical elements.
Bro it didn’t take more than 15 seconds to figure out some real Jew kid touching s*** was happening around that pizza place or with the people running it.
This. I watched that shit unfold in real time, and people were finding highly disturbing shit that faggot who owned the place posted on his Instagram and other public places before the spotlight shone on them. I really hate the “Muh PizzaGate is fake conservatard bullshit” take. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from and since those days, it’s that when you’re talking about ZOG and organized child abuse, where there’s smoke there’s generally fire.
Terrible analysis. If trump offers Vance Veep, ofcourse he takes it. Trump can only run for 1 term, then Vance would be the R candidate in 2028.
(I’ve got that Wolverine comic… that’s the only comic I own. Anyone wants to buy it, let me know…..)
(Actually not that rare on eBay)
We took out 3 missile launchers since we last spoke
Bill says it’s not from the Houthis sinking coal ships… I tend to disagree.
Here’s the clip they commented on at 50 mins in.
It’s hard from our perspective how any white people can not be an anti-semite with how boldly fucking disgusting the kikes are in this era…. You have to be purposefully blind.
There’s no video my dudes.
Dark times at TRS
The LA land theft auctions show just how far synagogues are from “houses of worship.” Don’t forget Greenblatt strategizing mass suppression of peaceful protests in that Florida synagogue either.
I don’t think gentiles fully appreciate just how comprehensively destructive and subversive synagogues are. Everything a gentile needs a city for, a jew has under one roof in a synagogue.
OFC Biden and everyone else condemned the peaceful protestors without mentioning their jewish attackers or the illegal activity inside a “house of worship.”
“They want victim politics”, but the entire movement is predicated on victimization and depravity, tearing families apart. Sounds like a core tenet of Judaism, it’s no wonder that it was kikes who first faught for these “rights”.
80 tons actually isn’t very much coal as far as ships go.
I was thinking the same and how tiny that ship most have been.
Likely 80k tonnes, surely…?
Vidya? I wanna see the chaos please
This is the shit that makes me proud to be anti-American with 100% moral confidence. Fuck America. Death to America. God Bless Iran. God bless Hezbollah. And god bless Palestine. Death to Israel. Anyone who disagrees is a brain damaged faggot retard who should kill themselves.
How am I supposed to see the stuff they’re talking about without the video?
Elon Muskowitz comes to mind
Regarding 80s comics promoting Jewish bugaboos and criticism of Islam being something Liberals did, in the George Perez run on Wonder Woman in the late 80s which were edited by Karen Berger, there was an evil tribe of middle eastern amazons known as the Bana-Mighdal who dressed like Palestinian militants crossed with Arabian belly dancers and worshiped the Egyptian gods. Also like a lot of Canon films of the era, there was some humiliation ritual shit and torture wish fulfillment because the Bana-Mighdal would kidnap Arab men and literally use them as breeding stumps.
Unfortunately,it seems that more Blacks are starting to be against fagphobia. Being fagphobic was one of the few things that they had going for them. Now it seems that even Big (((Jew))) Gay has gotten to them.https://nbjc.org/blackfacts/
Thank you so much guys. This is extremely beautiful. (I know that’s an odd word, but it is. This stuff’s important.) I have someone in my life (for now at least) who always finds it strange that I, someone so concerned with freedom (yeah I know, libertarian priors lol), am so adamant that homosexuality’s a vicious and tragic plague. I suspect this might be the ultimate rational argument to win her over to our way of thinking. It’s *not* about individual liberty and the ‘right’ to express oneself differently. Those things definitely matter, but that’s not what it is when… Read more »
Sorry Dad’s who love thier gay son. You are loving a child molester. And you have to kick them out of the home or you are enabling him to ruin more families. Also the level of time and resources Jews have dedicated to smother the reality that every homo was born out of child abuse and make it a taboo to even suggest it. And a make societies powerless to stop the spread of homosexuality while making man on boy rape a protected status to the extent they have is astounding. And this has been a project of Jews for… Read more »
They only love their gay son because their wife will leave them if they don’t go along with it. Women have an insane level of power over men in this country because too many men are terrified of not getting pussy and being alone.
Just look at Dwyane Wade allowing Gabrielle Union to turn his son into a tranny. Thats one cucked Black man if there ever was one.
What percentage of Dads with a gay son are the ones who molested them, do we think?
“What percentage of Dads with a gay son are the ones who molested them, do we think?”
Real dads? no.
Step dads? a good chance.
White dads being abusive towards their biological children is almost unicorn rare.
Higher than we would like to believe I’m afraid.
It’s probably the uncle. Or one of their fag hag moms friends.
Here’s the archived version in case the original gets deleted. https://archive.is/8umMt
Even if (and that’s an unlikely if) a few sex perverts aren’t actively pursuing children, based upon their propensity for highly risky sexual behavior there’s no reason to expect they would be able to control themselves around children should the opportunity ever present itself. They simply lack any semblance impulse control that would inhibit them from acting out sexually on kids.
I’m sorry to hear that information.
Jewish barbers only set up shop inside gas chambers.
Mike, check Visegrad on Twitter. Anti Israel protestors attacking jews in front of a synagogue in Los Angeles!!!!
“Corn Pop could be here…”
Burgum? Damn near Kilgum!
Did you guys go over the Israeli Supreme Court decision that ultra orthodox must enlist
Probably 80,000 tons. Ships are fucking big
Import the coal, pay the toll.
Dammit! I was late watching this episode. I was checking to see if someone already said this. Hehe, love it any way.
that yemeni vlogger who made that “ship ship” israel diss track did a vlog where he’s just hanging out on the hijacked galaxy leader ship and it’s kind of hilarious
for context he’s the guy who plays the jew in the music video, he’s a famous comedian/vlogger in yemen. he gets millions on youtube
I read that he was arrested by the Houthis for making fun of them for a while last year.
There’s no accounting for last names. Ask the German family with the last name of “Scheisse”
I was told there would be a 1:30 showing. I’m going to F5 the website down.
Fire it up! Fire it up! Fire it up!
Hello everyone!
What do I even say this early? Uh, uh, uh… Peaky Blinders fucking blows.
The firsting guys tend to stay over here