We are back again just in the Nick time. RSS feeds are overrated and for non-believers (koufar).
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June 3, 2024 11:23 am
I like my Metal like I don’t like my people – Black
June 1, 2024 9:43 pm
re: Raisi maybe being assassinated – yeah I had just watched a Mearsheimer thing where he stressed israel’s strategic commitment to ‘escalation dominance’, like the _day_ before le helicopert. Then thinking, well, they’ve lost escalation dominance in pure/basic military terms clearly…could this have been a demonstration they’ve still got it on other levels?
Last edited 9 months ago by collatz
June 1, 2024 7:30 pm
“some comment from [sounded like collatz]…nah, let’s skip that, we’ve been talking about it endlessly” No intention to make you talk about some other folks or drama if I understand what you’re referring to (only made one comment in the last few shows, so I’m guessing it was that guy w/ a both-sides take). And sure, people have done the topic to death, but that guy generally seems quite on-the-ball and I assumed it would’ve been at least a more interesting well-grounded version of the case for that stance.
+ [comments on the original thread are locked I guess, but] …yeah it absolutely is a mixed bag esp. in the past couple years. I still usually at least start to listen, and do get something out of it often enough.
May 31, 2024 4:09 pm
This was a very entertaining episode. The part about being around blacks was very funny.
May 31, 2024 12:09 am
Nice to hear Anglo is a lobotomycore enjoyer
Last edited 9 months ago by LittleWarrior
May 31, 2024 12:05 am
This guy’s observation about the inverse relationship between Super Smash Brothers skill and human decency is absolutely spot on. The people I knew who were good at it were absolute POS’s.
May 30, 2024 10:45 pm
My buddy did the CO2 canister thing. Drilled a big hole in the sink and ran the tube in so it dispensed with a little sprayer. I don’t like carbonation myself, but it has grown on me.
May 30, 2024 10:34 pm
Why can’t I download this?
May 30, 2024 10:24 pm
There are no femcel dating apps, there are only gayops, and those too dumb to see it.
May 30, 2024 9:56 pm
DrinkMate is a great SodaStream alternative that actually often gets better reviews.
May 30, 2024 9:55 pm
I don’t know about N64s in McDonalds, but real Millennials will remember N64s in hotel rooms. I played Super Mario 64 several times while on trips with my family when I was a child. You had to give them money to save, but if you were good at the game you don’t die much, so you just collect some lives and play as normal.
May 30, 2024 8:58 pm
Geez, even the Tardy Boys are getting in on this Nick Rekieta shit I guess?
May 30, 2024 8:56 pm
On the Work Ethic Question (The WEQ), you have to thread a fine line. On the one hand you can’t put in so much work that you don’t have any energy for self-development and relaxation, but doing too little is a sort of brain rot. If you’re coming home and don’t want to do anything else but sleep you need to work less, slack off, be a Montenegrian. Also keep in mind that putting in minimum effort for a huWite man is equivalent to putting in a lot of effort for a random brown person. I find in my work… Read more »
Last edited 9 months ago by Kane
D.A.T. College
May 30, 2024 5:21 pm
I was an anti-Trump, anti-TRS conspiracy wignat in 2016 (didn’t subscribe until 2018) and trying to warn everybody about how Trump’s Zionist billionaire pal Stewart “Stewie Rah Rah” Rahr had launched the ShouldTrumpRun.com website in 2011 and how Trump’s campaign was being directed by Michael Glassner, who had been involved in Larry Silverstein’s acquisition of the World Trade Center. Even though I was anti-Jew enough to be anti-Trump I still was falling for a lot of the dumb shit of the time, though: the threat of “Aztlan”; taking various random Twitter accounts at face value as allies; various conspiratardism; Breitbart… Read more »
May 30, 2024 4:58 pm
I also want to expel the jew from all of Hellas!
May 30, 2024 4:39 pm
I had to work with a turd once for three days. During work he suggested going out to dinner with our wives/girlfriends. I laughed in his face.
Last edited 9 months ago by Χριστός
May 30, 2024 4:33 pm
Kefalo, domades and Kalamata olives are my favorite sides. And are great added to a salad also.
May 30, 2024 4:21 pm
Our demands are simple. Kick the turds out of Cyprus and take back Aiga Sophia and Constantinople!
May 30, 2024 3:28 pm
who’s this new nicker?
May 30, 2024 3:09 pm
I seem to remember seeing an Xbox in a McDonalds at one point. I think the last time I was actually inside a McDonalds was about 15 years ago.
