Mike and Borz discuss the jewishness of Batman, protests over jews selling West Bank real estate, watch the Houthis flex over Israel, cover some political news, the Israeli draft update, how Jews make coffee on shabbos and the reality of gay "culture".

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Mearsheimer defended against accusations of antisemitism after publising The Israel Lobby which was the closest I’ve seen Mearsheimer comment on whether he was Jewish and he implies that he is not.
“Finally, let me address the charge that Atzmon himself is an anti-Semite and a self-hating Jew. The implication of this accusation, of course, is that I must be an anti-Semite too (I can’t be a self-hating Jew) because I agreed to blurb Atzmon’s book.”
Batm’n Ben-Batman’s Bar and Bat Mitzvah Bodega and no-bite bris emporium.