May 30, 2024 3:08 pm
I got a question.
Should the girls wear a skirt or a summer dress in summer?
Chuck Neely
May 30, 2024 1:56 pm
May 30, 2024 1:04 pm
I seriously thought about going to that third world town where they had a street dog vs monkey war going on and fighting for the side of dogs… yea nigga !
Trujillo Rafael
May 30, 2024 12:43 pm
TYH is the best since they read comments and don’t have contempt for their audience.
I like my Metal like I don’t like my people – Black
re: Raisi maybe being assassinated – yeah I had just watched a Mearsheimer thing where he stressed israel’s strategic commitment to ‘escalation dominance’, like the _day_ before le helicopert. Then thinking, well, they’ve lost escalation dominance in pure/basic military terms clearly…could this have been a demonstration they’ve still got it on other levels?
“some comment from [sounded like collatz]…nah, let’s skip that, we’ve been talking about it endlessly” No intention to make you talk about some other folks or drama if I understand what you’re referring to (only made one comment in the last few shows, so I’m guessing it was that guy w/ a both-sides take). And sure, people have done the topic to death, but that guy generally seems quite on-the-ball and I assumed it would’ve been at least a more interesting well-grounded version of the case for that stance.
+ [comments on the original thread are locked I guess, but] …yeah it absolutely is a mixed bag esp. in the past couple years. I still usually at least start to listen, and do get something out of it often enough.
This was a very entertaining episode. The part about being around blacks was very funny.
Nice to hear Anglo is a lobotomycore enjoyer
This guy’s observation about the inverse relationship between Super Smash Brothers skill and human decency is absolutely spot on. The people I knew who were good at it were absolute POS’s.
My buddy did the CO2 canister thing. Drilled a big hole in the sink and ran the tube in so it dispensed with a little sprayer. I don’t like carbonation myself, but it has grown on me.
Why can’t I download this?
There are no femcel dating apps, there are only gayops, and those too dumb to see it.
DrinkMate is a great SodaStream alternative that actually often gets better reviews.
I don’t know about N64s in McDonalds, but real Millennials will remember N64s in hotel rooms. I played Super Mario 64 several times while on trips with my family when I was a child. You had to give them money to save, but if you were good at the game you don’t die much, so you just collect some lives and play as normal.
Geez, even the Tardy Boys are getting in on this Nick Rekieta shit I guess?
On the Work Ethic Question (The WEQ), you have to thread a fine line. On the one hand you can’t put in so much work that you don’t have any energy for self-development and relaxation, but doing too little is a sort of brain rot. If you’re coming home and don’t want to do anything else but sleep you need to work less, slack off, be a Montenegrian. Also keep in mind that putting in minimum effort for a huWite man is equivalent to putting in a lot of effort for a random brown person. I find in my work… Read more »
I was an anti-Trump, anti-TRS conspiracy wignat in 2016 (didn’t subscribe until 2018) and trying to warn everybody about how Trump’s Zionist billionaire pal Stewart “Stewie Rah Rah” Rahr had launched the ShouldTrumpRun.com website in 2011 and how Trump’s campaign was being directed by Michael Glassner, who had been involved in Larry Silverstein’s acquisition of the World Trade Center. Even though I was anti-Jew enough to be anti-Trump I still was falling for a lot of the dumb shit of the time, though: the threat of “Aztlan”; taking various random Twitter accounts at face value as allies; various conspiratardism; Breitbart… Read more »
I also want to expel the jew from all of Hellas!
I had to work with a turd once for three days. During work he suggested going out to dinner with our wives/girlfriends. I laughed in his face.
Kefalo, domades and Kalamata olives are my favorite sides. And are great added to a salad also.
Our demands are simple. Kick the turds out of Cyprus and take back Aiga Sophia and Constantinople!
who’s this new nicker?
I seem to remember seeing an Xbox in a McDonalds at one point. I think the last time I was actually inside a McDonalds was about 15 years ago.
I got a question.
Should the girls wear a skirt or a summer dress in summer?
I seriously thought about going to that third world town where they had a street dog vs monkey war going on and fighting for the side of dogs… yea nigga !
TYH is the best since they read comments and don’t have contempt for their audience.
I need to think of some good question to ask…….
Rhizome be a root yo
Rhizome is an always already queer schizoid trajectory, God is a rhizome, etc. *hits blunt*
Greek bois don’t season dey cheese
Only 1 day has passed from the previous episode in Nick time